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35 European Projects Found

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Increase in antibiotic resistance is a global concern worldwide. The project NAREB's main objective is the optimization of several nanoformulations of antibacterial therapeutics in order to improve the therapy of multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) and MRSA infections in European MDR patients.NAREB will address the problem of drug bioavailability inside the infected macrophages, transport ...
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"The key objective of the M4CO2 project is to develop and prototype Mixed Matrix Membranes based on highly engineered Metal organic frameworks and polymers (M4) that outperform current technology for CO2 Capture (CO2) in pre- and post-combustion, meeting the energy and cost reduction targets of the European SET plan.By applying the innovative concept of M4 by a consortium of world key players, con ...
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Hierarchical Self Assembly of Polymeric Soft Systems (SASSYPOL)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

"The production of the next generation of functional soft systems and materials capable of meeting the current and future demands of society in a sustainable manner will require both new technologies and highly trained scientists. Supramolecular chemistry provides a powerful approach to develop new self-assembled materials with emerging properties, such as healability, recyclability and facile pro ...
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Water Public Innovative Procurement Policies (WATERPIPP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Water Public Innovation Procurement Policies (WaterPiPP) is about exploring new public innovation procurement methodologies and testing it in water sector in the context where European innovation potential in the water sector is blocked by a number of bottlenecks and barriers.Public procurement represents around 19% of the EU’s GDP, an important lead market for innovators in particular in the wate ...
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Future advancements in ICT domain are closely linked to the understanding about how multi-level complex systems function. Indeed, multi-level dependencies may amplify cascade failures or make more sudden the collapse of the entire system. Recent large-scale blackouts resulting from cascades in the power-grid coupled to the control communication system witness this point very clearly. A better unde ...
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ESTEEM2 is an integrated infrastructure of electron microscopy facilities providing access for the academic and industrial research community in the physical sciences to some of the most powerful characterization techniques available at the nanoscale. Transnational access to ESTEEM2 centres is obtained through a transparent, simple peer review process based on merit and scientific priorities. Serv ...
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Flowering plants are important because they underpin much of planetary ecology, priming the food chains that power terrestrial ecosystems, and providing us with most of our material needs (oxygen, food, fuel, pharmaceuticals, etc). The study of a few highly specialized model plants (such as Arabidopsis) has been a particularly powerful paradigm for understanding the functional biology of plants. T ...
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Wine market is very competitive. EU producers need to reduce production costs and increase their sustainability standard while improving the quality of their wine. Wine stability is one of the most important quality parameters. To avoid formation of cloudiness or precipitates in bottled wines, producers preventively treat it by mean of physical methods or additives. The present practices for tarta ...
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Mathematical framework for multiplex networks (PLEXMATH)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The aim of PLEXMATH is that of formulating a brand new mathematical framework for the analysis of multi-level time-dependent complex networks in terms of tensor-like structures, in particular rank-four objects that represent with four indices the most general structure of possible connections. Generally speaking, our goal is similar to that of Maxwell equations when representing the foundation of ...
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Enhancing biomass utilization without risking its sustainability is a European energy priority, and can be linked to targets for curbing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020 and 50% by 2050: enhanced energy security and integration with other industrial sectors, such as agriculture, also play a role. Improved use of biofuels and products in advanced biomass conversion units and biorefineries ar ...
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The CRONOS project seeks to develop a quantitative, flexible and fully atomistic theory of ultrafast dynamics in real materials. Our effort will create the necessary knowledge for advancing two technological areas crucial for the economic future of Europe and the well being of its citizens: new materials for solar energy harvesting and ultra-high density magnetic data storage. In particular we wil ...
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Safety in Use and Emerging Technologies in Food Packaging (SAFEMTECH)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

SAFEMTECH proposal has two main scientific objectives: a) The study of the safety in use of adhesives produced at the company GOGLIO and used in the production of food packaging materials, and b) The development of active and intelligent packaging systems at industrial level. GOGLIO is a multinational company that involves the whole food packaging chain, as they produce adhesives, printing inks, v ...
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AMerican Bridge for the Excellence in Research with Europe (AMBER)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"The aim of AMBER is the implementation of precise and sustainable actions to increase the researchers’ mobility between Latin America and Europe. These actions would improve the intercontinental mobility providing continuity to those researchers who currently develop their activity in Europe, facilitating the return of European investigators avoiding the brain drain, and attracting high-skilled s ...
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The Socientize project will coordinate all the agents involved in the citizen science setting the basis of this new open science paradigm promoting the usage of the infrastructures composed by dedicated and external resources which are based on scientists and amateur people. It will set a network where infrastructure providers and scientific researchers will join with the society recruiting volunt ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

Description The PlanetData project aims to establish an interdisciplinary, sustainable European community of researchers, helping organizations to expose their data on the Web PlanetData will push forward the state-of-the-art in large-scale data management and its application to the creation of us ...
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SCIentific gateway Based User Support (SCI-BUS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

SCI-BUS will create a generic-purpose gateway technology as a toolset to provide seamless access to major computing, data and networking infrastructures and services in Europe including clusters, supercomputers, grids, desktop grids, academic and commercial clouds. SCI-BUS will elaborate an application-specific gateway building technology and customisation methodology based on which user communiti ...
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"The aim of the present project is to explore different synthesis strategies to obtain silicon nanocrystals and carbon nanodots with luminescent properties as alternative to conventional fluorescent biomarkers or other light-emitting semiconductor nanoparticles containing heavy metals known as quantum dots. Nanostructured silicon can provide appealing properties such as size and wavelength-depende ...
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Start date: Apr 10, 2009, End date: Jun 8, 2014,

"Oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) is the metabolic process that provides most of the energy usable by the cells. OXPHOS couples two sets of reactions, respiration and ATP synthesis. Respiration consists in the sequential transfer of electrons carried out by the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) complexes I (CI), II (CII), III (CIII), and IV (CIV). The proton gradient generated during respira ...
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Description DON'T WALK ALONE, JOIN THE GLOBAL SCIENCE EXCURSION!Scientists Meet TeachersIt is the vision of the GLOBAL excursion project that students and teachers can explore science in innovative, virtual excursions to science labs where they interact with scientific infrastructure, material and data as well as the scientists themselves ...
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"With 14.4 million prevalent cases and 1.7 million deaths tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the most serious infectious diseases to date. An estimated 2 billion people are believed to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and at risk of developing disease. Multi- and extensively drug resistant strains are increasingly appearing in many parts of the world, including Europe. While with current ...
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In 2010, the TOP500 project, which ranks and details the 500 (most powerful known computer systems in the world since the year of 1993, announced that the world's most powerful computer system is Tianhe 1A in China ( This project aims at establishing a strategic collaboration with the host and developer of this computer system in China to explore a range of res ...
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Bismuth and Graphene Nanostructures for Spintronics (BIGNSPIN)

Start date: Apr 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

"This proposal addresses new scientific challenges in spintrontronics, with the focus on the miniaturization of magnetic sensors. Bismuth crystals and graphene layers show anomalously high Fermi wave length and mean free path. This allows us the observation of electron confinement effects in the length scale of nano-lithography techniques. Both systems can be grown and processed on Si-based substr ...
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The goal of this proposal is the development of a totally new type of reagent/instrumentation system based on a Nanobiosensor that Prof. Josephson and Prof. Weissleder have developed and termed “magnetic relaxation switches” (MRS). We propose to apply MRS for two different objectives: 1) detection of microorganisms through their specific sequences on their rRNA (outgoing phase); 2) identification ...
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II Researchers in real life (RSCNZGZ12)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

