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S přírodou k vzájemnému porozumění

Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Jun 29, 2019,

People are nowadays becoming increasingly aware of the positive influence of Nature on their health. Nature, among others, fulfills their physical needs by providing unique sensory experiences. The constant desire to return to Nature may be associated with "innate feelings that people are part of all living things on Earth" (so-called Biophilia Theory). But also its mystery, depth, beauty, fragili ...
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New Media - New Methods: teaching and learning in the digital age

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Most pupils at our schools use mobile devices and modern media outside school all day, every day. But they are often blind to the risks involved. Neither do they realise the full potential of these devices for learning: most probably see the main purposes of these devices to be a) for keeping in contact with “friends” and b) for playing games. However, we are convinced that the mobile devices in o ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

“Julien de Balleure” Vocational College is situated in Chalon sur Saône and provides training to some 400 students, mainly boys. They come from different ethnic and social backgrounds, races and have different religion beliefs.The college offers National Vocational Qualifications and Diplomas Level 4 and 5 in a wide range of areas such as : IT, electrical and electronics, plastic processing, machi ...
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První stáže v zahraničí

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

"The first internships abroad" (PSVZ) is a project prepared by the team of the Secondary Art and Technical School in Karlovy Vary in cooperation with partner organizations Lycée des métiers de la Céramique in France and scola Artística de Soares dos Reis in Portugal. The most important impulse for preparing this type of project was the preparatory visit of the headteacher and two art teachers from ...
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Waste water treatment as energy and mineral recovery utility (OMZET)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

Background Until now, the design and development of wastewater treatment plants (WTTPs) has been primarily aimed at optimising the efficiency of the treatment of wastewater, as measured by the quality of the effluent. However, recently, it has started to be recognised that municipal wastewater might be a valuable source of energy and minerals such as phos ...
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"INNOSTORAGE proposal is driven by the need to develop efficient thermal storage (TES) systems using phase change materials (PCM). One of the main contributions to the rational use of energy is given by the TES systems. They accommodate efficient storage of thermal energy, promoting the possibility of using renewable energy such as solar energy, ambient cold and residual heat. The use of PCM for T ...
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Life from Soil

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The "Life from Soil" project is a collaborative approach of 9 partners from 9 European countries. They want to support local sustainability, rural communities and vulnerable target groups through tailored, open-source and tested education processes. The partnership represent all geographic parts of European Union and various non-formal and formal educators active in agricultural, horticu ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...ures in Motion”; The German school in Barcelona: General secondary school (High school and general secondary school), Musical aspects (Wind instruments); biodiversity Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School : General secondary school with Technology specialism. Construction of flying machines; Sound experiments with air and wind; IES La Rosaleda Malaga : Vocational school with emphasis on Technology an ...
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Generic Integrated Forensic Toolbox for CBRN incidents (GIFT CBRN)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

"Forensic investigation is a key component in the fight against crime and the protection of EU societies. At present it is hampered by a lack of protocols and training in carrying out forensic analysis on CBRN-contaminated materials. The aim of GIFT-CBRN is to develop a forensic toolbox for investigating CBRN incidents. This toolbox would provide (1) procedures, sampling methods and detection of C ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

PIMEN 3 is a Lille-based education authority consortium involved in vocational training placement in Europe. First created in September 2011, PIMEN_aan is a collaborative work platform dedicated to promoting and offering apprentices, students and staff from the Académie de Lille the chance to experience a vocational training placement or professional development in Europe. The académie of Lille fi ...
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Montgolfier, l'envol Européen

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Through this project, our school would like to create opportunities for developing cultural and professional awareness lacking our students due to their social background (70% disadvantaged socio-professional categories, 38% of grant holders and 25% of grant-holders at the maximum level). Then, we would like to raise our student’s awareness to international mobility, which today is non existant. A ...
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proDISCO – Discover Your Key Qualifications in Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project “proDISCO – Discover Your Key Qualifications in Europe” ties in seamlessly with previous European mobility and exchange projects by Arbeit und Leben NRW. The collaboration with the partner country France will be further intensified in the project, as well as the cooperations that were newly formed in the previous mobility project. In this, over 90 young people from 25 different institu ...
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Individuelle Förderung an der Nelson-Mandela-Schule

