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27 European Projects Found

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Built on an operational partnership with a high level of expertise in the maritime field and in direct relationship with a network of Mediterranean policy-makers, COM&CAP MarInA-Med aims to coordinate communication and capitalisation activities for projects selected under the maritime integrated approach call for proposals of the MED Programme. COM&CAP MarInA-Med is responsible for collecting, pro ...
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Med-IAMER provides recommendations on integrated trans-boundary actions required to mitigate environmental risks in the Mediterranean Sea by putting together knowledge on regional Coastal and Maritime Environmental Pressures (CMEP) and by assessing their gaps. It proposes data Integration and analysis approaches, and maps the condition of existing trans-boundary mechanisms to mitigate these risks, ...
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Start date: Jan 13, 2013, End date: Jan 13, 2015,

Lobjectif du projet est la capitalisation et le développement du réseau transfrontalier sur les risques naturels dans les territoires des Alpes Occidentales pour développer une identité transfrontalière. La stratégie retenue est de mener une réflexion commune sur des concepts tels que la «culture du risque» (facteur important didentité transfrontalière) et le «risque soutenable».
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Start date: Aug 10, 2011, End date: Oct 30, 2013,

Récupération, sélection et valorisation des biodiversités agraires appropriées à la culture biologique et appartenant au patrimoine génétique des territoires transfrontaliers pour la constitution dun réseau dagriculteurs gardiens, pour promouvoir la connaissance, la production, la diffusion et la consommation des biodiversités.
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Sustainable Instruments for Lakes Management in the Alpine Space (SILMAS)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Aug 30, 2012,

Natural and artificial lakes are a main characteristic of the Alpine Space and belong, with their catchment areas, to the European heritage.During last decades, authorities in charge of lakes management worked to preserve and restore this heritage and its natural resources. They now have to anticipate climate change impacts.SILMAS, by exchanging good practices and testing new methods, will supply ...
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The concept appears to be well adapted to address the recurrent challenges of the Mediterranean forest. A model forest is a « development process based upon partnership, through which individuals and groups representing a diversity of values work together in a common vision for the sustainable development of a landscape in which forests represent a critical feature ». The objective of the FORÊT MO ...
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New Regional governance of the Euromed area (Medgovernance)

Start date: May 14, 2009, End date: Nov 14, 2011,

MEDGovernance is proposed by some of the most relevant regions of the area; it is aimed to analyse, to experiment, to realise and to capitalise an appropriate model of multilevel governance useful for States and Regions to support a polycentric and sustainable development of EuroMed area. The proposal is born from a supporting action from prestigious research institutes to the involved regions, it ...
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Start date: Jan 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Le projet s’intéresse aux systèmes de transport de tous types en vue d’améliorer l’accès aux réseaux et de garantir l’intermodalité. Il vise à contribuer à l’amélioration des niveaux d’accessibilité aux transports, de l’échelle transnationale à l’échelle locale, pour favoriser la mobilité des personnes et des marchandises. Les actions du projet constituent, dans leur ensemble, un dessein organique ...
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Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Le projet PAMEL@ a pour ambition daffirmer lIdentité Economique de lArc Méditerranéen Latin et de rendre lisibles les enjeux du développement économique de son territoire, en sappuyant sur les possibilités de communication apportées par les Technologies de lInformation. Il doit permettre de déployer la réflexion et lanalyse sur la réalité économique de lArc méditerranéen latin en sintéressant en p ...
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Start date: Apr 30, 2007, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

The project involves international experts of the transportation and logistic field and who will work with the following objectives: • Underline and demonstrate the strategic role of intermodal trans-port in the opti-misation of the goods flow in the logistic chain, • Affirm the concept of a multimodal platform as a strategic node in the logistic chain, • Demonstrate the possible impact of multimo ...
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The years 2004 and 2005 have been catastrophic with regard to forest fires around the Mediterranean.This return of serious fires makes it necessary to consider, on a Euro-Mediterranean scale, the efficiency of policies adopted and how they fit in with planning in the regional territories. These territories are increasingly exposed to the risk of fire for a number of reasons: • Development and poor ...
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Le but du projet est de comprendre dans quelle mesure et avec quels instruments les Etats membres et les Pays tiers peuvent contribuer, approfondir et définir les thèmes concernant laménagement du territoire contenus dans: - Les nouvelles priorités européennes exprimées dans les déclarations de Lisbonne et de Göteborg - Le SDEC en ce qui concerne les spécificités de lespace méditerranéen et les pr ...
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The development of regionalisation has gone hand in hand with a significant reinforcement of regional identities. Nevertheless, certain major issues require global responses with regards to the globalisation of markets, distribution, and consumer attitudes towards food,which are leading to reduced consumption of fruit and vegetables.To counteract this trend, many promotion actions have been conduc ...
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The historical pattern and socio-economic system of towns and villages in Alpine space are important both for local culture and European identity The aims of the project are to protect and enhance that common heritage, improving the knowledge on characteristic features of historical alpine settlements and promoting integrated sustainable policies for interventions, taking into account different a ...
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S.I.M.T : Integrated System of Territorial Marketing (S.I.M.T)

