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38 European Projects Found

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BrennerLEC - Brenner Lower Emissions Corridor (LIFE BrennerLEC)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2021,

Background Road transport contributes greatly to the inventory of atmospheric greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions. In general, it is responsible for around 60% of NOx emissions. In regional terms, considering only road transport emissions, traffic on the regional section of the A22 highway causes 41% of NOx emissions. The EU’s ambient Air Quali ...
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Flood Risk ANticipation and Communication in the Alps (LIFE FRANCA)

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Background Recent hydro-geological events in Italy, such as floods and landslides, have increased public awareness of the link between climate change and the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. The EU Floods Directive requires Member States to produce flood risk maps for all watercourses and coastlines and to take adequate and coordinated ...
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REsources from URban BIo-waSte (RES URBIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

RES URBIS aims at making it possible to convert several types of urban bio-waste into valuable bio-based products, in an integrated single biowaste biorefinery and by using one main technology chain. This goal will be pursued through: - collection and analysis of data on urban bio-waste production and present management systems in four territorial clusters that have been selected in different cou ...
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Background Conflicts between humans and brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations in Slovenia remain an ongoing threat to the conservation status of bears and steps must be taken to improve coexistence. Measures need to tackle such challenges as a lack of understanding of bears’ socio-economic and environmental value, inflated estimations of the risk of bea ...
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Future Classroom Lab Regional Network

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

FCLregio (Future Classroom Lab Regional Network) is a three year Strategic Partnership project co-ordinated by Trento (PAT) and European Schoolnet (EUN), a pan-European network of 30 national Ministries of Education, and involving two more regions that are at the forefront of innovating with ICT in schools – Catalonia (GENCAT-ENS) and Gothenburg (GR). Over the last 16 years within EUN, national ed ...
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...s territory is within the network of protected areas and 80% of the province's municipalities include at least one protected area. The current ‘multipurpose’ ecological network developed at provincial level, the Trentino Ecological Network: (TEN) contains 12 ‘Reserve Networks’, which are recognised by the provincial law 11/07. These networks aim to decentralise biodiversity management and ...
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NyMPHA project will define the framework of pre-commercial procurement for the provisioning of next generation services advocated for mental health treatment with a special focus on bipolar disorder based on the use of new technologies, open standards and open platforms. In particular, NyMPHA will focus on a first instance in identifying the different requirements involved in the structuring of me ...
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School and WOrk-Related Dual learning

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Connection and transition from school/training to work constitute the main step for the insertion of young people, for improving their employability, and acquiring the skills adequate to the requests coming from the labour market. All the European countries are currently facing severe problems of skill gap for the young people just out of their training life. As far as the transition from school ...
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Background The excessive use of chemical de-icers for winter road maintenance can lead to severe environmental damage and jeopardise the protection of natural ecosystems close to busy roads. Several studies have demonstrated already that road salt has a negative impact on the surrounding environment – with short- and long-term damage to aquatic systems, ...
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Centre for ExcelleNce in TerRItorial management and Cadastre (CENTRIC)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

Unlike most European countries, Romania does not have yet a general cadastre. Such a deficiency represents a critical element for the economy of the country, since it makes legal contracts, such as land purchasing, very difficult to be implemented. Starting from such a complex scenario, CENTRIC aims –in the long term- at the creation in Romania of the new Centre of Excellence on territorial manag ...
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Intercultural and interreligious dialogue have like the last dramatic occurrences in Europe demonstrate great relevance. This applies also to the Youth work. Youth worker have to create intercultural learning areas and have to be competent in intercultural Situations. YOIN Morocco 2015 offered 28 experts of the international and intercultural Youth work the possibility to meet a Muslim country, th ...
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Fusepool Publish-Process-Perform Platform for Linked Data (Fusepool P3)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

To make publishing and processing of linked data easy, the proposed project develops a set of integrated software components based on open-source Linked Data Platform best practices. The tightly integrated components support the multilingual data value chain from data exploration (e.g. identifying structured and unstructured data sources), extraction (e.g. using named entity recognition, RDF conv ...
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Background The beneficiary has already taken part in LIFE Nature projects aiming at protecting the population of brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Italy. These bears, which almost disappeared from the country in the last decades of the 20th Century, still appear to be under threat as a result of a lack of robust scientific knowledge, habitat degradation, and ...
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The research, training and mobility programme in Trentino (Trentino)

