Search for European Projects

5 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The ERASMUS Network for Music ‘Polifonia’ will enhance the quality and attractiveness of European higher music education (HME) at the European level and internationally. Impacted by European higher education policy developments (e.g. the ‘Bologna’ and ‘EU 2020’ processes) and by changes in the profession, the HME sector in Europe has developed an increasingly unified approach which has benefited f ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2011,

Nowadays in Europe, everything is subject to change, to mobility, to the exchange of people, concepts and products, to the point that we find ourselves facing the dissolution of the borders in time and space that traditionally characterized the old continent. In this context, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of mobility for the development of a common European identity on which politica ...
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Regional development can successfully integrate cultural and creative industries (CCI) in many areas of economy. To fully exploit their economic potential, the CCI need to increase their capacity to experiment and innovate. In this framework, the project objectives are:• Identifying main cultural events and heritage assets at regional level to be considered the engine for the development and promo ...
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The specific project is the continuation of a previous project implemented during INTERREG IIIA Greece-Italy 2000-2006. The overall target is to create a concrete and sustainable network between the partners that will encourage the theatrical and generally cultural exchange among them, facilitate the professionals and assist the cultural development in both countries. Projects methodology concerns ...
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The project aims at transforming the immaterial cultural heritage, made of narrative oral tradition and local identity into new artistic and theatrical performances to be enjoyed from a wider audience. It capitalises on the outputs of a previous project Terre Parlanti, widening partnership and providing innovative activities to recover and promote ancient oral traditions by: • Narrative laboratori ...
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