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Over 40 European Projects Found

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The European network for observing our changing planet (ERA-PLANET)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2021,

In the last decade a significant number of projects and programmes in different domains of environmental monitoring and Earth observation have generated a substantial amount of data and knowledge on different aspects related to environmental quality and sustainability. Big data generated by in-situ or satellite platforms are being collected and archived with a plethora of systems and instruments m ...
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INSPIREWATER demonstrates a holistic approach for water management in the process industry using innovative technology solutions from European companies to increase water and resource efficiency in the process industry. This will put Europe as a leader on the world market for segments in industrial water treatment which will create new high skilled jobs in Europe. With extended collaboration betwe ...
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Mercury Decontamination of Dental Care Facilities (Hg-rid-LIFE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Background The use of dental amalgam contributes to a substantial amount of mercury (Hg) in the environment. According to BIO Intelligence Service (2012), dental amalgam is one of the main remaining uses of mercury in the EU. The demand for dental amalgam was still high in 2010, when it accounted for, on average, 75 tonnes of Hg per year in the EU. Some 7 ...
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Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain (REFRESH)

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

The overall aim of the REFRESH project is to contribute significantly towards the objective of reducing food waste across the EU by 30% by 2025 (which amounts to between 25 to 40 million tonnes of food not being wasted in 2025[1], worth tens of billions of Euros a year) and maximizing the value from unavoidable food waste and packaging materials. To achieve this ambitious goal, we will adopt a sys ...
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"Modern critical infrastructures are becoming increasingly “smarter” (e.g. cities). Making the infrastructures “smarter” usually means making them smarter in normal operation and use: more adaptive, more intelligent… But will these smart critical infrastructures (SCIs) behave equally “smartly” and be “smartly resilient” also when exposed to extreme threats, such as extreme weather disasters or ter ...
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"CITyFiED project aims to develop a replicable, systemic and integrated strategy to adapt European cities and urban ecosystems into the smart city of the future, focusing on reducing the energy demand and GHG emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy sources by developing and implementing innovative technologies and methodologies for building renovation, smart grid and district heating ...
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Despite the advances in modernization and capacity building of the research landscapes of the Western Balkan countries, especially in universities, management of the human resources in research and science is still lagging behind the level of the practices and standards of the EU universities. The national funding of science in the WB countries is far below the ERA Lisbon targets, and it is projec ...
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"SOLUTIONS will deliver a conceptual framework for the evidence-based development of environmental and water policies. This will integrate innovative chemical and effect-based monitoring tools with a full set of exposure, effect and risk models and assessment options. Uniquely, SOLUTIONS taps (i) expertise of leading European scientists of major FP6/FP7 projects on chemicals in the water cycle, (i ...
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Missão Educar - Professores em ação na Europa

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The consortium “Missão Educar - Professores em ação na Europa” (Mission Education – Teachers in action in Europe) is made of the educational actors related to regular school in the municipality of Torres Vedras with the aim of, collectively, create conditions that allow the improvement of education in the territory:1| Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras (municipality - coordinator)2| Agrupamento de ...
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Low carbon footprint and eco-innovative UV water disinfection (Eco-UV)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2018,

The central objective for Eco-UV is the demonstration and characterisation of an innovative UV lamp and driving electronics technology for chemical-free water treatment and disinfection. The newly implemented technology is a ground-breaking innovation providing up to four times increased lifetime with greatly increased efficiency, the energy consumption reduced by 80%. Thus, this technology provid ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Catering Training in European Countries

Start date: Sep 30, 2016, End date: Sep 29, 2017,

TThe project is designed for 14 students in the second year of training cycles Intermediate Cuisine and Gastronomy and Catering Services. Students between 17 and 19 from Caceres and neighboring rural areas (exceptionally some could be older)These will be accompanied by the technical teacher who taught their class during the two years spent at our center and in particular the tutors Training Modul ...
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Buildings consume about 40% of total final energy in Europe, and those built before 1980 represent 95% of this energy consumption. The low renovation rate of building stock (1% per year) means that boosting energy efficient buildings’ retrofitting is the only way to reach EU’s “20-20-20” targets. The higher impact will be achieved through interventions in non-residential buildings, as their energy ...
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The interdisciplinary project "Training in Motion: Discovering, exploring and shaping variety during a learning stay in Europe to enhance international skills and competence" for students, trainees and teaching staff is on the one hand based on the fact that we have a growing range of organisational, logistic and financial opportunities to open up and discover Europe as a space for learning and on ...
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Reuse of water, Recovery of valuables and Resource efficiency in urban wastewater treatmentThe main objective of the project is to demonstrate solutions that support the transition from a treatment plant for urban wastewater to a production unit of different valuables.So far waste water treatment plants are usually regarded as facilities to avoid emissions from wastewater. Current research and dev ...
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Mobilité des Apprentis Éducation Nationale Vendée (saison 3)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

