Search for European Projects

Shaping Inclusive and Responsive University Strategies
Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

The project will enhance the capability of universities to develop specific institutional strategies for Lifelong learning and contribute to the dissemination of good practice and promotion of LLL in higher education in Europe. Universities need to respond to growing societal demands, the changing demography of Europe and global competition. While a core issue both under the Lisbon Agenda and the Bologna Process, the contribution of higher education providers to Lifelong learning varies drastically. Many universities conduct LLL activities, but LLL is rarely integrated into their institutional mission and strategies.For this reason EUA, in consultation with stakeholder organisations and social partners, launched in 2008 the “European Universities’ Charter on lifelong learning”, which provides recommendations for universities and governments. On the basis of this Charter, the present project will provide the means for developing institutional strategies and action lines for 20 selected universities in Europe. In 4 thematic networks, each focused on a specific theme, the university representatives will analyse and exchange institutional experience and develop their institutional strategy. Consortium partners, according to their specific expertise, will each coordinate one network. In addition to the 20 institutional strategies and related action lines, the project will produce 4 network reports, which will feed into a Compendium publication, featuring strategic approaches, examples, action plans as well as guidelines for developing LLL activities at institutional level. The results of the project will be presented and discussed at a dissemination conference (150 participants). The project will impact on the institutional, regional, national and European level through the advocacy work of Consortium partners, the participating universities in their national environment, and the publication, which will be widely disseminated and promoted through follow-up events.

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3 Partners Participants