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20 European Projects Found

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Integrating Cultural Diversity in Higher Education

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

...t and finalise CPD courses incorporating ECTS, for HE teachers, adaptable to other settings. - Produce an analysis of the policy process and a policy paper with recommendations for HEIs, national and European agencies.At each stage, the partners will work with policy actors at national level and EUCEN will do this at European level; in-depth transnational consultations will maximise the impact of ...
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University Meets Social Responsibility

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

CONTEXT Universities are embedded within local communities of business companies, NGOs, local associations, cities and other stakeholders, and do not operate in isolation. University’s Social Responsibility (USR) was – as a concept – derived from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and is about managing these relationships to produce an overall positive impact on society with research, developme ...
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 FINISHED only singular attempts have been made to assess these competences, to give evidence of their development in the learning activity, to connect them to existing certification systems and to offer a European wide validation approach.PROMOTE will develop and pilot an approach to tackle this issue based on a long term partnership of academia, business and educational partners from all over Europe.T ...
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... & Lifelong Learning in Universities in Europe) Networkcomprises 20 organisations representing Universities (Unis), Volunteering Organisations(VOs) & networks/associations (from both sectors) from 13 European countries. Itsprincipal aim is to both facilitate & stimulate the development of cooperation betweenUnis & the volunteering sector in the delivery of University Lifelong Learning (ULLL) tovol ...
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...t there is still sparse provision and a lack of analysis likely to provide an effectivebasis for policy making and implementation of recognition activities.To develop a strong network of national and European experts for the transfer and development of innovation, andintegrated European solutions for the identification, assessment and recognition of non formal and informal learningand to create a ...
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The DISCO project aimed at the development of a tool that supports the composition of European CVs, Mobility Passes, Diploma Supplements and other transparency instruments and competence profiles. A multilingual professional dictionary for vocational skills and competencies was developed and offered in seven European languages (English, Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Swedish) in the ...
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.... Our first survey of the 'state of play' in ULLL shows that universities are in general only just beginning to consider how they can use these tools to develop new forms of ULLL and understanding of European initiatives (EQF…) is not clear. Some, but not many, have begun to take advantage of the potential offered by these developments, others plan to do so. There is a need to monitor their progre ...
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DISCO II provides a much needed and so far at European level not available terminological support for the description and translation of knowledge, skills and competences in the context of labour market and education. Transparency and comparability of competences is supported by DISCO II, based on a common terminology offered for competence descriptions in European transparency instruments and lea ...
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VET has a unique position between more theoretical higher education and practice. It is typically an operator, who could have the skills both to understand the research information and implement it to the practice. Especially in rural areas the VET’s role has also changed from the traditional educator to important regional expert organization and developer. VET is an important link to the experti ...
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University Lifelong Learning (henceforth, ULLL) has just recently started to be an issue for the institutions implementing the main BMD reform. The project aims to monitor the way in which the flexibility offered by the Bologna reforms and tools are being used to develop ULLL and map progress since the first BeFlex survey in 2006.
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...tivities, but LLL is rarely integrated into their institutional mission and strategies.For this reason EUA, in consultation with stakeholder organisations and social partners, launched in 2008 the “European Universities’ Charter on lifelong learning”, which provides recommendations for universities and governments. On the basis of this Charter, the present project will provide the means for develo ...
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In its strategic plans for European cooperation on education and training (COM(2008)865), the Commission calls for improved tools and exchange of good practices between Member States to further reform education and training systems in order to meet the common challenges of skill deficits, employability and adequate response to labour needs and thus face global competition. By setting up a European ...
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The lifelong learning perspective is the backbone of the European education and training strategy. This strategy has been reinforced by additional initiatives aiming to contribute to its implementation. Although the emphasis on LLL has been gradually increasing in HE, the results of surveys (Trends V, Beflex) show a contrasted situation between countries and institutions. There is no common unders ...
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The project "INTERFACE" will contribute to ensure that the targeted Universities (PCU) are able to facilitate the graduates' entrance into the labour market through enhanced partnerships with enterprises, to set up - based on these partnerships - an institutionalised life long learning (LLL) system, and to establish a quality improvement system through coordinated contact with alumni.More specific ...
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From "rhetoric to practice" to "make LLL a reality". This aim remains a key priority on the European policy agenda while offering crucial challenges in professional practice for all educational institutions and stakeholders. But how can this aim be achieved? How can universities do justice to their responsibility and live up to their role as "important social actors contributing to the better int ...
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...d professional practice on teaching and learning in ULLL be strengthened and the exchange be organised in such a way that reciprocal benefits and mutual learning are likely to take place? How can the European policy debate on LLL in Universities and beyond to the wider expert community in adult education be stimulated? The key purpose of the DIALOGUE-Grundtvig network will be to bridge the gap bet ...
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Project Actors Community in Europe

Start date: Nov 1, 2013,

... ensure that these support tools will be exploited beyond the boundaries of LLP action lines and education sectors. In the light of the expiring programme period PACE takes care that the valuable European project management know-how generated by the LLP support projects will not get lost and forgotten but be transferred to the new generation of programmes with the high visibility it deserves.To t ...
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...ded: Only 0.18% of GDP was spent on research in 2008 and not more than 0.2% in 2009, without significant increase in following years. The majority of doctoral students self-finance their studies.In European universities more and more work is dedicated to offering Master programmes, trainings and workshops in postgraduate departments in order to apply for international project funding. Also the EC ...
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 FINISHED Higher Education in order to ensure sustainable development of Russian HE. First objective of VALERU is the development of a national methodological basis for validating NIL in HE, harmonized with European best practice and in line with Bologna and the strategic objectives of EU 2020. The focus lies on NIL at the work place (work based learning: WBL), seen as a key element when it comes to supp ...
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The world has been experiencing rapid transformation in the education area and on the actual scenario mobility, cooperation and development of quality relating to methods of assessment are crucial subjects that raise many questions. Effective assessment drives learning efficiency as the growth of e-learning technologies drives e-assessment. This growth reinforces the need to improve learning and s ...
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