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28 European Projects Found

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Young Eyes

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Young Eyes is a project about youth participation and engagement for their home communities. The focus is on place attractiveness and branding/promotion of the home towns/villages. The YE project aims at stimulating youths to take more active part in the local governance and development of their home towns and communities. The project will deliver a range of proposals for improvement of place attr ...
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Bringing old traditions to modern life (Crafts and Culture)

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The main objective of the project is to promote Latvia’s and Lithuania’s traditional crafts and foster enterprise of craftsmen, including more traditions into work of modern artists and increasing the notoriety of region traditions in society.Projects activities are mostly orientated to common events, which combine Latvian and Lithuanian cultural identity, promote development and promotion of folk ...
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Latvia-Lithuania border regions have long economic and social background,but due to lacking cooperation and planning the regions have not used their joint capacity in full amount.Overview:Project activities directly refer to following regions in LV-Zemgale;in LT-Panevezys,Siauliai,Kaunas Counties.Project objective: Enhancement of protection of specially protected nature areas by provision and impl ...
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The project aims at reducing adverse environmental impacts to the Lielupe River Basin by providing sustainable rainwater management systems in border municipalities of Latvia and Lithuania. Nearly a half of the basin area is situated in Lithuania while the other half is in Latvia, and impacts of transboundary pollution are considered very significant there. Hence, it is important to take a common ...
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... can assure effective elimination of flood consequences. As flood does much damage to environment, people and whole region Šiauliai and Zemgale fire and rescue services together with Šiauliai and Jelgava city municipalities decided to unite in fighting this disaster. The project aims to improve civil defence efficiency and cooperation in fighting against the effects caused by flood. Project object ...
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...99, as well as Agreement on mutual assistance in cases of disasters, technogen breakdowns, fires and road accidents near borderline of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania signed by Jelgava Region Council, Siauliai County Administration and Jelgava City Council on July 18, 2000. So far there have been implemented several risk management projects in Zemgale and Siauliai regions. In ...
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Background:Central Baltic region covers regions around the Baltic Sea that have been linked by economic ties already for centuries.Initially it was mainly trade,but with the growing development of transport links,the region has evolved as a location for inhabitants of the whole CB region,where they can work,live and travel.While urban areas are mostly known as a suitable working and living enviro ...
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...situation in the Region in many national and municipal schools are lack of financial means in order to provide high quality teaching process and to attract new students. The Secondary Music school of Jelgava city is one of the nine national music high schools in Latvia and serves as methodical center of Zemgale region, where are involved 17 professional music schools of closest neighbourhod. Siaul ...
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Business ineptness and poorly equipped life-long learning centres are the main cause for dissatisfaction among region’s entrepreneurs. The aim of the project is to enhance the competitiveness of Latvia–Lithuania border regions by eliminating the obstacles to its development. Therefore, business and education support centres will be created by renovating premises of life-long learning institutions ...
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...ap to Rural Highlight", the concept of ambient media relates to form and content, but it could also be ambient media technology. The project managed to elaborate plans for investments in Suwalki and Jelgava and influenced signficantly the investments in Notodden and Tranemo. The INTERREG IVB priority 4 limitations to do transnational investments, did not make it possible to have support for hard ...
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Project aims at creating supporting environment for the development of creative industries in the project areas and fostering the sustainability of economy. It will also facilitate the commercialization of creative business ideas in the audio-visual, multimedia and design by establishing cooperation networks and supporting infrastructure at the level of local municipalities. It is planned to impro ...
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...ove technical base and develop technology transfer centres in order to provide access for every individual who is interested in it and enhance development of entrepreneurship in cross-border areas of Jelgava and Siauliai regions. During the project four project partners, two local municipalities and two universities, plan to improve the educational programme for building specialty and technical ba ...
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Due to the recent economic crisis and prevailing sentiment of passivity, disbelief and indifference among the inhabitants of the project area, Siauliai City Municipality Administration and Jelgava City Council have joined their initiatives for revitalising the local communities, especially the younger part of them. Thus, the aim of the project is raising the attractiveness of Jelgava and Siauliai ...
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Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action (Urb.Energy)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jan 23, 2012,

