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21 European Projects Found

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Smart Energy Logistics in harbours (e-harbours movement)

Start date: Jan 6, 2014, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Harbours are a microcosm of the challenges that Europe as a whole will have to face in its energy future. The shift towards renewables puts a strain on the existing electricity system, where demand and supply need to be in balance at all times.To avoid loss or spill of large amounts of valuable green energy in times of high production, the power and heat sectors can be combined in various ways. Th ...
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A study on fatal accidents of professional drivers in Finland (Laapotti & Peräaho 2011) has revealed that the risks in loading and securing of cargo comprised 12 % of all vehicular risk factors. This was more than the proportion of risks connected to tires and brakes together (10 %). Europe is an area where goods and products can move around freely, without any checks at the national borders. Thi ...
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The project North Sea Region Electric Mobility Network (E-Mobility NSR) provides state of the art information which may help policy development in e-mobility in the NSR. It also provides insight into the gaps and needs in respect of infrastructure, logistics and preliminary standards for multi charging techniques. Ultimately, the project will deliver a long-term basis upon which regional and local ...
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The main aim of the ONE BSR Project is to increase the competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) by marketing it as one unity. ONE BSR functions as an umbrella project and calls together actors, who market themselves as part of the Baltic Sea Region. In the absence of a strong common brand, the project aims to search for common commercial and cultural characteristics with a concrete hands-on ...
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QUICK: Innovative SMEs by Gender and Age (Quick-IGA)

Start date: Sep 19, 2011, End date: Mar 27, 2014,

The following findings are the background of the project: a) The number of persons in employable age in the BSR countries decreases by up to 20 % until 2030.b) The increasing lack of skilled workers will limit innovation and growth of SMEs.c) While equal opportunities for women and elderly in the workplace are comparably high in Scandinavia, it must be improved considerably in countries south of t ...
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Digital Agenda for the North Sea (DANS Cluster)

Start date: Sep 30, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2013,

The DANS cluster connects three projects funded under the Priority 1 - namely Creative City Challenge (CCC), Smart Cities and E-CLIC. These three projects will combine their expertise, contacts and networks and thereby build a base upon which the 'Digital Agenda for Europe' (DAE) can be implemented within the North Sea Region. The project will focus on the link between the local and regional strat ...
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SMEs represent 99% of all enterprises in BSR and provide up to 70% of all jobs, being an important economic but also socio-cultural factor. SMEs present the biggest potential for job creation also in future. QUICK aims at unleashing this potential to its full extent by addressing the following challenges undermining the competitiveness of the BSR SMEs:- limited benefit from innovation processes an ...
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Creative City Challenge (CCC)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Nov 29, 2012,

CCC aims to build and implement an integrated evidence-based strategy for cities to strengthen their innovative capacity by means of a methodology of joint development and pilot testing of new tools and instruments in the fields of skills development, business cooperation and the development of urban creative clusters. CCC focuses on the catalyst role of creative industries in building and strengt ...
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North Sea Skills Integration and New Technologies (SKINT)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

The project is focusing on to integrate and create knowledge on different methods to empower water in interdisciplinary urban development and planning processes. The project has significant relevance for national and EU policy evaluation and the project supports the implementation of the Floods Directive (FD) and the Water framework Directive (WFD). The project will develop a SKIN Water portal, wh ...
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Northern Maritime University (NMU)

Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

The NMU project is building on the broad range of knowledge and expertise in the North Sea area which is being harnessed within a common and lasting transnational network of universities, The "Northern Maritime University" will directly address the needs of the maritime industry: To better prepare maritime business managers to cope with growing maritime traffic, port development, and rising enviro ...
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BaltFood integrates local, regional and national food cluster organisations in six countries around the Baltic Sea into one food cluster. The cooperation focuses on enhancing the competitiveness of the BSR food industry to become the European source for valuable and affordable food products. The food industry has developed into one of the strongest business sectors in the BSR characterized by high ...
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Eutrophication caused by nutrient load is the biggest environmental problem of the Baltic Sea. Practical measures to restrict it are included in River Basin Management Plans (RBMP), outputs of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. However, putting general-level RMBPs into practice, i.e. applying water pollution control methods and changing land-use practices, is hindered by many ...
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moting Spatial Development by Creating COMon MINdscapes (COMMIN)

Start date: Aug 31, 2004, End date: Aug 30, 2007,

Transnational and cross-border co-operation have a growing need (e.g. EU-enlargement) for a precise understanding of the partner’s concepts and the planning systems they are embedded in. The improvement of solving similar problems in different BSR countries and on transnational activities can best be achieved by exchange of experiences and ideas, mutual training and further education as well as pr ...
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The Baltic Sea Virtual Campus is a project whose objective is to build sustainable e-learning structures throughout the Baltic Sea Region, to supply the Baltic Sea countries equally with academic online education in future. The project has a running time of three years (2002-2005) and is financed through the participating partners, the regions and the EU.The overall aims of the BSVC, besides the e ...
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...s and 5 Baltic states joined as partners.A Baltic Sea Academy, which makes the cooperation between chambers and Universities permanently was established.The project focused on Northeast Lower Saxony, Hamburg, Gdansk, Vilnius, Tallinn and Pori (Finland). At the end of the project, all the results and records will be transffered to the 32 chambers and 10 - 12 colleges / universities from 8 EU-Baltic ...
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First outcome of the project will be an overview on concepts of combining learning atout-of-school places with formal learning at school, existing in the participatingcountries, focused on the subject of environmentally friendly use of energy. Based onthese concepts best practice examples will be clarified. New training modules will bedesigned in co-operation with out-of-school learning places and ...
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This network of cooperating institutions has successfully developed a European Computer Science (ECS) course delivering a bachelors’ degree in 3 years encouraging mobility amongst students at this level. Experience shows that mobility at the masters’ level is lower. Because of their high degree of specialization existing masters’ courses do not encourage students to pursue part of their studies ab ...
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European Master in Computer Science

Start date: Oct 1, 2007,

We wish to expand the socio-technical infrastructure that we have developed for the bachelors’ course to support a similar international masters’ level course, suited not only to traditional learning but also as a source of material for lifelong learning. This project will enable the partners to fully investigate, design and implement a set of provisions that will support graduates, particularly o ...
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RESME consortium develops an innovative multidisciplinary curriculum in continuing education targeted for professionals working in the field of child protection and mental health care. Curriculum covers “a grey terrain” in between two professional sectors, and it is designed together with field actors. It promotes active use of e-learning platform while developing and testing the curriculum with p ...
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Innovation Competencies Development

Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

Europe 2020 Strategy presents a concept of 'Innovation Union' which is supposed to improve framework conditions and access to finance for research and innovation, so as to ensure that innovative ideas can be turned into products and services that create growth and jobs. There is an urgent need for future professionals who can contribute to the creation of new social, economical, technological and ...
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