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Perspective Future: One year vocational qualification Hamburg Model (Perspektive Zukunft: Einjährige Berufsqualifizierung)

In individual countries up to 15 % of school leavers cannot begin professional education, they have to stay in long queues or do not obtain professional education and quickly end in unemployment. Up to 30 % of young people which begin vocational training abandon it completely or change the profession. At the same time, SMEs complain about lack of qualified personnel. In the most of the countries of the Baltic Sea Region, there exists a very high rate of unemployment among young people, especially in the countries with school-based vocational training. The implementation and the strengthening of dual vocational training make a crucial contribution to the problem-solving. In Hamburg within the dual system the model of a one-year professional qualification for young people with special educational needs was developed and successfully implemented; this model integrates young people in to the vocational education better, makes the choice of the profession more certain, decreases drop-out rates and very clearly increases the chances at the labour market. The one-year professional qualification can be acknowledged as the first year of training. The training in the regular dual system can be after the one year continued.After the further development and adaptation to country-specific conditions the Hamburg Model was introduced in Vilnius and Budapest, where the predominantly school-based vocational training dominates. Thus, in connection the system and experiences of the German dual vocational training were transferred and general initiations supported. In order to promote further implementations of the Hamburg Model and introduction of the dual system, to achieve high sustainability and broad effect, Baltic Sea Academy - network of 17 universities and Hanse-Parlament serve as permanent developers, promoters and consultants. The main objectives of the project were:a) Implementation of the Hamburg Model in SMEs to support the integration of young people with special educational needs in the vocational training, to reduce drop-out rates, to improve qualifications as well as chances at the labour market and therefore to reduce unemployment among young people.b) Transfer of dual vocational training and support of implementationc) Transfer of all the project results securing high sustainability of the achievements.
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