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Fosterage of joint ventures for succesful future co-operation among Latgale-Panevezys-Vitebsk (Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus) (Joint Ventures L-P-V (LV-LT-BY))

The project aims at support in creationof business contacts and joint venturesbetween enterprises in the cross-borderregions in Latvia, Lithuania and Belarusand maintenance of established contactsthrough joint strategy development after theproject implementation.The main objective of the project is tocreate a new frame of relationships amongbranches of Chambers of Commerce andIndustry in Rezekne (LV), Vitebsk (BY) andPanevėžys (LT) providing good qualitybusiness advice to their members and otherinstitutions interested in business promotion.For entrepreneurs coming from differentsectors project gives a good chance toestablish network of contacts with theneighbouring regions through conferences,business visits and international exhibitionscontactpoints/partner search forums,provide them with information on economiclegislation, advice on import/export.
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  • 75%   49 976,25
  • 2000 - 2006 Latvia - Lithuania - Belarus (LV-LT-BY)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

3 Partners Participants