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Dual vocational training for SMEs in the Baltic Sea Region

Small and medium-sized enterprises in the Baltic region have a strongly growing demand for corporate successors, managers and professionals. The skill requirements of SMEs grow, there is an increasing demand for international experience. Ensuring a qualified talent is for the SMEs a question of survival and thus the most importont support task. As an important contribution dual study programs, that combine a skilled trades training with a technical or business management bachelor's degree, will be transferred and implemented.To address these tasks under the leadership of the Hanseatic Parliament chambers, universities and vocational training centers from 6 regions and 5 Baltic states joined as partners.A Baltic Sea Academy, which makes the cooperation between chambers and Universities permanently was established.The project focused on Northeast Lower Saxony, Hamburg, Gdansk, Vilnius, Tallinn and Pori (Finland). At the end of the project, all the results and records will be transffered to the 32 chambers and 10 - 12 colleges / universities from 8 EU-Baltic countries and Norway.

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