The European housing stock is a major contributor to energy waste and CO2 emissions. At the same time the refurbishment rate in the new EU member states still is extremely low and sustainable urban development concepts are barely addressed, neither in local, nor regional or national policies in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). The project Urb.Energy addresses these issues and aims at the elaboration a ...
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Since 1999, the municipalities of the Siauliai District in Lithuania and Jelgava District in Latvia have been cooperating in preparation and implementation of joint projects. These municipalities share a common border, which includes the Lielupe river basin. Both project partners are currently faced with the problem of polluted rivers in the Lielupe river basin due to poor waste water treatment th ...
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...repreneurs in Latvia-Lithuania cross-border regions by improving business environment and making region better for the businesses. The first phase of the project analysed the administrative burden in Jelgava and Siauliai cities and estimated that directly or indirectly business-related administrative burden in Jelgava and Siauliai amounted to EUR 3.2 million per year. The indicative extrapolations ...
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Lack of infrastructure and insufficient capacity of human resources were identified as the primary problems making regions of Zemgale, Aukstaitija, and Zemaitija less competitive and attractive to visitors than expected, despite their rich cultural traditions and multiple attractions. Eleven project partners have teamed up to produce a joint strategy for promoting the region and opening visitors i ...
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...multi-functional container risk management centre – was bought. State Fire and Rescue Service of Zemgale region have bought customised car for rescue on water. The project results for the city of Jelgava were integrated into one site – Operational Information Centre of Municipality. Its main function is to store the vital civil protection information and deliver it to operational and other rescue ...
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Development of Accessible and Attractive Museums in Zemgale and Northern Lithuania. The museums in Latvia's Zemgale region and the northern region of Lithuania have long history and hold unique cultural values. However, the means to preserve and promote them were poor or in some cases museums even required significant modernisation. The project involved 10 partners and was aimed at creating more a ...
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... first necessary to remove overgrowth of shrubs. The LIFE project successfully did so over 1 078 ha in total. One innovative method used to promote this action was a habitat restoration event held in Jelgava, Pilssala (in the Lielupe floodplains project site) in the summer of 2006. This event, which was very popular and provided a lot of publicity for the project, involved the restoration of 0.5 h ...
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The Baltic Sea Region is facing an increasing urban traffic which contributes to pollution abundance and less attractive cities. Baltic Sea Cycling is a co-operation between 22 partners in Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden for the development of sustainable and attractive townscapes. The project has addressed problems concerning the integration of cycling as a part of urban tra ...
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The Baltic University Urban Forum, BUUF, aims to contribute to a sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region by developing local sustainability strategies. The project is of special relevance for spatial planning, building strategies, and infrastructure development, where the role of the municipality is large. The project aims to develop integrative tools for urban management.The project addr ...
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The Baltic University Urban Forum (BUUF) is a cooperation between cities/towns and universities in the Baltic Sea region to promote sustainable development. The BUUF project aims to develop strategies for sustainable development for cities and towns. 20 cities and towns, and 15 universities in 9 countries take part in the project. Through the Union of Baltic Cities the results will be available fo ...
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The communication between citizens ofthe two bordering regions of Latvia andLithuania as well as trade and businessrelationships were limited due to thedeterioration or liquidation of smaller borderroads, therefore the need is to renewthe former road infrastructure in order tofacilitate cross-regional communication.The project objective is to improve theaccessibility, local communications,infrastr ...
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...ive water management and protection measures are indicated in national, regional and local planning and development documents. Taking into account that similar cross-border problems are existing in Jelgava and Siaulai cities located within the Lielupe River Basin and taking into account that municipalities are the main responsible bodies for effective management and protection of nature sources lo ...
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Šiauliai (LT), Bauska, Jelgava andJurmala (LV) cities, situated in the Lieluperiver basin, and are the main polluters ofthe river. The problem of storm water, as asource of pollution in densely populatedareas, has not been duly addressed in theseareas. The overall objective of the project is todecrease pollution in Lielupe river basinresulting from untreated storm water.The project elaborates acti ...
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...tensive cooperationlinks on non-governmental level.The project develops sustainable crossborderinstitutional and people-to-peoplecooperation model in the field of culturebetween Latvia and Lithuania, Jelgava andŠiauliai cities in particular.The results of the project are: institutionalmodel for organisation of joint culturalactivities; a joint cultural project – a musical –as a pilot project to te ...
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...aters.The project aims at reduction of thenegative impact on the rivers of the Lieluperiver basin by improving the provision ofwater work services in small settlements ofŠiauliai, Joniškis (LT) and Jelgava (LV) districts.A number of technical-economical studiesand technical documentation for building/reconstruction of water work systems in smallsettlements worked out during the projecttogether wit ...
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