Start date: Oct 29, 2002, End date: Oct 29, 2004,

« S.I.M.T » sintéresse à la protection du territoire et à la valoristion de son identité culturelle afin de garantir un tourisme durable et de qualité. Le projet entend mettre en oeuvre, par le biais dun système de marketing, un instrument de support aux politiques des régions de lespace Medocc vouées au développement dun tourisme durable. Pour cela, le projet met en relation lactivité dobservatio ...
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« DAUTIC » s’intéresse à la diffusion des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) au sein des entreprises. Le projet vise à créer une communauté virtuelle de PME européennes sur Internet, à optimiser l’appropriation et l’utilisation des TIC par les entreprises pour les échanges économiques transnationaux, et à développer les coopérations économiques entre régions européennes. Le ...
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Local communities are key actors in addressing and implementing the goals for increased Energy Efficiency (EE) and promotion of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) which are contributing to achieving the 20/20/20 targets set by the EU. MED cities and regions have prepared their local energy strategies and action plans, but they are facing several obstacles hindering their efficient implementation. Obst ...
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HOMER focuses on the theme of Open Data, a world-wide policy aiming at making available and exploitable Public Sector Information (PSI). Governments are increasingly recognising the benefits of making their data open and reusable. The first is transparency: simply opening PSI, citizens can be better informed and participate in the decision making process. The second is linked to the economic value ...
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Energy sector SMEs in MED area are considered a strategical development asset for the Area because of their strong link with natural resources available(from sun to wind through water) and the increasing demand of energy coming from the industrial sectors and human communities. The link between energy sectors SMEs and sustainable development is clear to all Actors working for the economic developm ...
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The smart materials here called MAIN, that is the set of -cool roof-� and -cool pavement-� solutions to reduce summer overheating of urban areas caused by sun radiation, are scarcely used due to different motivations or alibis. The project is aimed at intervening in any chain cycle for the use of MAIN. The systemic model MAIN will be implemented in several types of zones: the seaside, plain lands, ...
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ENERGEIA tackles the topic of supporting entrepreneurship in the energy sector. Developing entrepreneurship out of research outputs and competences is a key action that will contribute to reach Europe2020 objectives - in terms of energy consumption from renewable sources and energy savings - direct impacts on EU economic development, wealth creation and employment. Data on the energy sector in Eur ...
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Whilst residential energy consumption in France and Italy is either stable or is decreasing, this is not the case in other MED region countries and is not the case in social housing through the MED region. The introduction of energy certification and labelling of existing buildings and smart meters represents a change in the perception of energy by users and offers an opportunity for proactive cha ...
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EMILIE will strenghten SMEs innovation capacities in the field of energy efficiency in tertiary sector buildings, identifing innovative technologies and know-how extending MED SMEs market positions and leveraging private investments. The project finds its roots in the need to overcome barriers and gaps detected by MARIE and ELIHMED startegic projects in the field of supporting innovation in MED SM ...
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ECOFUNDING aims to create a new structure to promote investment and access to energy and eco-innovation funds in the MED area in a key moment for European strategic development where two factors occur: a major credit and investment crisis and an excessive dependence of the southern Europe economies on energy. Therefore, ECOFUNDING focuses its efforts on three main activity sections. The first set ...
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MEDLAND2020 has as main objective to promote international cooperation towards a common integral land management scheme to protect natural resources in synergy with social and economical valorisation in the Mediterranean. The specific objectives of the project are: 1. Create synergies among projects and partners and build up a -network of networks-� in the Mediterranean context, with all its speci ...
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The project ECO-SCP-MED is a 16-month project which aims at ensure sustainability across the supply chain of the main products and services in the MED area, whose cornerstone is fostering eco-innovation and competitiveness through transnational cooperation, integrating experiences and recommendations towards this objective. ECO-SCP-MED will integrate relevant outputs and mutualize experiences and ...
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Different experiences in MED projects foretell the emergence of a new economic and societal model based on cultural anchoring, open network organizations, innovation mixes (blending advanced technologies with traditional crafts), social learning, and shared values related to sustainability. CreativeMED thus capitalises the outcomes these projects, considering cultural (TEXMEDIN, SOSTENUTO, CHORD, ...
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