European Mobility is part of our school project and we make every effort to register us in the long term : - Administrative and financial organization ; - Staff training ; - Expanding partnerships in Europe ; - Partnerships with business and professional sectors ; - Communication program... Students, teachers and learning master mobility’s allow an improvement in exam success and employability. ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Eurostat statistics show an impressive unemployment rate in the eurozone with peaks in the younger age groups, especially in Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal. In contrast, the hospitality industry proves to be one of the most dynamic employability sectors with about 20 million jobs and an insistence up to 12% on EU GDP employing 5.2% of the European workforce. The quality and quantity of tourism ...
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Indoor Air Quality and emissions from building materials have been over the last decades a major challenge for scientists, industry and consumers. Traditional construction materials contribute to contaminants such as VOCs, formaldehyde, particulates and fibres. However, new eco-innovative building materials are able to provide a healthier indoor environment both by substituting source of contamina ...
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nearly Zero energy Neighborhoods (ZENN)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

Large scale implementation of building renovation actions is affected by a number of barriers of diverse nature. The need for complex agreements, long returns of investment and the fact that often buildings with the worst performance belong to social low income groups unable to afford comprehensive renovation are amongst the main factors hindering the massive adoption of low or nearly zero energy ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"A-TEAM is a major co-ordinated supradisciplinary study. It seeks to develop understanding of a variety of aspects related to external and internal exposure to selected chemicals using a single, well-characterised human cohort (the “A-TEAM”). Its overriding hypothesis is that current approaches used to monitor human exposure to consumer chemicals can be substantially improved by filling gaps in sc ...
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Sustainability Toolkit for easY Life-cycle Evaluation (STYLE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016, of process industry sectors with numerous products that cross sector boundaries through their value chains. Partner organisations (Britest, ArcelorMittal, Carmeuse, Holcim, RDC Environment, IVL, Solvay, Tata Steel, Utrecht University and Veolia) bring together a wealth of knowledge and experience in the use of tools for sustainability assessment. Active stakeholder engagement/support from pu ...
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The project POst-CArbon CIties of TOmorrow – foresight for sustainable pathways towards liveable, affordable and prospering cities in a world context (POCACITO) will develop an evidence-based 2050 roadmap for EU post-carbon cities. POCACITO facilitates the transition of EU cities to a forecasted sustainable or “post-carbon” economic model. The project focuses on towns, cities, megacities, metropol ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Eurostat Survey show an exrtemely high youth uneployment peak especially in Italy, Greece and Spain. However the Tourism economy still remains one of the most dinamic fields employing about 20 millions of workers equal to the 5.2 of the total EU workforce developing the 12% of the total EU gross product. The quality of the tourist and restoration services provided influences the global tourist c ...
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Nanotechnological Application in WAter DESalination (NAWADES)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

"The main objective of the NAWADES project is to study, design, produce, and test new water desalination filter technology from four points of view:1. the structure of multi-layer membrane filter, including UV light distributed by glass fibers inside the membrane stack2. the materials used to build the filter, including fouling and scaling monitoring3. the coating ...
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Catering Learning in Mediterranean Countries

Start date: Sep 30, 2015, End date: Sep 29, 2016,

This project has been designed for 14 students of our Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de Cocina y Gastronomía y Servicios de Restauración at the IES Universidad Laboral de Cáceres. Their ages are mostly between 17 and 21 (only two of them over 25). The teacher travelled with them at the beginning of their stay. As he was the teacher in charge of the FCT (Training Period) of these students, he had ...
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FUSIONS (Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising waste prevention Strategies) will contribute to achieving a Resource Efficient Europe by significantly reducing food waste. It will achieve this through a comprehensive and experienced European partnership covering all key actors across the food supply chain, including regulatory, business, NGOs and knowledge institutes, all with strong links t ...
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The interdisciplinary project "Train & Travel! Experiencing, exploring and documenting different learning and working environments in Europe to enhance intercultural skills in education and vocational training" for students, trainees and teaching staff is on the one hand based on the fact that we have a growing range of organisational, logistic and financial opportunities to open up and discover E ...
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Chemical Industry provides the highest potential for increasing eco-efficiency in industrial water management. E4Water addresses crucial process industry needs, to overcome bottle necks and barriers for an integrated and energy efficient water management. The main objective is to develop, test and validate new integrated approaches, methodologies and process technologies for a more efficient and s ...
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DYNAMIX will propose dynamic and robust policy mixes to shift the EU onto a pathway to absolute decoupling of long-term economic growth from resource use and environmental impacts. DYNAMIX assumes that the tremendous task of reaching absolute decoupling will require paradigm shifts in the way production and consumption is organised and regulated. It will therefore assess how existing and emerging ...
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Burning Europe

