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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The IES Izpisúa Belmonte presents the project " Administrative Management : Practical training in European companies " led two students in the intermediate level training Administrative Management and collaboration with a partner. These two young people between 19 and 21 who , having completed their studies in Secondary Education have chosen to continue their education in the formative intermediate level of Administrative Management of the importance of the tertiary sector in the locality, and hoping to join the workforce . These students without prior work experience in your professional profile. This project aims to improve the professional projection and formative experience of the alumni / ae who attend the training cycle average degree of Administrative Management . The practices carried out through the Leonardo da Vinci program will be validated as Module Training at Work ( FCT) , performing in the period between April and June 2015. Our primary objective is to supplement the education of students with placements in enterprises from countries of the European Union. The main objectives of the project in relation to the participants are: - Encourage the inclusion in the labor market of groups of special difficulty of insertion. Specifically , we focus on young people looking for a first experience , long-term unemployed and women. - Provide flexibility , skills and competencies necessary to encourage mobility within the European labor market - Acquire and validate new personal and professional skills - Improve English language skills to enhance their employability - Knowing the work culture of UK businesses and foster teamwork - Develop innovative ideas that can be applied in our town. The project will offer our students the opportunity to participate in a training program consisting of a cultural and linguistic preparatory phase prior to mobility training phase and a second 12-week stay in the UK. Short-term effects of the project are checked against the employability of participants. In the medium term , participation in this project improves the level of international relations of the center as well as the language skills of its members and their level of self-management. In the long term , the project will help improve the quality of the productive fabric of the town and participate in the development of the local economy. The most notable effect on participants is the fact that differentiating curriculum acquires them to have done internships in other European countries , and improve their language skills , raising the quality of your resume when achieving employment within or outside our borders .

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