Start date: Jun 25, 2009, End date: Jun 24, 2014,

Trentino is the right bay for research and development. It hosts a large number of research labs from environmental studies to high-tech technologies. The Province of Trento allocates several resources such as infrastructure, real estate and funds to encourage research and innovation. Many institutes, both public and private, local, national and international have established their research units ...
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VIADVENTURE is based on the results of the VIA ALPINA project, developed within Interreg IIIB Alpine Space from 2001 to 2004. This project has established the Via Alpina "product", a network of hiking trails throughout the Alps, complete with basic information documents, an on-line database and specific marking and information panels along the trails. Also, it produced an international Quality Gui ...
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The project will improve and integrate instruments to support the management of environmental resources in alpine areas, in particular water. This goal will be achieved by adopting innovative techniques for monitoring and reconstructing the time evolution of meteo-hydrological processes.The competence areas of the partners cover uniformly the central-eastern Alps, where the territories of various ...
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Alpine Lakes Network (ALPLAKES)

Start date: Oct 31, 2004, End date: Jan 30, 2008,

The project consists in the creation of a network of local authorities in the alpine area involved on the one hand in the management of natural alpine lakes, and on the other hand in sustainable development and improvement of “lakeside environments”. The networking initiative’s two main concerns are the promotion of tools in favour of the regional planning of the lakes space, the protection of the ...
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VIANOVA with partners from all the 7 Alpine countries is a project that aims to reduce car traffic (shift solo car trips) and at the same time to motivate the inhabitants for non-motorised and sustainable modes of transport based on physical activities (cycling & walking). A cross-sectoral approach (land use planning - mobility – health) will combine measures that fit perfectly to the sensible Alp ...
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The use of modern space based techniques gives us new potential to monitor and prevent natural risk, reduce economic losses, and save lives.The aim of the ALPS-GPSQUAKENET is to build up a high-performance transnational space geodetic network of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers in the Alpine Space. This GPS array, within the millimeter-per-year precision, will represent the first ever ins ...
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The progressive social and economic marginality of the mountain areas is matched with the decreasing offer of goods and services available for inhabitants (especially for the weakest categories).This causes a decrease in the quality of life and local identity: many surveys report that the progressive depopulation of mountain areas is due to the desire to look for services at an urban quality level ...
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Extreme meteorological events originate in one part of the Alps and proceed over or along the alpine crest. The effects of these events are inundations, landslides, avalanches, Föhn storms etc., which do not occur outside of the Alps in this form. The forecasting of these events is limited by the lack of structured communication between the weather services in these areas and the lack of online av ...
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Disaster Information System of ALPine regions (DIS-ALP)

Start date: Jun 30, 2003, End date: Jun 29, 2006,

The management of natural risks in a mountainous environment and the prevention of disasters requires a broad and accessible information basis about former disasters, which is important for interdisciplinary and interregional research and for decisions to prevent disasters and deal with natural risks. But the information needs - defined by the practitioners of spatial planning, risk prevention and ...
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Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 29, 2006,

Information and communication technology (ICT) creates opportunities for rural areas to overcome their economic disadvantages. ANT coaches innovative IT pilot projects and implements transnational (tn) and intraregional networking, know-how transfer and education of "local innovators". The project activities are experimented with in pilot telecentres. A socio-economic analysis will be conducted pr ...
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The project has the following aims:1. The safeguarding and development of sufficiently large habitats in a cross-border alliance is imperative if the biological diversity of the Alps ecological system is to be preserved. This is made evident in particular in the pilot projects Cross-frontier running waters in the Alps and Protection of cross-frontier populations of bats in the Alps. In addition to ...
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The Alpine Space area is characterized by regional economic and spatial disparities.The basic assumption of this project is that by promoting and supporting womens active participation in the local economic development processes this will contribute to achieving a more balanced sustainable development of the Alpine Space and to reducing the present disparities in living conditions of the alpine po ...
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Alpen Corridor South (AlpenCorS)