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The last 6 years The non Profit organisation Cameltown have been involved in Artivism projects around the world. After having organised various photo-expositions in gallery’s it was time to leave those white spaces and to retake the streets. We brought High Quality Photography art to the streets for free in a walking parade form. In every city the parade was directed by it’s inhabitants to create ...
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Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The overall goal of the proposed project is to develop a coordinated global observation system for mercury able to provide temporal and spatial distributions of mercury concentrations in ambient air and precipitation over land and over surface waters at different altitudes and latitudes around the world. This will then provide high quality data for the validation and application of regional and g ...
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ÉCLAIRE investigates the ways in which climate change alters the threat of air pollution on European land ecosystems including soils. Based on field observations, experimental data and models, it establishes new flux, concentration and dose-response relationships, as a basis to inform future European policies.Starting with biosphere-atmosphere exchange measurements, ÉCLAIRE quantifies how global w ...
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The project will develop environmentally appropriate and socio-economically sustainable biotechnological processes for converting biodegradable fractions of identified African and Mediterranean agricultural and industrial waste as well as fractions of municipal and animal solid waste into food, feed, value-added products for nutraceuticals and healthcare, biogas and organic based fertilizer. Integ ...
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eurpean training programme for the new catering services

Start date: Sep 30, 2014, End date: Sep 29, 2015,

This project has been designed for 13 students of our groups Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de Cocina y Gastronomía y Servicios de Restauración at the IES Universidad Laboral de Cáceres. Their ages are between 18 and 24, they are really interested in having a career in the Catering and Tourism sector. Most of them come from towns near Cáceres and four of them come from Cáceres itself. One of the ...
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Promotion of Electric Vehicles is strategic for the European Community, but nowadays battery performance is still poor and all forecasts for near future transport electrification suggest that A-B class EV cars with limited range are the first step to develop. Even in the actual economic crisis, global demand of A-B class cars is expected to grow by about 5.3% in 2010, with a positive sale scenario ...
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Architecture and roadmap to manage multiple pressures on lagoons (ARCH)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

The ARCH research project “Architecture and roadmap to manage multiple pressures on lagoons” aims to develop participative methodologies in collaboration with policy makers, local authorities and stakeholders to manage the multiple problems affecting lagoons (estuarine coastal areas). These areas represent ecosystems that are very vulnerable for climate change, increasing urbanisation and industri ...
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The Objective of the Builtsmart-project is to demonstrate and mainstream innovative and cost effective techniques and methods for constructing very low energy buildings in various climates.Residential and non residential new buildings in Sweden, Ireland and Spain will participate in the project. The total gross floor space of the buildings will be 81 300 m2.New forms of incentives will be develope ...
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Environmental Macro Indicators of Innovation (EMININN)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

EMInInn aims at assessing the environmental impacts associated with innovation.In a first step EMInInn will assemble and set out coherently, on the one hand, macro-indicators and data of environmental impacts and, on the other hand, indicators and data to measure innovations. The definitions and delineations will be the basis for selecting appropriate analytical frameworks to operationalize assess ...
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Bi-regional cooperation between the EU, its Member States and Latin America has focussed on the environment since the 1st EU-LAC Summit in Rio de Janeiro and the creation of the Strategic Partnership in 1999. Within political dialogue and the subsequent EU-LAC summits, the environment has always been a priority, focusing on climate change, sustainability, biodiversity, natural resources and hazard ...
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"The main research goal is to further understanding of how and to what extent flame retardant (FR) chemicals used in every-day consumer goods and construction materials enter humans and of the risk to health that such exposure presents. Our vision is that this enhanced understanding will inform assessment of risk associated both with recent and current-use flame retardant chemicals, and of those u ...
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