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Development of Accessible and Attractive Museums in Zemgale and Northern Lithuania (Museum Access)
Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: Oct 30, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Development of Accessible and Attractive Museums in Zemgale and Northern Lithuania. The museums in Latvia's Zemgale region and the northern region of Lithuania have long history and hold unique cultural values. However, the means to preserve and promote them were poor or in some cases museums even required significant modernisation. The project involved 10 partners and was aimed at creating more attractive and accessible museums by improving the conditions and operation of nine local museums. The project also helped to develop a network of region's museums. Project resulted in renovation of museum buildings, while modern technologies were used to complement exhibitions. In addition, new educational programmes have been introduced to provide a better insight into the museums 'vaults'. Museum staff underwent training on enhancing visitor museum experience. Achievements: Accessibility and attractiveness of museums was upraised by reconstruction and renovation of 6 historic buildings, elaboration and upgrading of 7 educational programmes, training museum specialists by learning best experiences of each partner museum and by including museums in tourism routes as well as promoting those routes in international tourism fairs like Balttour and Vivatur.

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  • 85.1%   1 939 470,40
  • 2007 - 2013 Latvia-Lithuania (LV-LT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants