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36 European Projects Found

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Citizen Led Air pollution Reduction in Cities (CLAiR-CITY)

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2020,

CLAiR-City will apportion air pollution emissions and concentrations, carbon footprints and health outcomes by city citizens’ behaviour and day-to-day activities in order to make these challenges relevant to how people chose to live, behave and interact within their city environment. Through an innovative engagement and quantification toolkit, we will stimulate the public engagement necessary to a ...
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Social Inclusion, Education and Urban Policy for Young Children

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The project Social inclusion, Education and Urban Policy for Young Children approaches and connects important questions from three different angles:- How do teachers and social educators/pedagogues deal with growing diversity (ethnic, cultural, economic, social, etc.) in the group of children they are working with? If the ambition is that most children are included/integrated and can play, learn a ...
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SEED is designed to ensure the successful launching of a highly visible and sustainable European-level award scheme rewarding innovative solutions that demonstrate a significant impact on the quality of life of the ageing population. The new award scheme will rely upon a carefully prepared conceptual and operational approach. A positive narrative will be developed suitable to effectively mobilise ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The ATHENA project brings together major user communities with world leading experts in crisis management and experts and technology developers of mobile and social media use and development. The goal of the ATHENA project is to deliver two major outputs that will enable and encourage users of new media to contribute to the security of citizens in crisis situations and for search and rescue actio ...
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The overarching goal of AFE-INNOVNET is to set up a large EU wide community of local and regional authorities (LRAs) and other relevant stakeholders who want to work together to find smart and innovative evidence based solutions to support active and healthy ageing and develop age-friendly environments (AFE).Many innovative solutions supporting active and healthy ageing have been developed as pilo ...
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Background In Slovenia, a lack of appropriate management over the last 50 years has led to wetland loss and degradation. During this period many wetland areas were modified and drainage systems were constructed, especially for agricultural land and forests. Between 1973 and 1991, more than 70 000 ha of lowlands were drained. In addition, flood control sch ...
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Sun, water and biomass are a natural capital of the Alpine Space. It is a must to use them for the production of energy. Besides intelligent grids, storage systems will be key enablers for a future mostly renewable energy supply.Electric vehicles (EV) will be integral elements of the future energy system. Their batteries can be charged with excessive power from intermittent energy sources and elec ...
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HISTorical assets and related landsCAPE (HISTCAPE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Historic towns and their landscapes are a unique part of Europe’s identity. While Europe’s 500 million population is concentrated in larger settlements 80% of its territory is rural in character. These landscapes, developed over centuries, are home to a dispersed pattern of smaller historic towns. HISTCAPE focuses on these historical assets – some 4,500 small towns of under 20k population which ha ...
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Water resources are under increasing pressure originating from land use and climate change. Accompanied with economic changes in the SEE region the land use pattern is expected to change, too. Both processes will have severe impacts on water resources in general and drinking water resources in particular. CC-WARE aims at developing an integrated transnational strategy for water protection and miti ...
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Rail Hub Cities for South East Europe (RAIL4SEE)

Start date: Apr 30, 2012, End date: Oct 30, 2014,

The challenge that the RAIL4SEE partners share is the development of models, concepts, measures, harmonised strategies and policy actions targeted to the improvement of rail and intermodal transport in SEE. In particular partners call for complementary interventions facing the alleviation of barriers for rail hubs integration in the local, regional, transnational and TEN-T systems, transport servi ...
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Adriatic - Danube - Black Sea multimodal platform (ADB multiplatform)

Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

The idea of the project is to develop and promote environmentally friendly, multimodal transport solutions from the ports in the SEE programme area (Black Sea, Aegean, Adriatic) to inland countries and regions along a selected pilot transnational network. This will be done by developing and establishing a "multimodal transport development platform", which integrates different regions and stakehold ...
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1. Background and objectives Access to information, broadband connectivity and financing of virtual accessibility are key components necessary for the development, adoption and use of ICT in the economy and society. Inadequacies in the telecommunication infrastructure and accessibility to services among the individual countries and regions of the programme area hamper significantly competitiveness ...
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The main problem addressed is the marginalization that a major transport infrastructure (MTI) can cause to alpine areas. The project aims at making mountain areas catch the opportunities of MTIs, rather than just suffer their environmental and social impact, targeting the phases of piloting and policy implementation.The project foresees the elaboration of an unbiased method to measure the value of ...
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As population of our cities grow, so does land area and this result in increase of an average temperature. The buildings and roads absorb temperature produced during the day, like giant heaters, and store it. The energy is then released during the night time. This often means a big difference in the temperature between city and its surrounding areas.This phenomenon is called the Urban Heat Island ...
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MARIE aims to establish the socio-economic conditions for Energy Efficiency (EE) improvement in the MED. Building Stock in the framework of EU policy objectives, overcoming barriers and creating sustainable development opportunities in the MED region. Pil Achievements: ...
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New post-socialist city: Competitive and Attractive (ReNewTown)

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

...den. In case of Nowa Huta in Krakow, the implementation of ArtZONA by the C.K. Norwid Centre is a response to the shortage of space for, and lack of cultural and social events. In Velenje, the municipality renovated public space by engaging citizens in voluntary action as a solution for poor conditions and deteriorated quality of public space between the socialist blocks of flats. In Jižní Město ...
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From wounds of an inconvenient & terrible past, the architectural traces of totalitarian regimes of XX° Century could become an important source of local development, if they were managed & valorized through a trans - national cultural route (in compliance with requisites set out by the Council of Europe with the Resolution n° 12/07) corroborated by tourism cultural products. ATRIUM has been desig ...
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From Industrial Use to Creative Impulse (SECOND CHANCE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

The challenge of globalisation caused a worldwide structural transformation. Global processes had lead to the shifting from an industrial to service oriented society. Hence, deindustrialisation had a great impact on districts with industrial sites and thus were catalyst for the need of the revitalisation of those sites. SECOND CHANCE undertakes the task to foster the regeneration of five brownfiel ...
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...e suitable to the Croatian Government, to establish procedures for accepting the proposal of change of the Slovene decree, to create a demonstration line on the level of one street in the area of the Municipality of Krško and in the town of Zaprešić. Also to implement an energy review of public lighting systems in Krško, in the Municipality of Kidričevo, Jastrebarsko and Zaprešič as well as to pro ...
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Renewable Energies for Zero Emission Transport In Europe (REZIPE)

Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

...or recharging the REZIPE e-bikes, of which 15 have been put at the disposal of staffmembers, mainly the urban police. All other users of e-bikes can utilise the infrastructure by registering with the Municipality and installing a charging device on the vehicle. At the same time, the charging station produces clean electricity which is fed into the grid. The pilot implementation of Klagenfurt is ...
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Within global competition cities need to win investors and create more and better jobs. The exploitation of creative industries, which have high, but often unrecognised potentials, contributes to the fulfillment of the Lisbon objectives on local levels. The challenges for creative industry actors are high (low capital endowment, poor networking, low external visibility), though they do not have en ...
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CATCH_MR will explore and adapt sustainable transport solutions for metropolises and their regions.12 partners will take part in the project, representing 7 Metropolitan Regions (MRs): Oslo/Akershus (NO), Gothenburg Region (SE), Berlin-Brandenburg (GE), Vienna/Lower Austria (AU), Ljubljana Urban Region (SL), Budapest/Central Hungarian Region (H), Province of Rome/Lazio Region (I). Efficient, relia ...
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“EU 2020 going local – from detached Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategies to a regionalised indigenous EU 2020” is designed to contribute to the effective implementation of the current Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategies and the new EU 2020 strategy at local and regional level. In particular, this means building on the stock of tried and tested successful experiences at the local implementation of the fo ...
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actical Use of MONITORing in Natural Disaster Management (MONITOR II)

Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: May 29, 2012,

Management of natural hazards constitutes a common challenge in the SEES. Until now, neither hazard mapping nor contingency planning have been transnationally coordinated and defined in a sufficient manner. These gaps will be tackled in MONITOR II with the development of a common methodology and a CSA ("Continuous Situation Awareness") system. The integration of monitoring systems facilitates peri ...
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Climate Change and Impacts on Water Supply (CC-WaterS)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

