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8 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects



Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Goals–Rationale The situation of employment of Young People in Europe is very poor, especially for those who are "nowhere" (NEETs). On the other hand, actions, initiatives, innovative practices arise on the field that are motivating and putting people on the move. It is important to foster such actions, propagate them towards different actors and territories, and built upon them, for another step ...
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Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services (IB INNO)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The overall IBINNO objective will be the establishment of feasibility and efficacy of an enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs service in the Balearic Islands region, that leads to a smart growth in the European Union by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of investments in research, development and innovation and by contributing to a better and more efficient connection of ...
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The overall aim of HERMES is to develop training and scientific exchanges between European and the Middle East higher education institutions which will build and strengthen links between them and result in a strong sustainable contribution to the construction of a Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Area.The specific objectives are: - To develop higher education teaching and learning ...
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The EdWeb2Work Network project will improve the use of Web2.0 tools in education and the world of work. It is also building tools that will allow educators and employers see how effective Web2.0 tools are in improving education and working efficiencies. The project will create a network between stakeholders in the education and work sectors that will examine how both should be using Web2.0 in the ...
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DEFI-Averroès est un programme structurel régional qui concerne 7 pays : Algérie, Liban, Maroc, Tunisie, Espagne, Belgique et France. Le coordinateur, Université Montpellier 2, s'appuie sur les réseaux d'écoles d'ingénieurs Polytech et CODIGE. Le partenariat comprend 4 ministères (MESR), 13 universités, et 8 acteurs représentatifs du monde socio-économique. Il recouvre en partie le périmètre du c ...
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At the present, organizations demand employees not only with technical key competencies that are taken for granted, but also with personal and social competences. They perform in a rapidly changing environment influenced by different factors not only of technological and economic nature but also organisational where competencies such as decision making, time management and leadership are vital for ...
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The AcroJump project worked upon the accompaniment process for less qualified and/or less experienced young people in their path towards a job by using Professional Social Networks (PSN). The methodology was derived from a capitalisation of 5 previous European projects on accompanying people I n difficulties The practical experiment was conducted as Territorial Pilot Actions (TPA) in 7 Regions in ...
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The TOUAREG project is primarily targeted to less qualified workers in tourism sector and provides an innovative approach to support the development organisational, social and communication skills as well as the development of strategies for personal and professional development. In doing so less qualified workers in tourism sector can find available opportunities and enhance their ability to main ...
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