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MILETUS addresses capacity building in the field of virtual, real and blended mobility runs (MR) at Serbian and TURIL (Territory of the Ukraine as recognized by international law) higher education institutions (HEI). By creating the needed governance on a ministerial and institutional level, MILETUS achieves the improvement of Master graduates’ employability chances in companies working internatio ...
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The severity of natural disasters significantly affect environment, causing extensive damage. The countries of Western Balkan are exposed to a variety of natural hazards including floods, droughts, forest fires, earthquakes, and landslides. The general situation in WB countries is inadequate professional qualification and technological disciplines for education of human resources, the lack of spec ...
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European Human Rights Law for Universities of Ukraine and Moldova

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

Wider objective is to enable Ukraine and Moldova to face the challenges of dealing with Human Rights policies in accordance with EU and international standards through capacity and institutional building measures. By developing and introducing new Bologna-compliant case-oriented master and doctoral curricula, intensive capacity building mechanism and establishing Offices of Student Ombudsman suppo ...
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TUnisian Network for Employability and Development of Graduates' Skills

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

Following the request of the Tunisian Ministry of HE, the project will support the ongoing reform of the HE system by the scaling up of the TEMPUS ISLAH observatory so to include the new coming universities of Tunis, Carthage, Kairouan and Sfax, in the integrated demand supply matching model, designed as to achieve the following results: -collect and analyze data on university and graduates perfor ...
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5TOI_4EWAS project will focus on Targeted Open Innovation in energy, water and agriculture societal challenges through a balanced innovation-friendly ecosystem in the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood (SMN) based on quintuple helix and NEXUS approach. The project will enhance and support regional smart specialization and development by increasing research capacity, effective mobility of young in ...
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IST-Africa (2016 - 2018) (IST-Africa 2016-2018)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

IST-Africa (2016 - 2018) has 4 complimentary objectives focused on strengthening ICT-related research and innovation cooperation between Europe and Africa: 1) Foster greater coordination of research and innovation activities; 2) Strengthen research and innovation linkages, increase awareness of research and innovation capacity and cooperation opportunities, and support mutually beneficial collabor ...
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Continuous Regional Analysis Device for neonate Lung (CRADL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Each year 15 million babies are born prematurely and many suffer from respiratory failure due to immaturity of the lung and lack of control of breathing. Although respiratory support, especially mechanical ventilation, can improve their survival, it also causes severe injury to the vulnerable lung resulting in severe and chronic pulmonary morbidity lasting in to adulthood. Heterogeneity of lung ae ...
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The Partnership for Modernisation between the European Union and Russia states as one of the priority areas to enhance cooperation in innovation, research and development. In this context the 24 consortium members of ERA.Net RUS Plus propose to implement a Single Joint Call for transnational and scientifically excellent research projects in the fields of Nanotechnologies/Materials/Production Techn ...
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European Dimension in Qualifications for the Tourist Sector

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Dissemination strategy will be implemented through scheduled activities throughout and beyond the project life-time. Wider awareness of Bologna culture, EHEA, OS, SQFs and new program will be raised through dissemination events, including conferences, which will be visible to larger audiences through publications in mass media, press-releases, photo gallery of events, audio-visual products, TV and ...
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Establishment and development of a new Master on “ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS” in 3 RU and 2 AM Universities with affiliation of other 2 RU Universities, according to features and learning outcomes delivering graduates environmental and “green buildings” technological issues’ skills. 1. Curricular reform: to implement an effective curricular development oriented towards ...
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...n to real needs of economic and social development of the country. The specific objectives are the following: - establishing of the National Committee on QF in Uzbekistan, together with the national Ministry of Education; - to improve national General Regulations concerning education standards in particular fields, on the basis of QF ideas, Bologna principles and the EU universities' experience; ...
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The motivation behind the Project is to bring together European HEIs which possess and supply cutting-edge developments, innovative learning practices and extensive international experience and HEIs from Partner countries in Central Asia/CA/ which need and demand the same developments, practices and experience. The specific problems of Region 7 would be solved by assuring Accessibility and Harmoni ...
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Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Most agricultural rural areas in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan are characterized by drastic changes in the agriculture and nutrition sector, due to privatization, modernization and increasing differences between large-scale agro-holdings and small holder farms. The importance of rural development and the need to develop perspectives for agricultural land use is both recognized by politics ...
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...ect will specifically focus on developing the following:- new approaches in CPD for academic staff and managers in the HE: running pilots in partner institutions and new programmes recommended to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education of Uzbekistan (MHSSERUZ);- establishing consistency and enhancement of standards of teaching and learning across a variety of subject areas in th ...
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Advocacy Establishment for Students through Ombudsman Position

