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ENQA Projects 2010-2012
Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) seeks funding for its project called "ENQA Projects 2010-2012 (proENQA)" from 1 October 2010 to 30 September 2012. ENQA is the umbrella organisation for quality assurance (QA) agencies in the field of higher education. Its projects have been supported by the European Commission since the very beginning (ENQA was founded in 2000). Year 2010 marks the 10th anniversary of ENQA. ENQA activities are designed to enhance the European dimension of QA in the EHEA. This will be done by promoting harmonisation and convergence of QA processes, based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (ESG). To achieve this objective, the role of ENQA needs to be further fostered: as the primary actor in maintaining of, and contributing to, the quality of European higher education and elevating these respective goals even higher in order to act as a major driving force for the development and enhancement of quality; as an advisory body at European and international levels, so that it can efficiently respond to new challenges identified by the Bologna Process and by the global developments. The second reason for the project is to raise awareness on and to promote further implementation of the ESG in all EHEA countries and levels, as well as to facilitate the linkage between QA and qualifications frameworks. The project also seeks to promote quality assurance of life-long learning and to contribute to the international openness of the EHEA by continuous dialogue of ENQA with similar QA networks worldwide. The main outputs of the project will be: - 15 ENQA membership reviews to be conducted against the ESG, and thus contributing also to the aims and needs of the EQAR. - 4 training sessions for reviewers of agencies - Development of IQA;- a survey on quality procedures;- organisation of 5 events, followed by the publication of reports; The target language and output is English.

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