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20 European Projects Found

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We must learn to both sustainably exploit & protect our vast oceans, provider of oxygen, food, hydrocarbons & other resources. A solution lies in sensing & interacting through an Internet of Things, with distributed networks of intelligent sensors & actuators. Unfortunately, we currently lack a marine Internet, crucial to achieve distributed, coordinated & adaptive control, due to the rapid absor ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2016,

Description New technologies and new wireless architectures identified as Beyond CMOS and More than Moore From the strategic agendas of ENIAC,EPoSS and ITRS it is evident that wireless applications are gaining more and more importance that results to new requirements in terms of miniaturization an ...
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Description The main goal of this thematic network is to integrate and bring together knowledge, experiences and best practices acquired at European and international level in the area of fall prevention, intervention and safety, with the aim of coordinating ongoing activities and creating the necessary conditions and consensus on action pla ...
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Green Energy for Green Companies (GR.ENE.CO)

Start date: Dec 17, 2013, End date: Dec 16, 2015,

Project in brief The problem of massive emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of fossil fuels and related climatic impact have become major environmental, scientific and institutional issues worldwide. Long-term sustainability of the atmosphere requires a drastic decrease in CO2 emissions and an efficient energy strategy. Against growing energy consumption in the Mediterranean area, G ...
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"The DIABAT project will employ knowledge of the function, dysfunction and physiological regulation of brown adipocytes to develop innovative therapeutic and preventive strategies for type 2 diabetes. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is currently a worldwide recognized target to combat obesity and diabetes due to last years re-discovery of functional BAT in adult humans by several of the members of the ...
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Collaborative platform to support research and technology transfer (NEXT)

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Apr 29, 2015,

NEXT intends to create a collaborative platform to support innovation and technology transfer in the Countries of the Adriatic area. The project is promoted by 11 partners from six Countries: Italy, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and the representatives of different interests and positions of the actors of innovation: Universities, Regional Development Agencies, Ch ...
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The refurbishing to an energy efficient standard leads to tight buildings (whole envelope: windows, walls, etc.) and affects the indoor climate. In case of refurbishing the inhabitants or users are not adapted to this new situation. Therefore the air exchange rates could be lower than required if no mechanical ventilation is installed or the system performance is not optimised. Then, in trying to ...
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EFFECT proposal arises from the need to innovate SEE countries public procurement procedures and stimulate their integration with energy efficiency criteria to meet EU Public Procurement requirements and to contribute to achieve Eu energy strategy objectives. EU public procurement impacts for 16% on EU GDP and it is an important tool for public authorities to effectively address energy efficiency ...
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The main project objective is to foster the competitiveness of MED SMEs promoting a new public-private partnership to support innovation based on a more open approach of knowledge and technology transfer and a strong public-private cooperation. The main activities are: innovation providers’ quality certification system analysis of existent public-private mechanisms of cooperation to fund innov ...
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SMEs and Cooperative Economy for Local Development (ICS)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

The main project objectives are to strengthen the potential of innovation of the cooperative enterprises in fishery, agriculture, tourism and environmental sectors and to promote them on the international markets. The main activities are: survey on regional policies supporting the cooperative entrepreneurship common action plan for the integration of cooperative systems feasibility study for the ...
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"Our project aims to gather, improve, catalogue and present characterisation techniques, methods and equipment for nanomechanical testing. European-wide activities coordinated by a new virtual centre will improve existing nanoindentation metrology to reveal structure-properties relationship at the nano-scale. These methods are the only tools to characterise nanocomposite, nanolayer and interface m ...
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Strategies to use renewable energies, such as biofuels, as an alternative to conventional energy sources are not only an opportunity to improve the environment. They can also support the social and economic development of rural areas. The BETTER project addresses these aspects and aims at promoting renewable energies with a focus on biofuel chain integration in rural regions. It includes a new con ...
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The effectiveness of projects and programmes financed by the EU Structural Funds depends on the programming, monitoring and evaluation skills available in EU regions. Frequently government officials and experts focus primarily on maximizing funds available to the region but disregard more important quality factors such as the regions ability to effectively use funds to stimulate modernization and ...
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More than 14 million households in remote areas of Europe have difficulties in accessing information and communication technologies (ICTs). Particularly in rural regions tele-density is low compared to urban centres. Despite many programmes focusing on this issue, the so-called digital divide is ever increasing. Until now transfer rates tend to be lower in rural areas which limits the introduction ...
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... for higher education and pre-incubation. Produced outputs in technology park development were benchmarking results of international centres of expertise (Including Irish model), analysis of Oulu and Marche/Italian models, RFM-Polis cooperation model (of technology centre, universities, research institutions and companies), Multi-campus plan of Marche region, RFM-Polis strategy, a handbook for pre ...
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Regional spatial planning policies and tools for spatial development play an important role when applying sustainable development principles as they are outlined in the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), by the European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESPON) or by the European Conference of Ministers Responsible for Regional Planning (CEMAT). These principles combine economic, ...
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LAnners NETwork for CENtral and South East Europe (PLANET CENSE)

Start date: Oct 31, 2003, End date: Feb 17, 2007,

PLANET CENSE is a network of national spatial planning institutions and experts established as a consequence of the VISION PLANET project. It aims at pursuing and developing further the policy options laid down in the VISION PLANET project documents. The network will foster spatial integration and a cross-sector dialogue with: - The European Spatial Planning Gateway (ESP GATEWAY): an expert dialog ...
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Protected cross-border regions in the CADSES area face similar problems. Often frontiers divide one region of cultural and natural heritage into more than one national park, biosphere reserve, nature reserve or protected landscape area and they are situated in two or more countries. As a consequence, two or more administrations, management structures and - if existing - spatial information systems ...
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The Citek project involves relevant innovation stakeholders of the MED and IPA area coming from 6 countries (Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Slovenia, Croatia) as well as external relevant partners. The project aims at fostering the setting up of transnational and trans-local system of Innovation in the MED area capitalizing the guidelines, strategies, working methodology and web-based tools produ ...
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This TN project brings together within a single network all actors in HE in chemistry and chemical engineering in Europe. There are schools, universities, industries, national chemical societies, and accreditation bodies. The project brings all these actors together to collaborate in the development of a knowledge based economy, specifically in chemistry and chemical engineering. The project:- wil ...
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