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ERASMUS Network for Music ‘Polifonia’
Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

The ERASMUS Network for Music ‘Polifonia’ will enhance the quality and attractiveness of European higher music education (HME) at the European level and internationally. Impacted by European higher education policy developments (e.g. the ‘Bologna’ and ‘EU 2020’ processes) and by changes in the profession, the HME sector in Europe has developed an increasingly unified approach which has benefited from the activities of earlier phases of ‘Polifonia’. The new ‘Polifonia’ project will further enhance the sector by:• Continuing curriculum reform (deepening implementation of the 3-cycle structure, studying assessment in competence-based curricula, strengthening shared understanding of standards and supporting students’ research in all study cycles).• Pursuing governance reform (formalizing a European-level subject-specific approach to quality assurance and developing an international benchmarking system).• Enhancing the employability of graduates (supporting the Knowledge Triangle in the music sector by addressing entrepreneurship and studying partnerships between HME institutions and professional music organizations).• Promoting European mobility in the sector by developing ways for institutions to give full recognition to student achievement gained in exchanges and joint degrees.• Strengthening these developments in Europe by drawing upon expertise from third countries.‘Polifonia’ is a network of 66 partners in 35 countries worldwide, including HME institutions, social partners (employers’ and employees’ organizations), research centres, and representative European and international groupings in the field of music. Its work-plan includes meetings, site visits, institutional and programme reviews and on-site seminars. Outcomes will include handbooks, project information brochures and reference materials in various languages, conference presentations and a project website. Target groups are management, teachers, students and policy makers in HME and the music profession.

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54 Partners Participants