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32 European Projects Found

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C3-Cloud will establish an ICT infrastructure enabling a collaborative care and cure cloud to enable continuous coordination of patient-centred care activities by a multidisciplinary care team and patients/informal care givers. A Personalised Care Plan Development Platform will allow, for the first time, collaborative creation and execution of personalised care plans for multi-morbid patients thro ...
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Public procurers in ProEmpower aim to procure a disease self-management solution to help meet the imminent threat of a diabetes epidemic. ProEmpower will make person-centred care reality - giving the patient the steering wheel - for optimal health outcomes. Very significant synergies will be reaped by supporting all 10 action areas of diabetes management in an integrated ICT solution. Early detect ...
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Trillium-II steps forward with an outstanding consortium to further advance global Electronic Health Record (EHR) interoperability. Activities surrounding the International Patient Summary (IPS) standards can nurture digital health innovation, lower trade barriers, and advance patient safety & trust, bridging the gap between strategic intent and capability for action by Standards Development Organ ...
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The Energy Data Innovation Network (EDI-Net) will use smart energy and water meter data to accelerate the implementation of sustainable energy policy. It will do this by increasing the capacity of EU public authorities to act quickly and decisively. The capacity will be increased by the provision of just the right amount of intelligible information, by training and exchange of experiences of Publ ...
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WeGovNow will tap into emerging technologies for effectively supporting coproduction by civic society stakeholders and collective proposition development, whereby citizens are partners as opposed to customers in the delivery of public services. By integrating a set of innovative technologies within a unified citizen engagement platform, the project will overcome the current limitations of existing ...
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SEED is designed to ensure the successful launching of a highly visible and sustainable European-level award scheme rewarding innovative solutions that demonstrate a significant impact on the quality of life of the ageing population. The new award scheme will rely upon a carefully prepared conceptual and operational approach. A positive narrative will be developed suitable to effectively mobilise ...
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VPH Dementia Research Enabled by IT (VPH-DARE@IT)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The DementiA Research Enabled by IT project responds to the European Parliament's 2011 resolution for a European Initiative on Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, and the EU Year of the Brain 2014 Initiative. It delivers the first patient-specific predictive models for early differential diagnosis of dementias and their evolution. Its mechanistic/phenomenological models of the ageing brain ac ...
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VALUeHEALTH will establish how eHealth interoperability can create and deliver value for all stakeholders, for a sustainable market in scaling up cross-border services. We will develop an evidence-based business plan for interoperability, beginning with CEF support and then sustainable revenue streams for developing and operating self-funding priority pan-European eHealth Services beyond 2020.Our ...
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Description BeyondSilos enables delivery of integrated care to older Europeans to support them to live independently within the community by providing the ICT tools necessary to join up care pathways across organisations, in particular between social and health service providers. A key area of integration is providing cross-sectoral teams wi ...
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Multi-level integration for patients with complex needs (CAREWELL)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Description CareWell will enable the delivery of integrated healthcare to frail elderly patients in a pilot setting through comprehensive multidisciplinary integrated care programmes where the role of ICTs can foster the coordination and patient centered delivery care. Carewell will focus in particular complex, multi-morbid elderly patients, ...
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The objective of CAP4Access is to develop and pilot-test methods and tools for collectively gathering and sharing spatial information for improving accessibility. The aim is to exploit the power of online maps and mobile devices for fostering awareness of barriers for individuals with limited mobility and for removing such barriers. CAP4Access helps integrating disabled communities into society (s ...
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Against the background of the European Innovation Partnership on Active & Healthy Ageing, SmartCare aims to define a common set of standard functional specifications for an open ICT platform enabling the delivery of integrated care to older European citizens. A total of 24 regions and their key stakeholders will define a comprehensive set of integration building blocks around the challenges of dat ...
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ASSESS CT will contribute to better semantic interoperability of eHealth services in Europe, in order to optimise care and to minimise harm in delivery of care. In a joint one-year effort, the ASSESS CT consortium will investigate the fitness of the clinical terminology SNOMED CT as a potential standard for EU-wide eHealth deployments, scrutinising clinical, technical, financial, and organisationa ...
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Support to the Grand Coalition for ICT jobs (DIGITALJOBS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Exploitation of ICT has a crucial role to play in Europe's future prosperity and well-being. The single largest obstacle to harnessing the power of ICT is a shortage of skills, particularly ICT practitioners, where the shortfall is estimated at 900,000. President Barroso remarked on this problem following the final session of the EC on 15 March - "Opportunities exist and we must train our young p ...
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Expanding Health Data Interoperability Services (EXPAND)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

