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Mitigation of hydro-geological risk in Alpine catchments (CatchRisk)
Start date: Jun 30, 2002, End date: Jul 30, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The first objective of this project is to create a shared approach for the definition of hydro-geological risk scenarios in Alpine catchments and on alluvial fans. To achieve this all aspects of hydro-geological hazards affecting a catchment will be analysed, in particular: flooding and mass transport phenomena; droughts and aquifer depletion; and landslides, such as rockfalls, soil slips, and debris flows. This will lead to the evaluation of hazard and risk both in the catchment and on the alluvial fans. The final objective is to provide guidelines addressed to professionals and administrators to support decisions for improving water management, land use and protection measures planning, and risk management. Dissemination of results will include workshops addressed to professionals, administrators and the public, to inform and increase awareness on hydro-geological risks.
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  • 46.5%   1 187 500,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants