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14 European Projects Found

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Africa-EU Innovation Alliance for Water and Climate (AfriAlliance)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2021,

The main objective of AfriAlliance is for African and European stakeholders to work together in the areas of water innovation, research, policy, and capacity development to prepare Africa for future Climate Change challenges. There are many but fragmented initiatives and networks in place, therefore we will not create new but will consolidate existing networks of scientists, decision makers, pract ...
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PCP for Water Smart Metering (SMART.MET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

European Water utilities environment is embedded in a context dealing with global issues such as water scarcity and technical-economic issues such as infrastructure aging. Management of drinking water supply is facing key challenges partly related to traditional water meter, such as managing capital and operational costs; water loss (also known as non-revenue water) due to leaks and other system f ...
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Taking into account the current global water scarcity and the expensive operation and maintenance cost of wastewater treatment, INCOVER concept has been designed to move wastewater treatment from being primarily a sanitation technology towards a bio-product recovery industry and a recycled water supplier. A wastewater specific Decision Support System methodology will be tailored to the INCOVER tec ...
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Objectives1. Improve the competitiveness of the EU industrial sector by reducing 20% energy costs in industrial water processes. (WP4)A total reduction of 26 GWh/year will be achieved at the end of the project implementing energy efficiency measures in the European manufacturing companies.2. Identify saving potentials and benchmark energy performance through an Energy Management Self-Assessment (E ...
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Water Public Innovative Procurement Policies (WATERPIPP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Water Public Innovation Procurement Policies (WaterPiPP) is about exploring new public innovation procurement methodologies and testing it in water sector in the context where European innovation potential in the water sector is blocked by a number of bottlenecks and barriers.Public procurement represents around 19% of the EU’s GDP, an important lead market for innovators in particular in the wate ...
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Le projet en brefTous les acteurs de la gestion des déchets en Méditerranée sont confrontés à la croissance du volume à traiter, à l'évolution des normes réglementaires à respecter ou des objectifs nationaux et communautaire à atteindre. Lintérêt porté à la valorisation des déchets est renforcé par la crise de lénergie, la diminution des ressources naturelles et à une législation de plus en plus s ...
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Dissemination and uptake of FP water research results (WaterDiss2.0)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

The implementation of the Water Framework Directive is not a “Business-as-usual approach”, and needs new knowledge and know-how, but it is demonstrated that the actual connection between research and policy is not efficient.The concept of the project is to add an intermediate step after research, like a marketing team in the industry.This “step-further” will be developed closely with the stakehold ...
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Background The implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and related directives, such as the Floods Directive, is a priority. It is now known that less than 40% of water bodies will meet the ‘Good Ecological Status’ requirements set by the WFD by 2015. New knowledge and expertise is needed to introduce the necessary innovations for meeting ...
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Most countries in European Union are suffering severe water scarcity caused by a negative balance between water resources and water demands. A sustainable management of hydrological resources results totally necessary, as it is established by the European Water Framework Directive (60/2000/EC), which makes compulsory for every water management authority in EU to prepare a river basin management pl ...
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Sustainable Management of residual waters in rural areas (DEPURANAT)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2007,

In the rural zones with low population densities which are characteristic of the Atlantic Area, the absence of a system for treating water residues leads to the dumping of effluents in nearby natural areas, leading to diffuse pollution in these zones which are of great ecological value. In this context, DEPURANAT proposes to put together a system for the sustainable management of waste water, enco ...
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The 5-year project, involving 13 partners from Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, and with a lead partner in Saarbrücken, seeks to develop two interrelated issues of sustainable water management and the involvement of stakeholders and the civil society in the decision-making process - both issues were recently integrated into the Water Framework Directive. The overall object ...
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Professionals in the water sector have a water-specific vocabulary (water supply, purification of urban, rural and industrial effluent, and the integrated management of water resources). Foreign language courses do not include the specialised vocabulary.The AQUA'Lingua project is designed to create a language learning tool for water professionals. To this end the partnership includes sectoral play ...
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The PROWAT project aims at developing new methods and techniques of the water-management-system, including strategy development to reduce the non-revenue water as well as the application of new systems in the design of drinking water network distribution system preventing loss of water by leakages. More specifically, the project will develop a set of training modules and software tool that can be ...
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The specific objective of the project is to define and test on a large scale whether it would be appropriate to introduce a course of continuous training for managerial staff in the water sector, which would be based on creating and promoting a virtual learning community. This approach should make it possible to bring together participants who have little contact with each other, young managers, s ...
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