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27 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

G2P-SOL is a research alliance bringing together the major European and International repositories of germplasm with public and private institutions active in genomics, phenotyping and breeding in the four major Solanaceous crops: potato, tomato, pepper and eggplant. These four crops constitute 66% of the value of European horticultural production, and over 65,000 accessions are available within t ...
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Sustainable Algae Biorefinery for Agriculture aNd Aquaculture (SABANA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2020,

SABANA aims at developing a large-scale integrated microalgae-based biorefinery for the production of biostimulants, biopesticides and feed additives, in addition to biofertilizers and aquafeed, using only marine water and nutrients from wastewaters (sewage, centrate and pig manure). The objective is to achieve a zero-waste process at a demonstration scales up to 5 ha sustainable both environmenta ...
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Glass bottles reuse in southern Europe wine sector (LIFE-reWINE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Background Although recycling of packaging waste has been increased in the EU in recent years, the situation varies significantly between Member States; some countries such as Spain still recycle less than a third of their packaging waste. A large part of this waste stream is thus still being disposed in landfills and waste incinerators, causing significa ...
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Be a Change - invest socially

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

The aim of the project BACIS - Be a Change - invest socially is to make social impact and to inspire people to be a change in the world, to become an incentive for local societies from partnership countries to be creative and socially involved. The aim of the project is to motivate people - adults to create a change, to teach people how developed creative solutions to address social problems, to ...
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This is a project carried out as a part of the Plan to promote Vocational Education and Training in Blasco Ibáñez High School in Cullera and to internationalize our Centre (It is important to point out that Cullera ,the city where our High School is located, has been for years an important tourist destination for European citizens). The aim of this project is to increase the value of Vocational E ...
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The main objectives of the REMEB project are the implementation and validation of a low-cost ceramic membrane bioreactor (MBR) in a Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), the study of the impact and replication of the technology for the reuse of the water in regions with water scarcity and the industrial sector, and finally, the definition of a proper business plan to start the commercialization of t ...
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Background Over the past decade European agricultural cooperatives have come under increasing financial pressure due to the fall in prices for their products and rising energy costs. Diversification is necessary for survival. Agricultural cooperatives play an important role in ‘binding’ together farmers in order to ensure that they have access to mark ...
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Background The Ebro Delta in Catalonia is a wetland of international importance, and is considered one of the coastal systems most vulnerable to climate change in the European Union. The delta is undergoing a loss of wetlands and rice paddies because of coastal regression, caused by diminishing fluvial sediments, which are retained in the reservoirs of th ...
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It is widely recognized throughout the European Union that future growth and prosperity needs to be driven by the business sector. The growth of the small business sector is seen as a vital to future wealth creation and employment. Therefore, entrepreneurial skills are essential if we are to prepare our students to be successful in their future careers. Many may create their own businesses, others ...
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ITS made in Italy, WBL made in Europe!

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

In line with the objectives of the Europe2020 Strategy and ET2020, through the project, the Consortium, led by ITS DEMOS, aims to improve the quality of education and vocational training, giving a European dimension to the educational paths and thus providing the young participants the opportunity to test and improve their skills: professionalism in the specific areas of vocational education (agri ...
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AppleGenie aims at new scientific knowledge and technology for assessing the physiological status of apple orchards as a means to overcome two major burdens for apple growers and fresh chains: Ineffective thinning programs for crop load management; and Bitter pit post-harvesting disorder.The project will display a molecular diagnostics solution given as three different components: full protocols f ...
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One of the central ideas underlying European Lifelong Learning policies is that international mobility should become a natural part of education and training schemes. This helps learners to achieve higher qualification levels which are crucial for a successful first step into the labour market or for career improvements. The EU Member States are fully committed to helping young people take advanta ...
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The project is promoted by a consortium of 6 High Schools in Rome and its municipalities: 1. I.P.S.S.S. "E. De Amicis” vocational school for opticians, dental technicians, and healthcare assistants (Applicant Organisations) 2. I.P.S.I.A. "C. Cattaneo” vocational school for mechanical engineering 3. I.I.S.S. "Margherita di Savoia" High School Human Science 4. Science High school "Democrito" 5. Agr ...
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Vi er en lille landbrugsskole-afdeling på Sydfyn med ca. 100 elever på grundforløb/1HF. Rammerne er gamle som andels- og højskolebevægelsen. Her er en lang tradition for at arbejde international. Vi har arbejdet med undervisning af især østeuropæiske elever i en periode. Vi har modtaget elever fra Kina i 4 ugers forløb. På adelingen i Odense har vi etableret en egentlig international kursusafdelin ...
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Online Professional Irrigation Scheduling Expert System (OpIRIS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Increasing water scarcity and environmental concerns have urged the search for solutions for better water management in irrigated agriculture. Precision irrigation is one of these solutions.Technologies have developed potential systems, although effective partnerships have to be fostered between private industry and scientific community to shape up some common and complementary solutions.The proje ...
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VITAL - vocational training for agricultural learners and staff

