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Accompanying young adults Life Long Paths towards a less precarious employment

The AcroJump project worked upon the accompaniment process for less qualified and/or less experienced young people in their path towards a job by using Professional Social Networks (PSN). The methodology was derived from a capitalisation of 5 previous European projects on accompanying people I n difficulties The practical experiment was conducted as Territorial Pilot Actions (TPA) in 7 Regions in 4 Countries (Rhône-Alpes and Brittany in France, Catalonia and Balearic Islands in Spain, Emilia-Romagna and Rome in Italy, Bucharest in Romania). They involved more than 320 young people, 45 accompanying persons, 18 persons from companies, recruiting and insertion bodies in more than 35 different structures. Questionnaires, interviews and participatory observations have provided with a permanent feedback on the TPAs. They constituted the main vector for disseminating the Acrojump innovation among the target audiences, the beneficiaries and the stakeholders. The three main hypotheses of the project, were: to be able to have a PSN able to integrate less qualified people, their accompanying person; to valorise less formal experiences to evidence, beyond the school failures, the capabilities of the young people; to support the networking of all the actors committed in the accompaniment process together with employers.The main outcomes and findings include: the positive appreciation of the collaborative accompaniment process; the positive role of the less formal experiences on self-esteem and confidence building; the attractiveness of PSNs for young people, because it is a place where they are not at failure; the complementarity with CV; the difficulty to speak of oneself when you are not much experienced; the defiance of accompaniment professional regarding the contents within the social networks in general; the necessity for all to develop abilities in managing one's personal virtual identity.Project recommendations towards policy makers in Regions and in Europe include developing PSNs inclusive for young people in difficulties, raising awareness and abilities to better manage one's VPI, and developing networked accompanying processes.

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