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Reason for project: 1. Since implementation of Bologna system, students have responsibility to take initiative in managing their academic careers, but they lack the resources to deal with problems arising along the way2. Universities in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine struggle to provide democratic systems for dealing with conflict and student appeals3. Many student conflicts remain unresolved due ...
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Technology in Rehabilitation

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

During last years, rehabilitation activities have been becoming very important since the number of people with disabilities is growing for many reasons, like ageing of the population and increase of chronic diseases. The introduction of leading-edge technologies in the treatment of disabilities is central in order to improve the efficiency of rehabilitation and the access to health-care services. ...
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E-TALEB is a structural project aiming at developing Lebanese Professional Standards in Teaching and Learning and cooperating for innovation and exchange of good practices and experiences relevant to similar frameworks established in Europe.The main objective of this project is to support the initial and continuing professional development of staff engaged in teaching and foster dynamic approaches ...
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MIMIr is primarly designed to aid, assist and soccour partner universities in South Neighbouring Countries to understand the status quo of their innovation and research, performance, efficacy, and practices and devise pathways to overcome impediments, hindrances, fiascos and pitfalls that prevent them from achieving recognised stature in the international landscape. The core tread to accomplish th ...
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RESeaU Méditerranéen pour l’Employabilité

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

This project aims at enhancing and reinforcing the role and potential of HEIs in the development of employability in the Mediterranean countries by adopting a transversal entrepreneurial mind-set at the HEIs and by opening and structuring the dialogue between the universities, the enterprises and the policy makers, addressing in this way the four priority actions established by the EC, OECD and ET ...
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Joint project for the modernization of educational programs in climate engineering, regional priority for Russia and China, national priority for Azerbaijan.3 AIMS IN EACH COUNTRY:Reduce skills gaps on intermediate levels (construction site coordinator, design technician) by improving the employability of students and by perfecting corporate executives.Professionalize teaching programs in line wit ...
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There is a worldwide consensus today on the relevance of quality human resource management (HRM) for the optimisation of Higher Education Institutions’ performance. HEIs are facing increasingly complex contexts which require HRM models able to respond to new challenges in the selection, development and motivation of their staff. HR approaches focused on staff recruitment, organisation of employmen ...
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Harmony project aims to contribute to development of a comprehensive internationalization strategies and their harmonization at EU and Partner Countries (Armenia, Belarus, Russia) within the framework of HEA in accordance with the main provisions of the Bologna Process through modernization of international relation management of the partner countries universities, promoting the academic mobility ...
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Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

STINT emphasizes problems which are related to non conformities of procedures for recognition of qualifications in accordance with international documents within EHEA. Existing legislation in B&H concerning recognition of foreign qualifications hasn't been completely harmonized with Lisbon Recognition Convention. Without harmonized recognition procedures mobility of students, teachers and nonteach ...
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Towards a National Qualifications Framework for Jordan

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The wider objective of the project is to support the structural reform of the higher education system in Jordan, develop a qualifications framework for higher education in line with national priorities, and implement at different institutional levels. NQF-J shall provide a QF for higher education for implementation at institutional level and, importantly, set up the basis for a comprehensive NQF, ...
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Public Health and Health Care in the European Union

