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Maritime and Marine Technologies for a New ERA (MarTERA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2021,

The overall goal of the proposed Cofund is to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) in maritime and marine technologies and Blue Growth. The realisation of a European research and innovation agenda needs a broad and systematic cooperation in all areas of waterborne transport, offshore activity, marine resources, maritime security, biotechnologies, desalination, offshore oil & gas, fisheries, ...
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IST-Africa (2016 - 2018) (IST-Africa 2016-2018)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

IST-Africa (2016 - 2018) has 4 complimentary objectives focused on strengthening ICT-related research and innovation cooperation between Europe and Africa: 1) Foster greater coordination of research and innovation activities; 2) Strengthen research and innovation linkages, increase awareness of research and innovation capacity and cooperation opportunities, and support mutually beneficial collabor ...
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Research and Innovation Support for Europe and Africa (RINEA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

In response to the present objectives of the EU-Africa partnership in science, technology and innovation, and addressing the STI priorities of the 2014 EU-Africa Summit, RINEA addresses three specific and complementary objectives by a range of targeted activities:1. Strengthening the quality and quantity of partnerships between research and innovation actors in EU Member states, in Associated Coun ...
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In 2007, heads of state and government from Africa and Europe launched the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) formulated in response to geopolitical changes, globalisation and the processes of integration in Africa and Europe. At the heart of the JAES is an overtly political relationship and among the features distinguishing JAES from previous Africa-Europe policy initiatives is the associated actio ...
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Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The proposed ERA-NET will deepen the cooperation of national program owners and administrators and thus be an enabler for the integration of national research and development agendas into a coherent European geothermal R&D program. Countries participating in the first instance in this ERA NET are chosen on the basis of their ambitions to include geothermal energy into their goals for 2020 and 2050 ...
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IST-Africa Initiative 2014 - 2015 (IST-Africa 2014-2015)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The main objectives of IST-Africa (2014 – 2015) are to· Support implementation of Information Society, ICT and Innovation related aspects of the Africa – EU Strategic Partnership and associated dialogues between the European Commission (EC) and EU Member States with the African Union Commission (AUC), African Member States and other Key Regional Organisations· Foster partnerships between EU and Af ...
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The European Union is a world leader in research and innovation, responsible for 24% of world expenditure on research and 32% of high impact publications. However, over the past decade, the emerging economies continue to strengthen their research and innovation systems, while global challenges are important drivers for research and innovation. The EU has long acknowledged the need for supporting i ...
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Marine Biotechnology Vector of innovation and quality (BIOVECQ)

Start date: Feb 5, 2013, End date: Jul 4, 2015,

Integration and harmonization of biotechnological tools aimed at the sustainable socio-economic development of the Tunisian and Sicilian fishery-food sector, focusing on the collaboration between research / technology centers in Sicily and Tunisia and their integration with the productive and public systems, setting up a "strategy of scientific collaboration." ...
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Animal diseases can cause serious social, economic and environmental damage and in some cases also threaten human health. An increasing number of the major disease problems or threats faced by the livestock industry and zoonoses are of a global nature. The overall aim of the global strategic alliances for the coordination of research on the major infectious diseases of animals is to improve coordi ...
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ERAfrica aims to reduce the fragmentation of the European Research Area by increasing the coordination between national research programmes across European Union Member States and Associated countries, in close coordination with national research programmes in Africa. The consortium of the project gathers key S&T funding agencies and ministries from Europe and Africa and its actions will result in ...
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"Eco-innovations (EI), i.e. “green” technologies, processes, products and services have an increasing impact for the global competitiveness of European industry. To reach a worldwide leading position, it needs to boost the implementation of EI in industry, especially in SMEs. The ERA-Net on EI will support research and dissemination in the field of EI.The success of EI is determined by criteria th ...
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IST-Africa (2012 - 2013) is a strategic collaboration between 1 European partner and 18 African Ministries and National Councils responsible for ICT /STI adoption, policy and research representing North Africa (Egypt, Tunisia), Southern Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mozambique, Botswana, Swaziland, Malawi), East Africa (Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Ethiopia), West Africa ...
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INCONTACT-one world aims at stimulating closer cooperation among INCO NCPs. Within the framework of this closer cooperation, INCO NCPs/NIPs will work together to effect a substantial improvement in the overall quality of NCP services in the field of International Cooperation. The positive effect of these efforts will not be limited to the NCP network alone but the international research community ...
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Bridging Actions for GMES and AFRICA (BRAGMA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

"The “GMES and Africa” initiative establishes a long term partnership between European and African stakeholders, accordingly to the Lisbon Declaration, to work together on the development and implementation of Earth Observation (EO) applications based on African requirements. The process is implemented in the wide context of the Africa-EU partnership aiming for sustainable development and incremen ...
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The Baltic Sea Basin is an area of intensive, and intensifying agricultural production. There are about 36 million units of cattle, 67 million units of pigs, and 190 million units of poultry in the region. (Gren, I.-M. et al., 2008: Cost of nutrient reductions to the Baltic Sea - technical report). Intensifying and concentration of animal production has resulted in environmental problems caused by ...
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"The project will create a dedicated initiative to promote research infrastructure partnerships between Europe and Africa. There is currently significant political attention on promoting science and technology partnerships between the European Union and Africa. The Joint Africa-European Union (EU) Strategy, adopted by Heads of Government at the December 2007 Lisbon Summit, notably includes a ded ...
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The CAAST-Net project will establish a platform to promote improved cooperation in science and technology between Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. To achieve this objective, CAAST-Net will analyse the current European and African S&T cooperation landscape, and undertake S&T policy analyses. Informed by the outcomes of analyses, CAAST-Net will initiate and support European-African S&T policy dialogu ...
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IST-Africa (2010 – 2011) is a collaborative Initiative between 1 European and 13 African partners, 11 Ministries & 2 National Councils responsible for ICT adoption, Science, Technology; Innovation policy and research in North (Egypt), Southern (South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Mozambique, Botswana, Mauritius), East (Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi), West (Senegal) & Central Africa (Cameroon).Main ...
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Network of the INCO-NCPs (INCONTACT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2009,

