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Building CLIMate change ADAPTation capacity in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia-CLIMADAPT
Start date: Oct 15, 2012,

Climate change is one of the most important issues facing society today in the Mediterranean, and in many parts of the world. Given the trans-boundary nature of this phenomenon, a regional approach is necessary to holistically address the issue. Training of local professionals in the field of climate change management is therefore a priority for the countries so that they can continue to meet their actions in adaptation and mitigation measures. The project will support Enpi South countries in tackling Climate change. More Specifically, the project will lead to: 1-the development and implementation and Euro-Mediterranean Master Program in climate change and risk management in line with Bologna requirements in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. After the need analysis phase and the capacity building scheme for courses developers. The programme structure and content will be designed and recognised by partner universities in close collaboration with their European counterparts. -foundation of sustainable structures through the establishment of National Centres for Climate Change Adaptation In University of Jendouba (Tunisia), University of Mostaghanem (Algeria) and Ibn Toufail University (Morocco). Through research and recommendations, the centers will contribute to the development of strategies to implement effective adaptation measures in their countries. In order to reinforce the regional dimension a network will be created to serve as a platform of dialogue and exchange of climate change mitigation strategies and practices in the Maghreb region.

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