Start date: Nov 30, 2002, End date: Oct 30, 2005,

Paneuropean corridors are a new definition introduced by E.U. to support both internal market development and new E-W links between E.U. countries and accession countries.Transport and accessibility represent strategic and long term policies for social and economic cohesion of the continent.What is a corridor and how to realize it it’s still an open question, since european space has relevant diff ...
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In the Alpine area the Roman roads, as Via Claudia Augusta (VCA), were the first regular link between the North and the South of Europe. The territory alongside these roads was particularly involved in cultural and economic exchanges and is enriched by several evidence of the past. Today the ancient VCA is an element which brings together different cultures and populations, from the northern Adria ...
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Mitigation of hydro-geological risk in Alpine catchments (CatchRisk)

Start date: Jun 30, 2002, End date: Jul 30, 2005,

The first objective of this project is to create a shared approach for the definition of hydro-geological risk scenarios in Alpine catchments and on alluvial fans. To achieve this all aspects of hydro-geological hazards affecting a catchment will be analysed, in particular: flooding and mass transport phenomena; droughts and aquifer depletion; and landslides, such as rockfalls, soil slips, and deb ...
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Monitoring the Alpine Regions' Sustainability (MARS)

Start date: Jun 30, 2001, End date: Jun 29, 2005,

Development of a database with up to now in this form not developed, yet indicators for monitoring sustainable development of the Alpine Space and all its regions at the NUTS2 level. Analysis of the results as a basis for the formulation of policy recommendation with respect to the promotion of the Alpine Space as a competitive and attractive living and economic space in the scope of a polycentric ...
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The project consists in establishing Via Alpina as the first identified hiking route linking the eight Alpine countries: Italy, Austria, France, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia, Liechtenstein and Monaco. The trail network links sites of high natural and cultural value throughout the Alps and emphasises the common Alpine identity. Multilingual tools are developed to insure its efficient promotion an ...
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NEMOS project - improvement of ALpine wetland areas (Nemos)

Start date: Jan 1, 2002, End date: Sep 30, 2004,

Background The NEMOS project concerns seven SICps, whose total surface area amounts to 193 hectares in the three main valleys running through the southern Alpine area within the territory of the Province of Trento. The prevailing environment in all the sites is wetland habitat. In particular there is valuable alluvial forest, herbaceous river vegetati ...
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According to Italian law, Regions and Autonomous Provinces are responsible for defining models of certification of skills (achieved in non formal and informal contexts).“Moltiplicare competenze con gli stakeholders (MCS)” aims to capitalize previous experimentations, realized at different times at local level, to start the debate across Regions at National level and to identify common elements and ...
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EQF-Praxis and Information Network

Start date: Jan 1, 2011,

The EQF marks a new step for employees in Europe. Comparability and transparency will be important factors for the realisation of employee interests. Trade unions and training providers understand themselves as partners and counsellors of employees and their interests. To match this responsibility the employee oriented organisations have to build up expertise concerning the EQF and its functioning ...
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Guidenet will establish a network of expertise in the field of Vocational Guidance. The network will operate through four separate tiers: Contractor, Core Partner, Permanent Relay Point and Occasional Correspondent and will bring together the expertise of all contributory partners. The network will act as a core information point and centre of expertise drawing upon the position of individual part ...
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The project is a transnational network of social-housing providers which will have two functions: to study and analyse trends affecting types of employment in the public housing sector, and to develop standard European profiles for new occupations that are identified, so that appropriate vocational training courses can be designed. The aim will be to put the network on a permanent footing by estab ...
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Raise the number of mobility processes within the vocational training system is one of the main objectives of the European Commission and one of the priorities for the upcoming 2014-2020 programming period. It is obvious that one of the variables through which the number of vocational training mobilities can be increased will be the ATTRACTIVNESS of these work experiences abroad and therefore thei ...
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The transnational mobility is considered a central issue in the process of making Europe a society and economy based on knowledge that is a reference for the other areas of the world. According to the EU Commission, mobility should be a reality available for all European citizens: in fact, mobility should support people’s employability, should improve skills for life and work, should favor the int ...
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The project (acronym TrACE: TRaining for Activation, Cabability and Empowerment) is aimed at creating a European network of institutional bodies, unions and management working in partnership with the common goal of defining and activating innovative education policies being able to respond to the current economic and employment crises. The partnership is aimed at tackling the issue of vocational e ...
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