Climate change (CC) affects fresh water resources and may have significant influence on public drinking water supply. Land use activities exert pressure on water resources and will change according to CC. It is crucial for safeguarding future water supply to anticipate these climate and land use changes and to assess their impacts on water resources. Transnational action is needed to prepare SEE f ...
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To enrich tourist services of the cross-border region with a new, innovative integral Roma cultural-tourist product. To offer to members of the Roma ethnic minority indispensable tools of help for self-help to activate endogenous creative potentials of the Roma and the richness of the Roma cultural heritage for their personal development and the development of the Roma collective as a whole. To st ...
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South East European Mobility Management Scheme (SEE MMS)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

...lity management plan for the city of Lecce• Mobility management plan for the city of Ljubljana• Mobility management plan for the city of Trogir• Mobility management plan for the Municipality of Elefsina• Mobility management plan for the Municipality of Glamoc 2011-2016• Mobility management plan for the Municipality of Varna• SEE MMS training packagesFor more information see:http://www.southeast-eu ...
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Land Use Management for Sustainable European Cities (LUMASEC)

Start date: Sep 25, 2008, End date: May 25, 2010,

Sustainable land use management (managing urban sprawl; fostering attractiveness; strategies for local decision-makers, etc.) Achievements: Documents/reports:Baseline Study30/01/2015Thematic Report I30/01/2015Flyer on LUMASEC30/01/2015Thematic Report II23/01/2015Themati ...
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"The objective of “HUMANITIES ROCK!” is to bring researchers of Humanities and Social Sciences closer to the public at large, enhancing their role in the mainstream society, and to present research as an exciting and attractive endeavour. The Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, which celebrates 90 years of its existence this year, is the most important unit of research in the Humanities and ...
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...hasing of land and because of poor weather conditions during the summer of 2005 and 2006. Good practice recommendations for purchasing farm land from private landowners were drafted by the Municipality of Cerknica, a partner in the project. An innovative bird friendly mowing technique was successfully tested during the project. Initially the farmers reacted negatively to using the new technique, ...
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The main objective of the SAWWTACA project is the improvement and harmonisation of policies and actions aimed at upgrading sewerage networks and wastewater treatment in urban settlements around the Adriatic Sea. The project will, in the first place, create a durable network of local authorities and experts. The network targets a continuous upgrading of the overall awareness and know-how on safegua ...
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The sustainable rehabilitation of the landfill site (LIMNOTOP)

Start date: Nov 1, 2003, End date: Oct 31, 2006,

... Objectives The project sought to apply an eco-remediation methodology at the landfill site of Dobrava, in the agricultural lowland of Pannonia (Municipality of Ormoz) Slovenia. The project aimed to demonstrate a successful “green technology” to reduce the environmental impact of landfill sites through a closed hydrological and pollution c ...
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Thrifty energy master (VGE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2001, End date: Sep 1, 2003,

Background Our work will be executed in six steps: 1.) A selection of small individual heating boilers will be made with a help of local authorities of the city of Ljubljana. At the moment 35 owners of small individual heating boilers already agreed to participate in this demonstration. 2.) Sensors will be mounted at small individual heating boilers. Th ...
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The project aims to develop the capacity of partner country universities to serve the needs of society at large (both state institutions and private sector) by strengthening their links with the labour market and offering programmes promoting entrepreneurship and to develop an academic programme in Entrepreneurship and LED jointly taught by universities in each partner country. The specific object ...
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The URBAX2 project, which follows on from a project carried out in the first phase of the Leonardo Da Vinci programme (URBAX) plans to adapt and re-apply the results of the previous project with the participation of the candidate countries.Since the educational objective is to understand urban planning in a market-economy / private-property context, the network will look at the situation in the va ...
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Holistic treatments to help school dropouts and ex-drug users get back in to community : A Norwegian-led scheme that took a holistic approach to tackling the problem of young people dropping out of school or from higher education, and in some cases, of also helping to rehabilitate former drug users back in to society. The project aims to help both parents and the wider community to understand the ...
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