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Understanding Territoriality: Identity, Place and Possession
Start date: Apr 10, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

How can we better understand tensions between the personal, the local and the general in the context of European and cultural identity? How can we open up discussion of these tensions beyond politicians and academics and move our societies forward in ways that enable our individuality and local distinctiveness to flourish? TIPP will seek to understand and document the influence of human territoriality in the modern world, and propose methodologies that can support unity across the EU and beyond. Through a conceptually led, inter-disciplinary and cross-sectorial approach that encompasses artistic research, audience engagement, organisational cooperation and wide-ranging discussion, TIPP aims to open up questions of identity and promote greater awareness of territoriality to the cultural sector and also to non-arts audiences and underrepresented groups - including young people, refugees and social entrepreneurs. By exploring the concept of territoriality through a programme of cultural activity TIPP will reinforce the need for transnational cooperation and unity. TIPP brings together partners from the UK, Belgium, Italy and the Republic of Macedonia, who have expertise in the visual arts and design sectors, and whose programmes already use visual culture as a starting point to discuss broader social and political themes. TIPP will create new opportunities for artists to work internationally, via residency programmes and exhibitions. It will strengthen the partners’ capacity to work transnationally by expanding their international networks, developing new skills and testing innovative audience development models. A dedicated online platform will be created to communicate TIPP activities and results, including an online publication. The publication will be a way of stimulating pan-European discussion through sharing the learning of the partnership with a wider audience of artists, policy makers, activists and opinion formers.
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