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Demonstrative plant for manure management of a medium size exploitation by anaerobic digestion and agronomic valorisation of the digestate (UNIDIGES)
Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Mar 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Livestock farming in Europe developed into an efficient industry during the second half of the twentieth century. However, prospects for the future are marred by an increasing number of environmental problems. One notable issue is water, air and soil pollution, and pollution risks that stem from the large quantities of manure produced in regions practicing intensive farming. Specific problems include nitrate contamination of water, ammonia emissions and odour nuisance. Existing guidelines have encouraged a shift from the disposal of manure to a resource management approach. Techniques such as land spreading seek to make use of the manure in a positive way, as a fertiliser. However, the quantities of manure produced often exceed local requirements, optimal land spreading is not always practical, and there may still be problems from odour nuisance or disease risks. New and improving treatment technologies can significantly improve the management of livestock manure. Current systems include biological and physical processes and sometimes the use of chemical additives. A typical process is anaerobic treatment, and the use of aeration to reduce nitrogen surplus and offensive odours. Emerging technologies include thermal processes and the production of organo-fertilisers. Currently, most anaerobic digestion plants are built for joint management by several farms, with the objective of producing large amounts of energy for sale. Objectives The objective of the Hispano-Latvian UNIDIGES project is to demonstrate that it is possible to achieve successful management of manure at the level of the individual livestock farm. It aims to develop a pilot demonstration plant based on the anaerobic digestion of manure from a single, medium-sized farm, achieving reduced pollution risks and a commercial end product. The new system will be tested on different farms and on several types of manure. Energy will be harnessed through the construction of a 100Kw co-generator. The project will also develop and demonstrate a market for the digestate, for use as an agricultural fertiliser. Through these interventions, the project hopes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the impact of nitrates on waterways, improve the nutrient balance of the soil, reduce odour nuisance, and establish a market for the digestate. Expected results: A demonstration pilot plant for anaerobic treatment of livestock manure; The successful treatment of 3 000 m3 of manure; Reduced negative environmental impact of manure; and A commercial market for the digestate.
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