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Our school is a comprehensive school in a rural area with around 1000 pupils. THe words and actions of our patron Nelson Mandela influence our school life, and as an ASP-Net Unesco School ( and European School) we have a long tradition of european connections and exchanges. Therefore it is important to us that our staff do not lose sight of that European dimension. Since the middle school merged ...
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"The present ALCUE NET proposal (Latin America, Caribbean and European Union Network on Research and Innovation) outlines a Research and Innovation policy support project aimed at supporting the international Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) dimension of the Europe 2020 Strategy and Innovation Union Flagship Initiative. It will do so by promoting bi-regional and bilateral partnerships for ...
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To our project "GRENZERFAHRUNGEN - BORDERLINE EXPERIENCES. Meine Grenzen. Unsere Grenzen. Die Grenzen Europas" we invite 42 young people aged 15-18 years from Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom to Sindelfingen. In this intercultural youth exchange, the young people create a joint performance which they will perform publicly in a youth center and a theater in Si ...
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The consortium led by UKER and EuroHYP, the European Stroke Research Network for Hypothermia, proposes a large, multicentre clinical trial which will assess mild hypothermia as a novel treatment for ischemic stroke.Stroke is the second cause of death world-wide and the second cause of lost disability-adjusted life years in high-income countries. Stroke incidence rises exponentially with age, so it ...
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Graduate and Executive Nuclear Training and Lifelong Education (GENTLE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The GENTLE project is a pan-European effort in the field of education and training (E&T) on Nuclear Energy. It brings together leading European academic and research institutions with the goal to set up a life-long learning programme, strongly supported by stakeholders from industry. GENTLE focuses on two E&T domains: (a) the education of students by means of student research experiences in the nu ...
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"The ARCADIA project has been conceived so as to provide a twofold support to the further development of nuclear research programs in the NMS, targeting two major areas included in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of SNETP: ESNII, through the support of the ALFRED project towards its realization in Romania, and NUGENIA, approaching remaining safety aspects of Gen III/III+ that could be ...
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The Human Brain Project (HBP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges facing 21st century science. If we can rise to the challenge, we can gain profound insights into what makes us human, develop new treatments for brain diseases and build revolutionary new computing technologies. Today, for the first time, modern ICT has brought these goals within sight. The goal of the Human Brain Project, part of the ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

“Julien de Balleure” Vocational College is situated in Chalon sur Saône and provides training to some 400 students, mainly boys. They come from different ethnic and social backgrounds, races and have different religion beliefs. The college offers National Vocational Qualifications and Diplomas Level 4 and 5 in a wide range of areas such as : IT, electrical and electronics, plastic processing, mach ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The IES Izpisúa Belmonte presents the project " Administrative Management : European practice experience " led two students in the intermediate level training Administrative Management and collaboration with a partner. These two young people between 19 and 24 who , having completed their studies in Secondary Education have chosen to continue their education in the formative intermediate level of A ...
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Vallée 3 is group project for vocational mobility organized at regional level in the Academy of Grenoble for vocational trainees. The acronym VALLEE 3, meaning Enhancing Autonomy, Language skills Locally and in Europe, well describes the geographical situation of the academy of Grenoble, being located in the middle of mountains where “Vallée” is a passage to somewhere else. The project gathers 21 ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Lille’s educational board (called Académie) created back in September 2011 a platform called PIMEN_aan, taking support on its cross border position (Germany, England, Holland), which aims to encourage the learning mobility of students and apprentices from vocational colleges. Team of lecturers from those colleges share the same objectives of social and professional integration for their students ...
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1945, exactly 70 years ago, World War II ended, reducing great parts of the European continent in ash and rubble. The citizens suffered heavily from the devastating consequences of the terrible years of war. In many parts of Europe, civilization and society were collapsed. Nothing was the way it was before and because of the great numbers of refugees, many communities hat to change or the groups o ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