This TN aims to address the challenge of moving from a set of point-solution pilots to a large-scale deployment of cross-border facilities that support Member States in delivering their local eHealth plans and providing cross-border care. In particular, the objective of the Network is to maintain and expand already existing available infostructure resources and act as a catalyst for real operatio ...
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READY4SmartCities operates in a European context where other initiatives are currently running in order to create a common approach on Smart Cities, Such initiatives, even if of fundamental importance for the EU, have some relevant gaps not allowing them to fully cover fundamental aspects for Smart Cities, i.e. to define a common data framework allowing full interoperability among different city s ...
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EUCases will develop a unique pan-European law and case law Linking Platform transforming multilingual legal open data into linked open data after semantic and structural analysis. It will reuse the millions of legal documents from EU and national legislative and case law portals, and open access doctrinal work. The developed components cover the entire publication stack: we collect the data from ...
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Patient empowerment is considered a potential tool to reduce healthcare costs and improve efficiency of the health systems, reinforcing healthcare quality. Patient empowerment has become an element of high priority in the EU health strategy, supported by national and regional health authorities.Building on already existing e-health platforms and services in the participating regions, the PALANTE p ...
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Semantic Interoperability for Health Network (SemanticHealthNet)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2015,

SemanticHealthNet will develop a scalable and sustainable pan-European organisational and governance process for the semantic interoperability of clinical and biomedical knowledge, to help ensure that EHR systems are optimised for patient care, public health and clinical research across healthcare systems and institutions.Through a clinically-driven workplan, exemplified in cardiovascular medicine ...
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VPH-Share will develop the organisational fabric (the infostructure) and integrate the optimised services to (1) expose and share data and knowledge, (2) jointly develop multiscale models for the composition of new VPH workflows, (3) facilitate collaborations within the VPH community. Four flagship workflows (from @neurIST, euHeart, VPHOP, Virolab) provide existing data, tools and models, engage w ...
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Saving Energy in Europe's Public Buildings Using ICT (SMARTSPACES)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

To substantially reduce peak and overall demand for energy and water across EU public buildings, the project will develop a service comprising innovative ICT-based energy decision support, awareness and management service components. Decision support is provided directly to city energy managers and other professionals responsible for building performance, and to building users, both staff and visi ...
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Description SOS project becomes Smart Open Services for European Patients (epSOS) to better reflect the focus on patient needs.Patient summaries and ePrescriptionsPatient summaries and electronic prescriptions (ePrescriptions) are two key services that enable high quality medical care. Such health records provide health professionals with ...
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The BECA (Balanced European Conservation Approach – ICT services for resource saving in social housing) project addresses the need to reduce energy consumption in European social housing by a very significant amount to meet overall emission reduction targets. To substantially reduce peak and overall demand for energy and water across EU social housing, BECA will develop a full set of innovative se ...
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eHealth Innovation TN will develop consensus among stakeholders and recommendations to-wards making innovative integrated, and therefore interoperable eHealth services operational and deployed at large scale in Europe.The focus will be to analyse, achieve consensus on and deliver a detailed summary report on how to achieve in the medium-term more patient/person-centred health services for an agein ...
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Each year Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) causes over 1.9 million deaths in the EU, causing direct health costs of €105 billion. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), half of all CVD deaths, is the single most cause of death in Europe. Heart Failure (HF) – a CHD being the most frequent cause of hospitalization for people over 65 – has 10 million patients in the EU. Current treatment of HF entails recommendat ...
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The DISCIPULUS SA aims at the grand challenge of the 'Digital VPH Patient'. It is an avatarof the models and individual data that allow health prediction and disease treatment whenthe 'Digital Me' of a citizen needs to avail itself of health services. In essence, it constitutes arevolutionary Clinical Prediction and Decision Support System. To realise this vision,DISCIPULUS develops a sound ICT re ...
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The musculoskeletal apparatus is probably the organ system where the need for the integrative approach advocated by the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) initiative is most pronounced. The neuromotor control involves the entire body, whereas the processes involved in muscle twitching, bones and muscle adaptation, musculoskeletal aging, and in most musculoskeletal diseases take place at the molecul ...
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ICT Enabled Service Integration for Independent Living (INDEPENDENT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: May 31, 2013,

Description When it comes to supporting older people living in the community, today’s reality is characterised by fragmentation of service provision resulting in disjointed and patchy care and support. The quest for more integrated care is anything but new. Only recently, however, policy and practice are beginning to fully recognise that fra ...
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Saving Energy in Social Housing with ICT (eSESH)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

To substantially reduce peak and overall demand for energy across EU social housing, the project will develop innovative energy awareness and management services EAS and EMS.The objective of the project is to enable sustained reductions in energy consumption across European social housing by providing usable ICT-based energy management and awareness services directly to tenants, by providing effec ...
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Osteoporotic Virtual Physiological Human (VPHOP)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

Nearly four million osteoporotic bone fractures cost the European health system more than 30 billion Euro per year. This figure could double by 2050. After the first fracture, the chances of having another one increase by 86%. We need to prevent osteoporotic fractures. The first step is an accurate prediction of the patient-specific risk of fracture that considers not only the skeletal determin ...
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Description For infectious diseases DebugIT detects patient safety related patterns and trends, acquires knowledge and uses this for better quality healthcare In about half a century of antibiotic use, unexpected new challenges have come to light: fast emer-gence of resistances among pathogens, mi ...
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Description Improving quality of life for older people and support independent living though integration of health and social care12 partners are cooperating in the CommonWell project, aiming to deliver ICT-enabled health and social care services in four Member States of the European Union. The integrated services are to support the effec ...
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