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24 European Projects Found

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Heutzutage lebt nur mehr ein Bruchteil der Bevölkerung in ländlichen Regionen oder hat in irgendeiner Form mit Landwirtschaft zu tun. Dies dürfte die Ursache dafür sein, dass die Menschen zunehmend den Bezug zum Boden verlieren. Dabei ist der Boden der bedeutendste Garant für die Sicherung von Lebensmitteln, denn er liefert 90 Prozent unserer Nahrung. Leider wird er auf viele Weisen bedroht. Böden ...
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Das Projekt beinhaltet neben Forschungsaktivitäten zum Thema der konstruktiven internationalen Kommunikation in IT-Projekten und dem Wissensaustauch zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft mit 4 gemeinsam entwickelten Doktoratskursen auch eine Ausbildungskomponente. Die Kurse werden an den Standorten beider Partner stattfinden.
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Die Entwicklung von KMU in den Grenzregionen (Rozvoj podniků)

Start date: Oct 11, 2011, End date: Feb 27, 2014,

...rumente (z.B. Kooperationsdatenbank) für Unternehmen der Baubranche und deren Vertretungen umgemünzt werden. Ein weiteres Projektziel besteht in der Integration von tschechischen (Masaryk Universität Brünn) und österreichischen (FH Wien-Studiengänge der WKW) Studierenden in den Forschungsprozess sowie der Projekterkenntnisse in die Ausbildung an beiden Institutionen. ...
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The Erasmus Mundus Partnership programme aims at mutual enrichment and better understanding between the European Union and Third-Countries. It is designed to foster institutional cooperation in the field of higher education between the European Union and Third-Countries through a mobility scheme addressing student and staff exchanges for the purpose of studying, teaching, training and research. Se ...
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Two main factors that gave the original thrust to the project were 1) the dedication of Lund University (LU) to developing the cooperation with Middle Eastern universities as laid down in LU's strategic plan, and 2) previous fruitful experiences of long-term cooperation with the European universities and with several universities in the targeted countries. Both European and lot country partners em ...
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This project places an emphasis on research and cooperation, establishing collaborative framework forhuman resource development through training and upgrading the skills of junior faculty staff,undergraduates, postgraduates and postdoc researchers by specified learning objectives in the field ofengineering and technology, agricultural sciences, environmental studies, business-management andsocial ...
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The exchange programme developed by the consortium composed of the above mentioned partners offers a wide choice of thematic study fields and provides opportunities for undergraduates, masters, doctorates, post-doctorates and staff to obtain further qualifications in their specific academic fields.The consortium selects the scholars to be granted a scholarship in the context of the programme from ...
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The objective of the project is to enhance the understanding (linguistically, culturally, socially and educationally) and the international cooperation capacity in the field of science, education and culture between Europe, Jordan and Syria through an institution-based mobility scheme (all five levels included) between 10 universities in Europe, 5 universities in Jordan and 5 universities in Syria ...
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MEDASTAR is a project committed to bring opportunities to students from both public and private universities of Egypt and Lebanon, paying attention to develop the capacity of public administrators in Lebanon and unemployed graduate population in Egypt. Gender balance and equal opportunities is enhanced in the project. The particular goal is to promote Science and Technology initiatives in these tw ...
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In accordance with the EMA2 call, the objective of the project is to facilitate the new collaborations between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from the least developed countries in South and Southeast Asia and EU, and also to reinforce the existing cooperation in the region by exchanging information in science and policy issues while sharing key issues of sustainable development in academic c ...
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Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

...d 20 staff mobilities from which 10 will be for academic staff and 10 for personnel involved in institutional building. They will receive a tailor-made program on research and innovation organized by Masaryk University.
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Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

Like its two predecessor programmes, JoinEU-SEE III is a scholarship scheme supporting academic mobility between EU and Western Balkan countries. The project consortium, which consists of a total of 20 institutions, is coordinated by the University of Graz, which also acts as the coordinating institution of JoinEU-SEE I and II. Students and university staff applying for the programme have the chan ...
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EMAIL III is an Erasmus Mundus Action II project for the cooperation of higher education institutions from the EU and Israel. The consortium consists of 18 full partners and 4 associated partners, from Israel 8 HEIs and 1 NGO in the role of associated partner, from the EU, 10 HEIs and 3 associated partners (2 university networks and 1 NGO).The main activity of EMAIL III is the mobility exchange be ...
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The Partnership is composed of 10 European Universities representing 9 European states and 10 Asian Universities settled in 9 Asian countries: all partners have been carefully selected in order to ensure both a fair geographical balance and academic excellence proved by the position covered in national and international ranking by the represented Universities. The main objective of AREAS (Academi ...
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The initiative for the Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Strand 1, Lot 6 proposal Integration, Interaction, Institutions – Triple I is to enhance institutional capacity to understand the standards and demands of international educational cooperation, and to reinforce the interest in functions and policies for the development of structured international activities in academic institutions. Opportunities for ...
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The implementation of the Bologna Process is well-advanced at most European universities. Yet the adjustments of degree formats in order to form a new European Higher Education Area with minimal educational boarders triggered new questions. The European call for knowledge transfer, competitiveness, and smart mobility calls for a systematic implementation of joint degree programmes. While double de ...
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Erasmus Mundus EU Israel

Start date: Jul 15, 2012,

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AREAS+ aims to provide international study, research and training opportunities to individuals at all academic levels with the goal of developing their qualifications and international experience, with attention to gender balance and participation of the socially or economically disadvantaged, while at the same time fostering the bilateral cooperation and mutual enrichment of the European and Asia ...
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One of the main goals of Experts4Asia is to give continuity and sustainability to the successful multilateral collaboration created in previous projects while including new players in the Erasmus Mundus program. The consortium is composed of 5 countries from group A (Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan) and 7 countries from group B (China, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, the ...
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