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EUBBSI – European Business to Business Sales Institute

The aim of the “European Business to Business Sales Institute” project is to develop an institute with a common curriculum in the specific field of business to business (B2B) selling. More specific, by hosting the institute, the project intends to develop a set of blended learning training modules, more specific to produce an innovative e-learning system and organisation aimed a developing sales force skills, to enhance business-education partnerships by creating conducive learning frameworks and processes, to develop knowledge sharing skills of transnational working in virtual teams and to offer assessment regimes leading to European accreditation. The final results that will be produced are: a common competency framework, training content on “Fundamentals of Selling”, “Consultation Selling”, “Global Sales”, “IT enabled Selling” and an accreditation system. The project has two specific target groups: the first targets for the project are SME’s and small enterprises operating in B2B (selling to other companies); the second target group are European management schools, as there is no programme focusing specifically on the needs of SME’s in B2B with a European dimension. The project will disseminate its results actively by using these valorisation tools and methods: a website, included promotion on the partners’ websites, a CD-Rom promoting the outputs of the project, conferences and articles, a mailing campaign, using the existing network of universities, a commercial strategy for distribution of the 4 training programmes and dissemination through regular MBA programmes.

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13 Partners Participants