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20 European Projects Found

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European Medical Information Framework (EMIF)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

In response to the need to tackle increasingly complex medical research questions, a growing amount of human health data is being collected, either in routine Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) databases, through research-driven cohort studies, in biobanks or related efforts. However, data sources are typically fragmented and contain information gaps which prevent their full exploitation. EMIF aim ...
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...e accession of Russia to the World Trade Organisation in 2012 and the establishment of a Customs Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in 2011 are expected to boost trade relations between the European Union and its Eastern Neighbours. The aim of AGRICISTRADE is to accompany these developments by analysing the potential impact of these trade agreements and by delivering insights on the pote ...
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...s well as the development of the Transport Protocol to the Carpathian Convention will ensure political and institutional sustainability of the project and broader dissemination in these two important European mountain ranges.12 partner from 8 countries, accompanied by further 4 ASP (strategic level) and 6 Observers (incl. Slovenia and Montenegro) build the partnership - thus a multi-level particip ...
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The project addresses the need expressed by international community for transnational, well-directed and cross-cutting action to effectively manage climate change in the Alps. It aims to encourage preparation and implementation of cross-sectoral strategies and action plans and of proven good practice measures toward carbon neutrality on regional and local level. It contributes to the implementatio ...
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... re-use. The activities in the regions have made it possible to identify priority issues and realistic steps which can be taken, sometimes in cooperation with other regions (i.e. on a Baltic or even European level) to set the stage for more dynamic growth in the waste-to-resource market. After establishing that much of the problems were related to laws and regulations which placed too many restri ...
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Peripheral Baltic Sea regions have been characterized by depopulation and weak socio-economic conditions. These trends are contrary to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (BSR), VASAB and the integrated territorial development of the EU (see Art. 3 (2c) of the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 and Art. 6 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006). Although train and ferry connections exist, on ...
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The TranCoSME project intends to support the European network of National Contact Points for the SME-specific measures of the 7th Framework Programme (NCP SME) in their support to proposers in their respective countries. Objectives are to deliver a better quality of service, to increase the efficiency of the work and to enhance networking between the NCPs in Europe. These goals will be achieved by ...
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The project is focused on strengthening SMEs in the building sector because of their great importance as employers in alpine valleys. New developments and changes concerning building techniques of energy saving and producing buildings (ESAP buildings) require cross-sectoral networks and collaborations of SMEs. Because of the increasing complexity in this field there is the need for customers, espe ...
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The project idea comes from the visual observation of roofs in some Greek and Austrian cities, which show a lot of solar DHW collectors while the roofs of similar cities in Italy and Bulgaria show very few. The 7th EurObserv'ER report confirmed that efforts made by SEE countries for development of Thermal Solar were successful in limited number of them and considerable disparities between them app ...
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South East European Mobility Management Scheme (SEE MMS)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

In SEE cities economic upturn means an increase in traffic flows, which, by virtue of the pre-existing structures and emergent conditions, quickly meet the limits of their potential for expansion. Alongside transport and freight, tourism is another growing important branch of the SEE economy. The constant increase in traffic flows inevitably leads to a simultaneous increase in the negative consequ ...
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The project aims to design and implement assessment tools and procedures of Labelling and scoring EU institutions and programmes in the engineering field. It will establish a Label to certify the quality of the assessed institution, a Framework of Reference for the target groups, a Methodology of assessment to determine the criteria and measurement procedure and an Agency and Foundation for the s ...
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The aim of the “European Business to Business Sales Institute” project is to develop an institute with a common curriculum in the specific field of business to business (B2B) selling. More specific, by hosting the institute, the project intends to develop a set of blended learning training modules, more specific to produce an innovative e-learning system and organisation aimed a developing sales f ...
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With regard to different conditions, demographic developments and changes in the participating partner countries the project “iVOC” will analyse approaches and offers for vocational and academic guidance for youth and pupils in terms of development, contents, didactical concepts and methods, target groups and access to the target groups, implementation, success, pros and cons, etc. to derive Best ...
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The European Council Resolution (November 2007) clearly recognises the need to accelerate reforms in HEIs to foster their competitiveness, and explicitly invites Member States to take the necessary measures to enable HEIs to improve their management practices. However, national progress reports on the Lisbon Agenda fail to address the issues of the modernization of Higher Education. In HEIs, not e ...
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Building upon the results of the previous INNOMAT project, INNO-PRO will undergo a range of development activities to expand the potential user group of the previously developed training materials on Innovation Management.An initial needs analysis will be undertaken across SMEs in INNO-PRO partner countries, with the results leading to additional development to both modify and improve the outputs ...
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L06 - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

The present proposal targets all groups (1, 2 and 3) and it provides opportunities of mobility to students (undergraduate and master’s), researchers (doctorate and post-doctorate) and academic staff. Priority is given on an impartial distribution of available positions to students from vulnerable groups (disabled students, with socio-economical problems, refugees and IDPs) through a transparent se ...
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In its strategic plans for European cooperation on education and training (COM(2008)865), the Commission calls for improved tools and exchange of good practices between Member States to further reform education and training systems in order to meet the common challenges of skill deficits, employability and adequate response to labour needs and thus face global competition. By setting up a European ...
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"No boundaries, no exclusion - the next chapter" - peer education training will be organized in Nis, Serbia in the period 27.08.-03.09.2011 and it will involve young people from 7 European countries – Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, FYROM, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, involving 10 promoters. The training will build capacities and competence of young people, coming from different European ...
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The aim of the VISIR network is to contribute to the full exploitation of the potential of ICT to transform and innovate European lifelong learning and to equip European citizens with digital competence and other key transversal competencies for life and employability in Europe. The project will: 1. analyse the existing trends (including the identification of weak signals of change) on ICT for lea ...
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...ures Handbook for HEIs in Armenia and Georgia• Legitimate and sustainable quality assurance system piloted and operationalized in Armenia and Georgia. The HEIs are from the Eastern European Neighborhood – Armenia and Georgia. It will allow deeper understanding of the needs of developing systems and customization to specific country and institutions priorities. The EU partners- QAA UK, BSU, USI, UJ ...
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