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17 European Projects Found

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HORSE aims to bring a leap forward in the manufacturing industry proposing a new flexible model of smart factory involving collaboration of humans, robots, AGV’s (Autonomous Guided Vehicles) and machinery to realize industrial tasks in an efficient manner. HORSE proposes to foster technology deployment towards SMEs by developing a methodological and technical framework for easy adaptation of robot ...
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The overall objective for iBUS is to develop and demonstrate by 2018 an innovative internet based business model for the sustainable supply of traditional toy and furniture products that is demand driven, manufactured locally and sustainably, meeting all product safety guidelines, within the EU. The iBUS model focuses on the capture, creation and delivery of value for all stakeholders – consumers, ...
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Description ECHORD++ will create new opportunities for European robotics researchers to work directly with SME/start-ups and new users/customers to create innovative products. ECHORD++ will continue ECHORD’s two pillars, “experiments” and “structured dialogue”, taking advantage of experience and investment in the infrastructure. In addition, ...
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Understanding Territoriality: Identity, Place and Possession

Start date: Apr 10, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

How can we better understand tensions between the personal, the local and the general in the context of European and cultural identity? How can we open up discussion of these tensions beyond politicians and academics and move our societies forward in ways that enable our individuality and local distinctiveness to flourish? TIPP will seek to understand and document the influence of human territoria ...
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...ustries dependent on using thin film components for goods they produce, such as smartphones, tablets, computers, cameras, watches, jewellery, various medical instruments, and many more.Solution: Nova Fabrica has already successfully developed and tested a prototype of a plant-wide intelligent Supervisory Process Control System (iSPCS) – the only holistic control system, enabling real-time producti ...
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Building Energy decision Support systems fOr Smart cities (BESOS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The strategic goal of BESOS is to enhance existing neighborhoods with decision support system to provide coordinated management of public infrastructures in Smart Cities, and at the same time provide citizens with information to promote sustainability and energy efficiency.The project will target two main stakeholders: the owners of the infrastructure –municipalities – and its operators – ESCOs. T ...
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Time and place (TAP)

Start date: Jun 30, 2011, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

The project TAP (Time And Place) gathers 5 partners around a program of actions aiming at sharing good practices between professionals of the cross border area in the field of contemporary visual arts. The project mentions the implementation of common exhibitions and artists residencies around 2 topics: war heritage and cross border landscape.
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The aims of the Robert Bosch GmbH are based on the written and for all staffs generally valid so called "house of orientation" that describes the values of our enterprise. Beneath many others, the value of "cultural variety" as well as the core competencies "being globally present" and "personal development" have main importance as a base of our daily actions. Moreover the Robert Bosch GmbH estab ...
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This project is devoted to a little-known feature of the Somme and Brighton & Hove’s shared historical and cultural heritage: the Waide, a plant used to produce blue dye. The project wants to re-educate the populations living in these regions in the shared heritage borne by this plant by organising cultural, artistic, social and environmental activities. It is also aiming to develop best practice ...
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Landscape, Cities, People (LCP)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

...results of the project?Activity 124 exhibitions visited by more than 100,000 people; 10 research & social practice placements; 3-year Audience Development plans & 3-year tourism integration plans for Fabrica, Netwerk, LH du Siège, Aspex & la malterie. Dissemination of audience evaluation models for developing local audiences; A year on year increase of non-arts audiences; maintenance of total audi ...
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METABODY will be a laboratory and observatory of cultural diversity that will highlight the importance of non-verbal communication and embodied expressions as a primary substrate of cultural heritage. The project will generate an understanding of the threats posed by the homogenising processes of globalisation and Information Society. Furthermore the project will produce new cultural, communicatio ...
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Start date: May 2, 2013,

...programme d’analyse et d’expérimentation de deux ans sur le thème de la conservation et la diffusion de la vidéo de danse, coordonné par la Maison de la Danse et co-organisé par Vo’Arte et Fabrica de Movimentos (Portugal), Fundacion Alicia Alonso (Espagne), Institut de Musique et de Danse (Pologne), Centre de Musique et Media (Autrice), Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (Allemagne). Il compte également ...
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E-Motional: rethinking dance

Start date: Sep 1, 2013,

E-Motional: rethinking dance is an artist and manager-driven initiative, dedicated to exchange, research & artistic collaboration, co-production & touring, and audience development at European level. The guiding idea of this programme is finding the right language in the production of new cultural contents in the field of contemporary dance in the new Europe. The project cooperation scheme involve ...
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International Young Makers in Transit

Start date: Apr 27, 2012,

International Young Makers in Transit will be organised by the International Young Makers’ Exchange (IYME), a network of European based theatre and dance festivals which is aimed at the international showcasing of the work of young artists at a stage in their careers before they can access established funding streams. Although the internet has made our world very small and contacts in other countr ...
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The International Young Makers' Exchange (IYME) is a unique collaboration between various European theatre festivals whose focus is on promoting and developing student and young emerging artists at a formative stage in their careers. The IYME programme will give young theatre practitioners a unique opportunity to tour their work to culturally diverse audiences, test their skills in an environment ...
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Start date: May 1, 2009,

Non capital based experimental cross over festivals gather to develop a new route for experimental work from performances to installations, from digital art to video games. It proposes, a programme of year round festivals, a network of festivals, a series of residencies, a European Prize to the best European Artwork showcased at each festival. Outputs are expected at 3 levels: networking activitie ...
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3 in 1 is a two-year programme of visual art and education based activity, which builds on the partnerships and groundwork established through Between Two Spaces, a project part financed by Interreg IIIa in 2002-04. 3 in 1 is designed to consolidate and enrich cross-border collaboration between partner organisations in Brighton & Hove, Lille and Rouen through a wide range of activities including: ...
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