European Projects
Recycling, Resources, entrepeneurship: systemic in..
Recycling, Resources, entrepeneurship: systemic inclusion and exclusion of garbage
Start date: Nov 1, 2014,
End date: Oct 31, 2016
The project is promoted by a consortium of 6 High Schools in Rome and its municipalities:
1. I.P.S.S.S. "E. De Amicis” vocational school for opticians, dental technicians, and healthcare assistants (Applicant Organisations)
2. I.P.S.I.A. "C. Cattaneo” vocational school for mechanical engineering
3. I.I.S.S. "Margherita di Savoia" High School Human Science
4. Science High school "Democrito"
5. Agricultural High school "E. Sereni"
6. I.T.I.S. Industrial technology High school "G.Armellini"
Total number of Sending Partners: 6
Total number of Participating Organisations: 15
Total number of beneficiary students: 120
Total number of accompanying teachers: 12
Length of mobility: 2 weeks
Partner countries: Italy, UK, Malta, Spain, Slovenia
Statistical data on monitoring waste „green management” collected by national and international research institutes (ISTAT and EUROSTAT), highlight relevant effects on the occupational, social and economic side.
Eco-friendly waste disposal and sustainable use of energy resources have be-come overriding social necessities. Therefore public authorities have developed a wide range of important activities in this field and even a greater number of private companies are now participating, by means of investing capital with profits return which has made possible the broadening of economic activities at the occupational level.
The schools participating in the project, through their educational curricula and training stages outside the school, have carried out in the last ten years sever-al training and awareness raising activities on this issue, with the aim of cre-ating new professional profiles able to fulfil the criteria required by the labour market within this area.
The project stems from the awareness that the theoretical knowledge of the materials and of the production process is a necessary condition but on its own doesn’t trigger a competitive professionality, hence the School partners were induced to draw a plan where theoretical knowledge could morph into concrete skills throughout a real experience on field.
The students participating in the project will acquire those technical and practi-cal skills and abilities which are not included in their school curriculum. More specifically the projects focuses on eco-friendly waste disposal and aims both to specialise students and to raise awareness of the issue among all the other school students, their families and teachers, institutions and companies through dissemination of acquired knowledge and cultural values in compliance with the belief of creating active citizenship.
Furthermore linguistic competences with a particular insight into the specific technical area will be fostered also thanks to CLIL oriented seminars.
Students will be selected on the basis of their grades and their motivation. Once groups are formed, the preparation phase is implemented, in which stu-dents will gradually be led from theory into practice by teachers, qualified trainers from LULA S.r.l., Oxford University Press, Agri Power S.r.l., AMA S.p.A. and ENERGHON EUROPE S.r.l.
The core of the project will be carried out during the mobility phase, in which students will be trained in a two-week stage in the partner countries: Malta, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom. The training, offered by the receiving part-ners in every geographical area, involves training experiences and workshops in companies and Public Institutions dealing with:
1) Stocking, disposal, recycling and conversion into energy from a wide range of urban and industrial wastes;
2) Research investments on environmentally friendly issues, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources use and conservation technology.
Besides all the participating institutions use accountability systems to evaluate their results and to communicate them to the involved stakeholders.
Finally students will have the opportunity to take part actively to all the phases of waste circular economy in order to find out which professional figure better corresponds to their personal abilities so to lead them into a more effective de-velopment towards their professional future.