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Integrated Actions to Mitigate Environmental Risks in the Mediterranean Sea (Med-IAMER)
Start date: May 31, 2014, End date: May 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Med-IAMER provides recommendations on integrated trans-boundary actions required to mitigate environmental risks in the Mediterranean Sea by putting together knowledge on regional Coastal and Maritime Environmental Pressures (CMEP) and by assessing their gaps. It proposes data Integration and analysis approaches, and maps the condition of existing trans-boundary mechanisms to mitigate these risks, focusing on cooperation and conflicts, and involving regional stakeholders. Med-IAMER proposes an integrated environmental status assessment to mitigate environmental risks to be addressed at trans-boundary scale in the Mediterranean Sea. The approach draws on the main pressures and the conservation level in the Western Mediterranean and the Adriatic-Ionian ecoregions to identify spatial hotspots of environmental pressures. Expected Results: • TECHNICAL REPORT ON DATA (AVAILABILITY,COVERAGE,GAPS,AND DATA MANAGEMENT),INCLUDING MAP SERIES IDENTIFYING REGIONS WITH SPECIFIC PRESSURES AND IMPACTS AS WELL AS FINAL SPATIAL DATA BASE Series of Med-IAMERs thematic factsheets and maps [Knowledge on socio-economic drivers, derived pressures and impacts per ecoregion studied within MED-IAMER] o Eight Factsheets on the Adriatic Ionian ecoregion; o Eight Factsheets on the Western Mediterranean ecoregion; o One factsheet on marine protected areas; o One factsheet on the policy framework evaluation; o One factsheet on cumulative impacts. • SYNTHESIS REPORT ON THE REGIONAL STATE OF THE ART COOPERATION TRAJECTORIES, INCLUDING SUMMARY ON STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE PILOT SITES • SYNTHESIS REPORT OF STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATION, INCLUDING LIST OF STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTED AND MINUTES OF MEETINGS Med-IAMER on-line questionnaire [Stakeholders consultation process]• FINAL REPORT ON MED-IAMER RECOMMENDATIONSIncorporating regional stakeholders inputs on data needs and account for their judgment on the effectiveness of cooperation mechanisms and trans-boundary arrangements put in place to overcome trans-boundary conflicts in the region. So far the final report has not been submitted yet, but in the coming month it will be available on the project´s website.
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