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18 European Projects Found

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Universities for Strategic, Efficient and Autonomous Management

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Enhancing efficiency is becoming crucial for the sustainability of universities due to changes in modalities and significant cuts in university funding in many systems across Europe. The USTREAM project proposes a new way to address the question of efficiency in university management by adapting the concept of efficiency to the specific nature of university activities. It will examine three dimens ...
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The “Feasibility Study for a European Forum for Enhanced Collaboration in Teaching” (EFFECT) aims at assessing the potential of a European level structure that would contribute to enhancing higher education teaching. It addresses the needs of teaching practitioners, universities and organisations and networks dedicated to teaching enhancement. The three-year project is led by the European Universi ...
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The EURAXESS TOP III consortium includes partners from almost all EURAXESS countries (either as beneficiaries or associated partners, from altogether 39 countries), in order to ensure the widest possible coverage as well as increased impact. The project has been divided into eight work packages. Two WPs are devoted to the development, testing and pilot introduction of new services on career develo ...
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Enhancing Mobility for Access Students Ireland

Start date: Jun 15, 2016, End date: Jun 14, 2018,

...objective is to identify and share effective practice in widening participation of da/ur students from disadvantaged backgrounds in outward student mobility. The project will:-- analyse existing Irish data to gain an insight into patterns of outward student mobility;- identify gaps in the data to inform data collection practice for all institutions;- identify effective institutional practices in ...
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Research Data Alliance - Europe 3 (RDA Europe)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is rapidly building the social and technical bridges that enable open sharing and re-use of data on a global level. RDA/Europe - the European plug-in to the global Research Data Alliance activities – will ensure that European research, industrial, e-infrastructure and policy stakeholders are all aware of its achievements, engaged with and actively involved in the g ...
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The objective of the Net4Mobility project is to facilitate the transnational cooperation between the National Contact Points (NCPs) of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). The project aims to achieve the following two goals: 1) mutual support and thus raising the general standard of applicants (taking into account the diversity of the different actors) 2) to better inform the research and in ...
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Advanced research and knowledge-based innovation are keys to develop sustainable and globally competitive high-tech industry in high-cost Europe. Early access to front-line research results demands recruitment of, and collaboration between, world-class researchers. Reduction of legal and practical barriers to transnational mobility is then imperative. Interdisciplinary, intersectorial and ge ...
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Irish Presidency Conference: Researcher Careers and Mobility (EIRMOB)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

The conference will focus on a key component of the European Research Area (ERA), namely, the development of an open labour market for researchers; to ensure the removal of barriers to researcher mobility, training and attractive careers. The overall impact of this conference will be to improve the coordination and coherence of policy initiatives and actions at EU and national levels and thereby w ...
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National Contact Points (NCPs) play a crucial role in the Framework Programme as providers of information and assistance to potential participants (applicants) of new projects and contractors in on-going projects. They reach out to the European research community in order to inform and raise awareness about the funding opportunities of the Framework Programme, to advise and assist potential applic ...
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European Research Area Mobile Researchers in Industry (ERA-MIND)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

Combining the two key objectives (increasing industry investment in R&D and generating more R&D personnel) of Lisbon Agenda, mobility of researchers in industry becomes one of the most significant tasks on the way to the Lisbon objectives. ERAMORE Network assists mobile researchers both in academia and industry; considering the significance of industrial R&D and FPs, the necessity of Mobility Cen ...
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"The objective of this proposal is to reinforce the quality, effectiveness and coherence of the services provided by the EURAXESS Services Network for mobile researchers. It will achieve this objective by promoting trans-national co-operation along with identification, refinement and exchange of best practice. The actions will focus on enhancing the local and overall performance of the network and ...
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Brain Circulation - From Brain Drain to Brain Gain (MOREBRAIN)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2011,

"The Brain Drain in Europe is a worrying issue for Europe and of primary importance on a national and pan-European scale. Obviously researchers prefer to move and to stay in a country which offers them a higher salary, career development, status and of paramount significance, a prestigious institute. But when these countries are beyond the borders of Europe, we are encountering a major loss of Eur ...
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The EQArep project proposal is based on the fact that the higher education institutions face a steadily growing interest amongst students and all stakeholders in higher education and the public at large in accessing detailed and reliable information on individual study programmes, faculties and higher education institutions, and especially on quality at programme and at institutional level. Among ...
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The project will enhance awareness of European higher education throughout Africa, through the creation of a unique network and website bringing together African and European research students. The specific objectives will include: Raising awareness on European doctoral education in Africa through implementation of summer schools targeted at addressing the needs of PhDs and early career researcher ...
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ENQA Projects 2010-2012

Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) seeks funding for its project called "ENQA Projects 2010-2012 (proENQA)" from 1 October 2010 to 30 September 2012. ENQA is the umbrella organisation for quality assurance (QA) agencies in the field of higher education. Its projects have been supported by the European Commission since the very beginning (ENQA was founded in 2 ...
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Background:As Europe has developed its regional discussions on quality assurance under the Bologna process, global trends beyond Europe's borders have also grown in interest and relevance. Furthermore, Europe is increasingly attractive not only as a study destination for students around the globe but as a partner in higher education cooperation. Higher education institutions in Europe are increasi ...
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Tracking students and graduates is of increased importance for institutions providing high quality education to an increasingly diverse student population. Procedures for assessing progress and success of students during study, towards employment or further qualification help to understand the impact of study programmes, their relevance for the labour market, and thus to generate the necessary inf ...
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Virtual European Prison School

Start date: Oct 1, 2007,

The aims of the Virtual European Prison Project (VEPS) were twofold, namely, to enhance the quality of prison education and to increase participation and widen access to education in European prisons. Its primary objectives were to benchmark best practice, inform constructive policy, harness innovation in Internet, eLearning and distance learning technologies and facilitate greater contact and coo ...
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