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16 European Projects Found

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TUnisian Network for Employability and Development of Graduates' Skills

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

Following the request of the Tunisian Ministry of HE, the project will support the ongoing reform of the HE system by the scaling up of the TEMPUS ISLAH observatory so to include the new coming universities of Tunis, Carthage, Kairouan and Sfax, in the integrated demand supply matching model, designed as to achieve the following results: -collect and analyze data on university and graduates perfor ...
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Definition and establishment of a new Master Course on “Environmental Protection and Energy Efficient Buildings” in three TN, DZ and MO universities, with affiliation to other three universities. The main scope is the promotion of EU best practices in the terms of educational methodologies and specific knowledge related to the energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings. Two are the specific ...
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Euro-African Network of excellence for entrepreneurship and innovation

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

The Euro-African Network of Excellence for Innovation and Entrepreneurship - INSTART – aims at improving the knowledge triangle by promoting an effective Innovation culture in Higher Education, and starting up Innovative modes of association and interaction between Universities, Businesses and Society in order to enhance the socio-economic environment across the South Mediterranean Region (MED).Th ...
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There is a worldwide consensus today on the relevance of quality human resource management (HRM) for the optimisation of Higher Education Institutions’ performance. HEIs are facing increasingly complex contexts which require HRM models able to respond to new challenges in the selection, development and motivation of their staff. HR approaches focused on staff recruitment, organisation of employmen ...
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Information Technology Governance for Tunisian Universities

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Information Technology (IT) is a key aspect for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). IT is present in almost all HEIs activities and, as a result of this importance, is a strategic asset that needs to be managed in an effective and efficient way. Moreover, IT will transform the way education is delivered, managed and accessed by students. On the other hand, IT Governance is one of the concerns fo ...
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Ce projet régional structurel vise les priorités nationales et la priorité régionale ‘ Développement des relations internationales' des 3 pays du Maghreb, Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie. Il implique dans chaque pays cible, 4 universités & organismes de recherche, les ministères de l’enseignement supérieur ainsi que 6 partenaires européens de 4 pays différents. L’objectif général du projet est transférer ...
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The Alyssa project is named after the first queen and founder of Carthage, Alyssa.The academic mobility scheme proposed (a total of 122 mobility covering all levels) aims to enrich the students & academic staffs’ experience through confrontation with other cultures, different pedagogical and scientific methods, and life styles; it has for objective to develop the “soft skills” that are of key impo ...
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Tunisian’s commitment to open government must be part of the government's efforts to foster greater openness and accountability, to provide Tunisians in collaboration with Europe more opportunities to learn about and participate in government, to drive innovation and economic opportunities for all Tunisians and, at the same time, create a more cost-effective, efficient and responsive government.Op ...
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UNetBA will enable and organize mobility of 234 Maghreb nationals (Unidergraduate, Master, Doctorate, post-Doc and staff) to EU universities and 20 European Post doctorates and Staff to universities. Each of the 13 Maghreb partner-universities will send to EU partner-universities undegraduate, masters, doctoral and post-doctoral students and staff members – academic/administrative. This mobility ...
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Climate change is one of the most important issues facing society today in the Mediterranean, and in many parts of the world. Given the trans-boundary nature of this phenomenon, a regional approach is necessary to holistically address the issue. Training of local professionals in the field of climate change management is therefore a priority for the countries so that they can continue to meet the ...
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Middle East and North Africa countries have been undergoing a profound change in connection with the ongoing reform of the HE system that the project aims at support by enhancing the linkages between HE institutions, economy and society overcoming fragmentation. The large-scale yet fragmented implementation of regional initiatives addressed to youth employment and labour market emphasizes the nee ...
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This project involves 3 European HEIs & 8 PC HEIs in the Southern Neighbouring Area (SNa), as well as student representatives (AISEC&ESTIEM), association of professionals (Forum Cadres Tanger) & the Union of Moroccian Women.The general objective of this project is to contribute to support the HEIs in the Southern Neighborhood area (SNa) in establishing a lifelong learning (LLL) policy, as a key e ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2011,

The project objectives -to contribute to the challenges proposed in the TCs’ plans of development and National Indicative Plans; -to contribute to the resolution of problems resulting from the geographical proximity of the countries involved; -to promote the design of joint degrees and the emergence of new ones in the TCs. The objectives will be achieved by upgrading the TCs human resources fir ...
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Developing and implementing a system for QA and Certification in Tunisia for applied languages (English, French German, and Italian), and engineering, including- identification of the requirements for certification - development of specific criteria for certification - development of teaching programs provided in the framework of structured certificates in ECTS in close collaboration with the soc ...
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L01 - Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

The AVERROES project consortium includes Nine Maghreb Universities : Tunis, Sfax, Sousse, Oran, Bejaïa, Constantine, Rabat, Tetouan and Marrakech and 11 EU Universities : Montpellier (3), Marseille 2, Perpignan, Genoa, Nice, Balearic Islands, SupAgro Montpellier, Cadiz and Liege. The project will be co-ordinated by the University of Montpellier 2 which has a long lasting experience of European pro ...
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To boost innovation and knowledge based economic development by stimulating structural reforms in Tunisian higher education institutions via the implementation of a well structured, sustainable scheme for the creation and reinforcement of industry-enterprises partnerships at Tunisian Universities. The specific objectives are: "• Creation of a Universities-enterprises cooperation network comprising ...
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