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Project VITAL objectives are: - to provide a “learning by doing” vocational training experience to the target group in UE companies representing a sector best practices in terms of innovation and working methods. - to foster an exchange of knowledge in the agriculture sector - to give the chance to the target group to live a professionalizing experience abroad useful to be spent in the Italian an ...
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Experiencing tourism: a professional opportunity of growth

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The analysis of the context and the employability of young graduates in the Hospitality and Tourism industry, educational and vocational field of our partnership showed how students just graduated from secondary school have practical skills and competences inadequate and insufficient to respond to the market demands. In this scenario, internships and training periods have shown to be the necessar ...
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Traditionally, wines were produced by the resident grape/winery microbiota, whereas nowadays commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Oenococcus oeni starter cultures are widely used to ensure a manageable process. Despite advantages, this may lead to sensory resemblance of wines from diverse origins. Currently, the competitive nature of global wine market urges for the production of premium wines ...
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Background Livestock farming in Europe developed into an efficient industry during the second half of the twentieth century. However, prospects for the future are marred by an increasing number of environmental problems. One notable issue is water, air and soil pollution, and pollution risks that stem from the large quantities of manure produced in region ...
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The main objective of the EUBerry project is to provide the necessary knowledge and tools to facilitate development of high quality, consumer-desirable fresh berry fruits of high nutritional quality optimal for human health at a competitive cost. The further objective is the development and validation of a set of tools to improve competitiveness of European berry production and consumer accessibil ...
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Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe (Legume-Futures)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

This research will deliver knowledge and technology for the optimisation of the use of legumes in European agricultural systems and promote the partnerships needed to support the public policy outcomes sought. By integrating the Consortiums extensive set of existing field case studies, modelling and knowledge base, the project will test, validate and deliver novel cropping systems. This network of ...
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"Forests play a crucial role in regulating the global climate and are also a vital resource for many countries. Forests are an important global resource that human populations depend on for wood, air quality, recreation and many other usesThe Regen-Forest project objective is to Introduce a new technology for production of forest regeneration materials built on sustainable production in a cost eff ...
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"The aim of the project is to isolate the most appropriate probiotic bacteria from the autochthonous olive microflora, in order to be used as pure starter cultures for the improvement of the traditional fermentation and for the production of a new functional food. Isolated lactic acid bacteria with probiotic properties will be selected for potential tolerance of the naturally antimicrobial compoun ...
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Start date: Jan 30, 2009, End date: Jan 30, 2011,

Valorizzazione delle antiche varietà frutticole alpine attraverso la definizione e promozione di un paniere di prodotti trasformati a base di frutta, messi a punto, secondo un approccio innovativo, con il coinvolgimento attivo dei giovani, distribuiti nei luoghi di aggregazione giovanile, promossi attraverso attività di educazione al consumo e la creazione di centri di valorizzazione.
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The project aims to:- train teachers and trainers, concerned in integrated paths for education and vocational training of young people the use of the Interactive Multimedia Board and its integration with on-line learning objects as well as with virtual collaborative learning environments;- test the use of the Interactive Multimedia Board in learning environments as an innovative didactic tool;- cr ...
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The FO.MA.AGRI project aims to develop a training programme focusing upon the correct use of farm machinery, as regards safety and proper handling, thus contributing to a reduction in the high number of workplace accidents in the farming sector. Target groups for the training programme include SME’s, self-employed workers, young people and immigrants employed in farming. Project partners will init ...
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Les organismes prenant part a ce projet ont été confrontés aux memes problemes: c'est ainsi qu'ils ont établi une relation les amenant a collaborer de maniere concrete mais sporadique. Ces organismes ont un objectif commun: rechercher des réponses techniques et économiques aux problemes de culture et d'exploitation. Le projet veut donc créer un réseau interrégional facilitant les échanges techniqu ...
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