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eurpean training programme for the new catering services
Start date: Sep 30, 2014, End date: Sep 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project has been designed for 13 students of our groups Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de Cocina y Gastronomía y Servicios de Restauración at the IES Universidad Laboral de Cáceres. Their ages are between 18 and 24, they are really interested in having a career in the Catering and Tourism sector. Most of them come from towns near Cáceres and four of them come from Cáceres itself. One of their main goals has been to fulfill the results of learning established for the FCT module , the training period done in enterprises after they have passed the rest of modules of the grade, taken at school. But we have also had other aims: Knowledge of the language and linguistic competences related to their profession. Knowledge of the working conditions that they will meet in the near future when they start working in this sector. Knowledge from a practical point of view of specific aspects they will have to perform during their working life, such as international cuisine, dough and pastry, mixology, wine qualities, etc. Practice the different techniques of customer attention. Knowledge of the Mediterranean cuisine in the partner countries. Promotion of personal social relationships with people with the same interests. Promotion of the ability of self-adaptation to extraordinary situations. For most of the students this was their first time abroad. To reach these goals, we have planned varied contents in the frame of a project exclusively related to catering industry, among which the main are: Traineeship in restaurants in the area; we have selected the most representative and frequented by customers. In spite of the world economic crisis that affects especially this sector, the time of the year, spring, is a good one for the catering industry. Knowledge of the culture and gastronomy of the country and espcifically of the zone they are visiting. Use of the native language in daily circumstances that they can face: job, family, daily routines, friends, etc. To sum up, a series of learning results that are described in the corresponding official curriculum decrees, that can be acquired through the internship in restaurants and hotels in the departments of cooking and maitre. The evaluation done by our partners and ourselves is satisfactory. The behaviour of the participating students has been as good as expected and they are also satisfied with the experience. The best evidence of the good result of their performance is that, once the traineeship period was over, several of the students were offered a job by the companies; one of the students accepted the job in Italy for 6 months to start and the possibility to extend it later. We must also say that the contents and results have been reached almost to a hundred per cent, taking into account that the students are different and have taken advantage of the experience in different degrees. Some have enjoyed the experience but have paid less attention to the professional benefits. The mark we would finally give to the project is B+.
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