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...round at the Higher School of Health Administration, which is a part of the leading institution of higher medical education in Russia – I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University under the Ministry of Health of Russia.Project outputs will include 3 training courses, each course for 100 students, within 3 consecutive years (2015-2017). We will provide the course to those enrolled in existi ...
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Agricultural research in the Mediterranean is characterised by three main features: it is scattered within the EU members and in Mediterranean Partner Countries as well as most of the problems and challenges that the Mediterranean agriculture is facing are shared by all the countries in the area and even further, its objectives are largely the same in the whole area, even if priorities can vary fr ...
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Middle East Research and Innovation Dialogue (MERID)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The MERID project (Middle East Research and Innovation Dialogue) proposes a comprehensive action to intensify and encourage research and innovation cooperation between the EU and the Middle East region, directly involving partners from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine, directly involving partners from Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. The project intends to build up ...
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The 4PRIMA Coordination and Support Action will create the bases and will develop a set of activities aimed at supporting the establishment of a long-term, well-structured and integrated partnership for research and innovation (R&I) on food systems and water resources, among countries from both sides of the Mediterranean Sea (“PRIMA Initiative”). In order to enable a sustainable development in thi ...
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The proposal is aimed at contribution to current reform of Ukrainian system of QA in higher education. The consortium plans to solve the following problems and needs that are crucial for the partner country both at national and institutional levels:-Need in tools ensuring effective functioning of internal and external QA systems-Need in capacity building of HEIs and national QA body through traini ...
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The main aim of the project is to enhance Euro-Mediterranean co-ownership through innovation and competitive research in the societal challenges of the region. The project aims at reducing fragmentation of programming in the Mediterranean region by increasing coordination among national research programmes of European Member States, Associated Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries.Followin ...
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The main aim of the Project is to contribute to the quality of the Euro-Mediterranean research area, with a particular focus on the bi-regional Euro-Mediterranean S&T cooperation, research & innovation, policy dialogue and cooperation monitoring. The proposal aims at tackling the key issues and policy objectives outlined in the Work Programme by creating a dialogue and coordination platform of gov ...
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Future European Tunisian Research Innovation Cooperation (FETRIC)

Start date: Sep 2, 2013, End date: Mar 1, 2017,

The overall objective of the project FETRIC project is to improve the S&T cooperation between EU and Tunisia by strengthening bilateral cooperation between research and innovation actors, especially in the context of the upcoming Horizon 2020 programme and its future evolution. The project is divided into 5 work packages.- WP 1 is dedicated to “support policy dialogue between Tunisia and the EU” b ...
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European Archival Records and Knowledge Preservation (E-ARK)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The goal of the E-ARK Project is to pilot archival services to keep records authentic and usable based on current best-practices. These will address the three main endeavours of an archive – acquiring, preserving and enabling re-use of information. E-ARK will demonstrate the potential benefits for public administrations, public agencies, public services, citizens and business by providing easy and ...
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Strengthening the Anti-Doping Fight in Fitness and Exercise in Youth

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Doping use is an emerging threat in the field of amateur and fitness sports, and adolescents and young adults represent particularly vulnerable populations. Previous EU projects have shown that the existing infrastructure and education against doping in fitness/amateur sports in Europe is very limited, and concerted efforts are needed to effectively tackle doping use in these settings and among yo ...
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In 2007, heads of state and government from Africa and Europe launched the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) formulated in response to geopolitical changes, globalisation and the processes of integration in Africa and Europe. At the heart of the JAES is an overtly political relationship and among the features distinguishing JAES from previous Africa-Europe policy initiatives is the associated actio ...
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"Considering Egypt’s research and political landscape, and with the aspiration to address the current challenges of STI cooperation, ShERACA+, is designed to support the institutional dialogue and foster the collaborative activities between Egypt and the EU in the fields of research and innovation. ShERACA is a word that means partnership in Arabic and is the acronym for ""Shaping Egypt’s associat ...
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IST-Africa Initiative 2014 - 2015 (IST-Africa 2014-2015)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The main objectives of IST-Africa (2014 – 2015) are to· Support implementation of Information Society, ICT and Innovation related aspects of the Africa – EU Strategic Partnership and associated dialogues between the European Commission (EC) and EU Member States with the African Union Commission (AUC), African Member States and other Key Regional Organisations· Foster partnerships between EU and Af ...
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"Marine biofouling can be defined as the colonization of man-made surfaces in seawater by microscopic and macroscopic organisms. This phenomenon can result in great loss of function and effectiveness both for cruising ships and for static constructions. Of special concern is the negative effects of hard foulers such as barnacles, which cause [1]: (i) increased drag resistance resulting in up to 40 ...
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Animal diseases can cause serious social, economic and environmental damage and in some cases also threaten human health. An increasing number of the major disease problems or threats faced by the livestock industry and zoonoses are of a global nature. The overall aim of the global strategic alliances for the coordination of research on the major infectious diseases of animals is to improve coordi ...
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"Aquaculture is widely considered as important for enhancing food security, alleviating poverty and improving nutrition. However, little information is available concerning the direct and indirect impacts of aquaculture on food security and poverty alleviation in most developing countries and LIFDCs. Strengthening the knowledge base surrounding aquaculture and food and nutrition security through t ...
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