"""II Researcher in real life"" is directly related to two main ideas: Researchers are common people, and research is a link to a better understanding of daily topics. We want to wake up people to a fresh view of research through people who make is real.Esciencia Science Events, which will coordinate this project, will use all tools of success of the first edition. Esciencia is a SME which born a ...
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"Objective: The ENERGY proposal addresses HEALTH-2007-3.3-1: Promoting healthy behaviour in children and adolescents. It will be specifically focussed on promoting health behaviours that contribute to prevention of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents. Strategy: The project will use a multidisciplinary analysis of determinants and intervention schemes on extrinsic and intrinsic f ...
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Recent figures from WHO and ETSC reveal frightening statistics on road traffic accidents across Europe and beyond • 1.2 million people worldwide are killed in road crashes each year with up to 43,000 dying in Europe • Up to 50 million are injured with at least 600,000 hospital admissions on a European level directly attributed to road traffic accidents. This costs European society approximately 16 ...
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European approach to GEOSS (EUROGEOSS)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

EuroGEOSS demonstrates the added value to the scientific community and society of making existing systems and applications interoperable and used within the GEOSS and INSPIRE frameworks. The project will build an initial operating capacity for a European Environment Earth Observation System in the three strategic areas of Drought, Forestry and Biodiversity. It will then undertakes the research nec ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

Main objectives of ReCosy are the sound understanding of redox phenomena controlling the long-term release/retention of radionuclides in nuclear waste disposal and providing tools to apply the results to Performance Assessment/Safety Case. Although redox is not a new geochemical problem, different questions are still not resolved and thus raised by implementers and scientists. From a top-down appr ...
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Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services (TAS3)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

The TAS3 (Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services) proposes an Integrated Project that will develop and implement an architecture with trusted services to manage and process distributed personal information. This architecture will be dependable, robust but at the same time also cost-effective and reliable. The personal information that will be processed and managed can consist of any typ ...
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Natural Antimicrobials For Innovative and Safe Packaging (NAFISPACK)

Start date: Nov 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

"The main objective of the present project is to develop novel packaging technologies that will avoid/reduce and detect the growth of pathogens and spoilage microoganism responsible for product lost in perishable food products of interest: fresh fish, fresh chicken and minimally processed vegetables (MPVs). The target foods were selected among many, for different reasons: the consumption of MPVs i ...
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Description EUWB – Coexisting Short Range Radio by Advanced Ultra-Wideband Radio TechnologyMain ObjectivesEUWB is an industry-led initiative of 21 major industrial and excellent academic organisations all around Europe and Israel. Its key objective is to explore the enormous economic potential of innovative and disruptive radio technology ...
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"Improvements in TB control require the development of new tools for rapid and accurate diagnosis and intervention. This development is likely to benefit from more detailed knowledge of microbe-host relationships during infection. Following M. tuberculosis infection, only 5-10% of immunocompetent individuals develop TB. It is increasingly thought that the virulence of the infecting strain, togethe ...
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"The PEMFC represents one of the most promising technologies in the field of fuel cells. One of the keys to the success of the PEMFC technology is the development of improved electrolyte membrane materials which can be produced in mass and can operate within a temperature range of 130-200ºC. The ZEOCELL project will develop a nanostructured electrolyte membrane based on a new composite multifuncti ...
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Start date: Nov 30, 2004, End date: Jun 29, 2007,

Constitution d’un réseau interrégional d’Observatoires de la Société de l’Information dans des Territoires du Sud Ouest européen. Partenariat : Ce réseau est fondé sur un partenariat entre équipes de recherche, acteurs publics locaux, et « observatoires territoriaux de la société de l'information ».
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Lobjectif est la création dun réseau de sécurité alimentaire. Ce réseau donnera des réponses aux besoins et questions tant au niveau scientifique et technique quau niveau industriel dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire. Ce réseau permettra le développement, lexpérimentation et lévaluation de nouvelles méthodes ainsi que léchange et le transfert dexpériences et de savoir-faire des participant ...
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