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17 European Projects Found

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...l be defined for the efficient implementation and operation of NSGE systems. The same criteria will also be implemented to develop a spatial explicit assessment of the potential (technical, economic, environmental, social) of these systems in the Alpine region. The country-specific regulations and practices will be reviewed and the best-practice specifications will be summarized into guidelines th ...
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To meet the EU’s ambitious targets for carbon emission reduction, renewable energy production must strongly be upgraded and made more efficient and capable for grid energy storage. Alpine Foreland Basins feature a unique geological inventory which can contribute substantially to tackle these challenges. Deep ‘Molasse’ basins at the fringe of the Alpine mountain range offer an abundant geothermal p ...
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C3-Alps will synthesize, transfer and implement in policy and practice results of previous Alpine Space projects on climate change adaptation. The capitalisation approach aims at a) generating new and directly usable forms of state-of-the-art synthesis adaptation knowledge in the Alps, harmonised across sectors and useful to adaptation decision-makers, b) its effective and tailor-made communicatio ...
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...ed on this fact, EU-, national strategies and INTERREG-outcomes a project was jointly developed under the leadership of the Environment Agency Austria. The proposed project aims at achieving 'Durable environmentally friendly tourism accessibility and connection to, between and in sensitive regions of the Alps and Carpathians, benefiting all (potential) users' through visualisation of existing prob ...
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Background A vast amount environmental data is currently collected across Europe, both at national and international level, generating valuable information for policy makers and citizens. However, much of this information is not readily comparable, posing a major obstacle to the development of well-informed environmental policies and strategies at Europea ...
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BIOREGIO Carpathians is aimed at enhancing the integrated management of the Carpathians protected areas and natural assets in a transnational context and thereby increase the attractiveness of the region. The Carpathians, the largest mountain range of Europe, harbour a unique natural heritage and act as a major ecological link within Europe. Experiences e.g. from the Alpine Space demonstrate that ...
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 FINISHED road maintenance. Salt spreading on roads is very time critical and needs to be planned according to snowfall and freezing rain events. The public profits from safe road conditions and a minimised environmental impact through reduced amounts of salt used (and not to forget the decrease of costs and in turn consumption of tax money). Generally speaking, a very good cooperation has been set up be ...
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...nt. The overall objective for CATCH_MR is to promote sustainable transport solutions across whole MRs. This means both reducing transport needs without impairing mobility, and increasing the share of environmentally friendly transport.The partners intend to work systematically towards this goal through three consecutive sub-objectives:- reducing the need to travel within the regions through coordi ...
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Geographic Specificities and Development Potentials in Europe (GEOSPECS)

Start date: Jan 31, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

The EU Cohesion Policy debate has included a focus on regions with specific territorial features. The Treaty of Lisbon (2007), being in the process of ratification, mentions already some of these types of regions and territories. It states that “(...) among the regions concerned, particular attention shall be paid to rural areas, areas affected by industrial transition, and regions which suffer fr ...
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Transport security and accessibility are essential for a balanced and sustainable development of ASP. Due to current climatic trends, the vulnerability of transport infrastructure to natural hazards has increased. But the specific threats to transport infrastructure have not yet been tackled in a systematic joint effort. Therefore the goal of PARAmount is to improve risk management strategies for ...
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The Danube River is one of the most important natural axes in South-East-Europe. It links most of the countries in the SEE area. Thus the improvement and good examples of transnational cooperation of all countries at this river will be a brilliant signal for the whole region. This project has a far reaching strategic focus beyond risk management and could become a flagship project for the SEE prog ...
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...anding that a sustainable natural resource management in times of globalisation cannot be addressed by one country alone, ACT CLEAN has identified the following challenges: SMEs need to get access to environmentally friendly technologies and activities in order to comply with current and future EU directives. A lack of links between demand and supply of environmentally friendly technologies and kn ...
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Assessment of Regional and Territorial Sensitivity (ARTS)

Start date: Jan 31, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

... respect is the fact that regions and different types of territories are not equally affected by new EU policy and legislation. The regional sensitivity differs due to geographical, socio-economic, environmental and cultural characteristics. A good insight in the difference in regional sensitivity is considered as an important element to carry out a meaningful analysis of territorial impacts. ...
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Climate Change Adaptation by Spatial Planning in the Alpine Space (CLISP)

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Aug 30, 2011,

Climate change impacts, esp. growing risks from natural hazards, increasingly threaten settlements, infrastructure, lives and future development in the Alpine Space. CLISP aims at preventing increasing climate change-related spatial conflicts, vulnerability, damages and costs by providing "climate proof" spatial planning solutions as a substantial basis for future sustainable territorial developme ...
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Overall predictions indicate labour shortages in the EU after 2010. The Commission Staff Working Document on Europe’s demographic future points out that from around 2017 on the shrinking population in working age will lead to stagnation and, subsequently, reduction of total employment. Against this backdrop, the EU Commission acknowledges the necessity of immigration from outside the EU to meet th ...
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ion and valorisation of the longest habitat system in Europe (GREEN BELT)

Start date: Mar 31, 2006, End date: May 29, 2008,

Borders separate, nature unites: Along the former "Iron Curtain", the longest European system of habitats has been preserved due to decades of inaccessibility. However, the location within border areas did not only help to protect nature, but also limited the economic development of the adjacent regions. GREEN BELT aims at transforming the former "death belt" into a green "life line" by focusing o ...
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The TAQI project will create a regionalised, transnational, up-to-date emission data information base for long-term planning decisions, such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) by linking environmental data with spatial information. Through EU enlargement the eastern region of Austria with its adjacent regions in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hun ...
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