This project will focus on biological threats having the capacity to affect and damage agriculture, infect plants and ultimately affect the food and feed at any stage in the food supply chain.Traditional thinking and planning regarding bioterrorism has focused primarily on humans as the primary target. If the perpetrator’s objectives can be met solely through the creation of human illness, death a ...
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Healthy seed are key to high crop yields, underpinning European and global food security. A wide range of diseases and pests are carried by seed and as well as spreading and increasing old problems, new problems may be introduced into the European Community countries via this route. There are currently opportunities to improve seed quality control by implementing emerging novel methodologies. The ...
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The main aim of the ENTICE proposal is to provide professional development in the multidisciplinary field of ENgineering Tribochemistry and Interfaces for IC Engines, capable to develop the new generation of clean and energy-efficient engines. It aims to train the next generation of researchers to work in diverse teams, to cross disciplinary and sectoral boundaries and apply advanced communicatio ...
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"The goal of this project is to determine whether the expression of developmental genes in defined subpopulations of DA neurons contributes to the specification of currently unrecognized midbrain DA neuron subtypes and whether their missexpression may contribute to the loss of DA neurons in the adulthood and to the pathogenesis of PD.Many developmental genes have been found to be implicated in the ...
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The proposed project ‘Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan Regions’ (FOODMETRES) thrives to assess both the environmental and the socio-economic impacts of food chains with regard to spatial, logistical and resource dimension of growing food as well as food planning and governance. Recognising that food production and consumption is not only linked via food chains in a physica ...
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International cooperation plays an important role in tackling the major European and global challenges. The Framework Programmes (FPs) emphasis international cooperation while increasing international partnerships and fostering strategic S&T cooperation with key 3rd Countries, such as Argentina. ABEST III will set up a sustainable, knowledge-based, bilateral dialogue platform between S&T key playe ...
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Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform (DEEP)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

DEEP proposes to develop a novel, Exascale-enabling supercomputing platform along with the optimisation of a set of grand-challenge codes simulating applications highly relevant for Europe's science, industry and society. The DEEP System will realise a Cluster Booster Architecture that can cope with the limitations purported by Amdahl's Law. It will serve as proof-of-concept for a next-generation ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The IES Izpisúa Belmonte presents the project " Administrative Management : Practical training in European companies " led two students in the intermediate level training Administrative Management and collaboration with a partner. These two young people between 19 and 21 who , having completed their studies in Secondary Education have chosen to continue their education in the formative intermediat ...
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A bio-mimicry enabled artificial sniffer (SNIFFER)

Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2015,

"The capture and analysis of odours offers significant potential for border security applications related to the detection and analysis of persons, illegal substances and in particular explosives. Dogs - the most effective ""tool"" for detecting and analysing odours - can only be trained for a small sample of odours, get easily tired and are often perceived as intrusive by the public.The SNIFFER p ...
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Gains from Losses of Root and Tuber Crops (Gratitude)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

Cassava and yam are important food security crops for approximately 700 million people. Post-harvest losses are significant and come in the three forms: (a) physical; (b) economic through discounting or processing into low value products and (c) from bio-wastes. This project aims to reduce these losses to enhance the role that these crops play in food and income security.Post-harvest physical lo ...
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"The SME-driven NanoOnSpect project aims to accelerate the commercialisation of innovative polymer nanocomposites (PNCs), combining developments in online sensor technology, artificial intelligence-based signal analysis and real-time process optimisation to create a comprehensive solution to quality problems.NanoOnSpect has 3 development aims:1) Newly-developed online characterisation techniques w ...
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"An einem Samstag im April: Jugendkulturen in Europa"

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Idea of the project: With this project we focus on young people and their so called "youth culture". The joint work shall aim at a better understanding between and knowledge of the youths and their respective culture, to set reflection process in motion and to offer the young people new options. Preparation of the project: All young people who take part in this project write some kind of diary at ...
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African Programme for Advanced Research Epidemiology Training (APARET)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The APARET fellowship programme will catalyse independent research activities of graduates of Field Epidemiology Training Programmes (FETP) and Field Epidemiology Laboratory Training programmes (FELTP) in Africa. APARET fellows will be employed as research associates by African APARET partners for 2 years (salary provided by host institute). During the first year of their contract they will be emb ...
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PANACEA aims at developing methods and tools for improved prediction and validation of the long-term behavior of sequestered CO2. The objectives are to: 1) Identify and quantify the factors responsible for the long-term stability of the stored CO2, thus requiring a clear understanding of the dynamics of the injected CO2, chemical interactions with the host rock, and the evolution in time of its pa ...
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Fibre-delivered Laser Cutting Optimisation (FILCO)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

"Fibre-delivered 1µm wavelength laser sources (i.e Yb-fibre and Yb:YAG disc) have the potential to revolutionise commercial laser cutting, which is currently dominated by CO2 lasers. Currently, 95% of lasers used in cutting applications are CO2 lasers, of which ~40% are used in Europe. The potential benefits of replacing CO2 lasers with new, 1µm wavelength fibre or disc lasers are significant, in ...
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"Fiber-reinforced composites have been in use, in particular for aeronautical applications, for the past 40 years, mostly thanks to their high specific mechanical properties providing high strength and stiffness. Nevertheless, in light of the growing environmental awareness, classic fibers, such as carbon fibers or glass fibers, suffer several drawbacks among which the fact that they are based on ...
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