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Catering Learning in Mediterranean Countries
Start date: Sep 30, 2015, End date: Sep 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project has been designed for 14 students of our Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de Cocina y Gastronomía y Servicios de Restauración at the IES Universidad Laboral de Cáceres. Their ages are mostly between 17 and 21 (only two of them over 25). The teacher travelled with them at the beginning of their stay. As he was the teacher in charge of the FCT (Training Period) of these students, he had contact with the teachers at the associate school and the companies were the traineeship was made. Our main goal was the further IMPROVEMENT of the students’ PROFESSIONAL ABILITIES in a Mediterranean country, as much as the approach to the local cuisine and the native products. They had the opportunity to practise what they have learned in class and at the same time they learned the situation of the hospitality sector. We must not forget that, in this hospitality sector, the LEARNING of different LANGUAGES is almost obligatory if they want to achieve a professional career, and this was, of course, another main objective of our project: knowledge of the language and linguistic competences related to their profession and also the use of the native language in daily circumstances that they can face: job, family, daily routines, friends, etc. The third objective, but not less important, was the KNOWLEDGE of ANOTHER CULTURE; although we are all European, every country has their own individuality. By living with people from different countries, with different customs, the students are enriching themselves. For many of them, it is also the beginnig of their independent life, leaving the family home and having a job for the first time. The movilities had place during the third term of 2016, at the end of the studies at school, when they are ready to start this professional experience as part f their FCT module. The main activitiy was the traineeship in catering trade companies as cooks and waiters. They worked full time as “real” employees. On the days off work they did other activities related to their profession, like visiting a winery, attending to a cheese and wine tasting, visiting a chocolate factory… The first week they took part in some activities at the Schools in Asti and La Roche Sur Yon, where they worked together with the French and Italian students and had launch with them. One of our secondary objectives is the professional integration of our students, which can be favoured by this experience, either if the students stay working in the guest country or if they come back to Spain, because they will have improved their experience and learned a language, both of which circumstances are really valuable to companies in the hospitality sector. Some of the students were offered a job for the summer in the same companies and one of them accepted. About the teachers, their main activity when they visited the associate schools was the observation of the education system in these countries, to learn and apply positive learning in our school. The mark we would finaly give to this project is B+
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