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Sustainable Instruments for Lakes Management in the Alpine Space (SILMAS)
Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Aug 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Natural and artificial lakes are a main characteristic of the Alpine Space and belong, with their catchment areas, to the European heritage.During last decades, authorities in charge of lakes management worked to preserve and restore this heritage and its natural resources. They now have to anticipate climate change impacts.SILMAS, by exchanging good practices and testing new methods, will supply its 15 partners with efficient tools for reaching goals of the frame directives (Water and Natura 2000) and the Alpine Convention:- creation of a virtual laboratory, to define current ecological state of the lakes and anticipate changes due to climatic and biological dynamics,- assessment of existing governance tools dealing with regulation of land/resources and conflicts solving, then testing decision-making instruments in different lakes sites,- production of information and education tools for sustainable lakes management and uses, dedicated to decision makers, stakeholders and young publics. Achievements: All SILMAS partners are actively involved in the different activities. Results of scientific studies on climate change consequences on alpine lakes will be submitted to scientific validation process. A scientific committee is formed, and a first meeting will be held during the autumn. The partners work to adapt these scientific results into scenarios describing the reality for the climate changes' consequences on alpine lakes. Studies on different approaches to solve conflicts were discussed and validated by the partnership during internal meetings. Education activities are also developed for the project. Training sessions were implemented successfully in Slovenia and in Austria, and will go on in autumn in Italy. The serious game was tested during an internal meeting, and presented with success during the Mid Term conference.[uid]=30&tx_txrunningprojects_pi1[view]=singleView
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  • 76%   2 478 354,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

14 Partners Participants