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Individuelle Förderung an der Nelson-Mandela-Schule
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is a comprehensive school in a rural area with around 1000 pupils. THe words and actions of our patron Nelson Mandela influence our school life, and as an ASP-Net Unesco School ( and European School) we have a long tradition of european connections and exchanges. Therefore it is important to us that our staff do not lose sight of that European dimension. Since the middle school merged with the third-tier school on our site four years ago we are experiencing a far higher intake of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, with migrant backgrounds and with special educational needsNext year we are to become a school where pupils with physical, emotional or learning disabilities will be integrated into the system. An external evaluation last year showd that differentiation and meeting the needs of individual students the area is which is most in need of developmentat our school. For this reason, a new development plan is being put into place to address these problems. Our goal is to improve the cometencies of our staff and equip them methodically and didactically to meet the needs of individual students in diverse classes. Therefore we plan to send two colleagues from different departments - languages, maths, science, humanities - and staff with special responisbilities in these areas to training courses. We plan to cover many subject areas and involve experienced and less experienced colleagues. in order to ensure that the results will be effectively trasferred back into all areas of the school. In order to gather impressions on a whole-school level we plan to send members of the leadership team to obsereve at our partner schools in England and Italy, for whom diversitiy and inclusion is an everyday topic. Another specialist area at our school is the use of modern media. A small, motivated team is behind this work. We are well equipped and have a number of sets of mobile devices as well as classes using iPads 1:1. This team needs to gather experience from other countries, as school in other parts of Europe are more advanced in this field. The team trains further staff both within our school and throughout our region and would benefit from new opportunities. Developments in this area will also help us to improve the way we cater for individual needs in lessons. In the long term we expect the project to improve the abilities of our staff to meet the needs of individual students as well as extending the European dimension of our school as a whole.

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