Search for European Projects

16 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Many HIV vaccine concepts and several efficacy trials have been conducted in the prophylactic and therapeutic fields with limited success. There is an urgent need to develop better vaccines and tools predictive of immunogenicity and of correlates of protection at early stage of vaccine development to mitigate the risks of failure. To address these complex and challenging scientific issues, the Eur ...
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The management of febrile patients is one of the most common and important problems facing healthcare providers. Distinction between bacterial infections and trivial viral infection on clinical grounds is unreliable, and as a result innumerable patients worldwide undergo hospitalization, invasive investigation and are treated with antibiotics for presumed bacterial infection when, in fact, they ar ...
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Improving Quality of Care in Europe (IQCE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Improving quality of care has been given too little attention in health economic research in the past although it is the central goal of health care systems in Europe. The proposed ETN on “Improving Quality of Care in Europe (IQCE)” aims to address this gap and has the following aims: 1) Create new evidence and improve existing health economic research in the field of quality of care. Research gap ...
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Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe (COMBACTE-NET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The emergence of Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) is a global problem, having recently been elevated to the top three threats identified by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and subject of numerous national and international government activities, including the Trans-Atlantic Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance established by the US and EU presidencies. The estimated costs of ARB are aro ...
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European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Dementia Consortium (EPAD)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Background:The secondary prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) is achievable if we can identify individuals at risk of disease progression defined by biomarker evidence of AD pathology and no or only minimal clinical symptoms and engage them in a standing adaptive clinical trial, of the highest quality, testing multiple interventions. To achieve this, EPAD will also provide the analytical infras ...
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"The incidence of paediatric onset Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (PIBD) has risen dramatically in recent decades. Compared to adult forms, PIBD reflects a more severe disease, more often requiring aggressive treatment with immunomodulators, and thereby exposing children to a life-long risk of serious disease and treatment-related adverse events, such as infections and malignancies. Therefore, there ...
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The AIDA project aims to answer the question of clinical effectiveness and optimal dosing of 5 off-patent antibiotics for infections caused by multiple drug resistant (MDR) bacteria in three randomized controlled clinical trials. In an era of increasing emergence of drug resistance (EDR) and lack of new antibiotics, old off- patent antibiotics are increasingly being prescribed to patients. However ...
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Global Research in Paediatrics (GRiP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

Paediatric drugs (PD) lack appropriate testing. Most drugs have inadequate information about dosing regimen, dose adjustment and how to administer them. These are longstanding problems that unquestionably require concerted efforts at the international level. Both the US and the EU have introduced paediatric legislation that facilitates participation of children in research and pharmaceutical innov ...
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The major elements of scientific uncertainty in the context of radiation protection policy and of risk assessment for cerebrovascular diseases, set the following key topics (1) the direct assessment of health effects through epidemiological studies of groups exposed to low doses, (2) doses-response and biological effects from different types of radiation and (3) the biological processes in cells a ...
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"The objective of the ELIXIR preparatory phase is to produce a memorandum or memoranda of understanding between organisations (government agencies, research councils, funding bodies and scientific organisations) within the member states, with the purpose of constructing a world class and globally positioned European infrastructure for the management and integration of information in the life scien ...
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"The subject of the proposal is the search and analysis of genomic variations underlying Alzheimer's disease (AD), alcoholism and schizophrenia – wide-spread diseases in human populations. Schizophrenia and alcoholism are common forms of behavior pathology and disability in adult life. AD is a most common form of dementia in human populations. Though the genomic variations presumably associated wi ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

"Osteoporosis is a common, age-related disease with a strong genetic component. With increasing age of the population, Europe and industrialised countries across the globe are facing a substantial increase in osteoporotic fractures, which account for considerable disease-burden and costs. Early identification and treatment of subjects at risk can help preventing this, and genetic susceptibility al ...
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ERASMUS MUNDUS – WESTERN BALKANS 2 (ERAWEB2) is an international academic mobility project involving six EU universities and seven Western Balkan universities. Students and members of the faculty will benefit from the opportunity to study, teach and research abroad, while the participating universities will raise teaching capacities, build research expertise and gain international visibility. It i ...
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L07 - Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus

Start date: Jul 15, 2009,

This action was prepared after two years of the EMECW implementation. The previous links and meetings and the follow-up meetings and implementation of the first two phases have proved a mutual beneficial experience. These were contributions made by the applicant, the EU partners, and the third country partners. The universities were selected by a number of criteria: these included involvement in t ...
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The European Medskills project aims to create online training materials for the teaching of medical skills to medical and nursing students/employees and related medical intervention groups. A broad-based, educational tool will be developed using evidence-based medicine related to real-life scenarios that are relevant for a range of user groups. Modules will cover frequently occurring medical emerg ...
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The project addresses the medical sector and intends to develop a multilingual e-learning tool for the medical staff in charge of doing laboratory blood examinations. Main target groups are the laboratory staff, biologists and technicians, and the training organisations. In three phases, a platform and content for the training of basic haematology in several languages (EN, NL, DE, PL, IT, ES, PT, ...
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