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5 European Projects Found

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PROBLEM: Low economical competitiveness of the cross-border region is related to the absence of cooperation and information tools that would fit the specific situation of the region. The entrepreneurs lack basic legal and economic knowledge what regards cross-border business, there is a disbalance of labour force and vacant job positions in various sectors. OBJECTIVES: The overall objective is to ...
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Baltic Spatial development Measures for Enterprise (B-SME)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

This project has set itself the following overlapping goals: strengthening of competitiveness in the whole Baltic area generally as well as for SME especially strengthening of co-operation between the old and the new member countries of the European Community as well as with the neighbouring countries Russia and Belarus; promotion of economic and cultural identity, development of intellectually me ...
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The project promotes development ofadvice to small and medium enterprises onimport/export procedures in cross-bordercooperation territories: in Latgale (LV),Šiauliai (LT) and Vitebsk (BY) as SMEs havelimited resources to upgrade skills andcompetences of their specialists in taxesand custom procedures they need advicein finance management to be able tosuccessfully operate in export/import sectorand ...
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The project aims at support in creationof business contacts and joint venturesbetween enterprises in the cross-borderregions in Latvia, Lithuania and Belarusand maintenance of established contactsthrough joint strategy development after theproject implementation.The main objective of the project is tocreate a new frame of relationships amongbranches of Chambers of Commerce andIndustry in Rezekne ( ...
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In individual countries up to 15 % of school leavers cannot begin professional education, they have to stay in long queues or do not obtain professional education and quickly end in unemployment. Up to 30 % of young people which begin vocational training abandon it completely or change the profession. At the same time, SMEs complain about lack of qualified personnel. In the most of the countries o ...
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