"The INCONTACT project aims at the development of platform for stimulating closer cooperation among INCO National Contact Points. Within the framework of this closer cooperation, INCO NCPs will work together to effect a substantial improvement in the overall quality of NCP services in the field of International Cooperation. The positive effect of these efforts will not be limited to the NCP networ ...
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LogOn Baltic improved spatial integration by transferring knowledge in ICT and logistics competence. The main objective is to produce and disseminate information for regional development agencies on how to support enterprises in the participating regions in their effort to improve ICT and logistics competence, thus improving regional development.Objectives of the project: identifying development a ...
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This Project aims to encourage the transfer of knowledge in the field of sport events management in the Alpine Space in order to promote an economic and touristic sustainable development in this space. Promoting regional development based on environmental, social, economic and transportation policies is indissociable with sustainable development expectations. In fact, event management is becoming ...
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Education Gate (EdGATE)

Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The operation “Education Gate” focuses on the educational dimension of European integration and the challenge of the knowlegde-based economy for the educational systems and policies in the regions. The partnership aims to translate the experiences of an earlier INTERREG IIIA project on education in the knowledge society into strategic measures for improving regional educational policies identifyin ...
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Development Of Sustainable Tourism focusing on WELLness (DOSTWELL)

Start date: Feb 28, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Tourism is a major growth factor of the European economy. Tourism generates new jobs and income and acts as a catalyst for growth and development of less developed regions. Among the various types of tourism, wellness tourism, which focuses on ways to achieve relaxation and adopt healthy live-styles is presently an important marketing factor that has become the hallmark for new tourism development ...
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The operation ÖKOPROFIT international - Private-Public-Partnership-Networks for a sustainable Development of Policies and Society (ÖKOPROFIT International) focuses on the promotion of eco-efficiency in urban areas. Ökoprofit is a Private-Public Partnership Model (developed by the city of Graz, Austria) that aims to enhance eco-efficiency through the usage of innovative integrative technologies and ...
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European Computer Driving Licence Web Training Project

Start date: Mar 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2004,

The main purpose of the project was to develop a versatile, high-quality web-training programme in basic computer knowledge, which could be used in teaching both in Finland and Russia. Th e aim was to compose training material in Russian for this training programme as related to a computer user’s “driving licence”, and develop the network-learning environment. Th e aims of the project also include ...
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Science centre, museum and teaching

Start date: Sep 30, 2001, End date: Dec 30, 2004,

The aim is to create functioning co-operation network between science centres/museums in Southern Finland and Estonia. Activities include joint training, exchange of ideas and experiences, and laying down basis for regular exchange of experts and, for example, materials for exhibitions.
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The clue of the cooperation is the jointly prepared, approved Development Concept of June 2001, consisting of a concrete strategy and action plan including a number of different sub-projects. The strategy and action plan involve seven strategic fields, i.e. business development, mobility of people, infrastructure and transport, environment, nature and landscape, culture, knowledge exchange and lea ...
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ICT Employee empowerment : A portal and online learning tool are in the process of being refined. They will provide work guidance counselors with the skills to train ICT company employees in personalised career management. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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The goal of the Project is to contribute to modernization and internationalization of the societies in the partner countries (PC-s) through curriculum reform to enhance capacities of HEI-s and secondary schools for teaching European languages. The Wider Objective will be implemented through accomplishing the following Specific Project Objectives (SPO):1. Develop a new model for teacher education.2 ...
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The main objective of the ENGENSEC project is to create new Master’s program in area of IT Security as a response on current and emerging cybersecurity threats by educating the next generation experts in this area, thus supporting development of e-based economics, life and society in partner countries. To achieve this wide objective, consortium defined set of specific objectives to achive:1. P ...
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Proposed QANTUS project aims at preparation of sectoral Qualifications Frameworks for Environmental Science. It will contribute towards wider objective “Enhancement of quality and relevance of higher education in Ukraine and increasing convergence with EU developments through elaboration of qualifications frameworks”. Three specific project objectives are:1. Analyses of existing standards and meth ...
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INARM (INFORMATICS AND MANAGEMENT: BOLOGNA-STYLE QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORKS) is a two-year multi-country project, under the EACEA N° 25/2011, 5th call and Higher Education and Society, Structural Measures action. INARM’s wider objective is to contribute to further improvement of Russian, Ukrainian and Armenian higher education by developing sectorial qualifications frameworks for informatics and man ...
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The Thematic Network "Dietitians Improving Education and Training Standards" (2006-09) successfully published first cycle competences, influenced education policy change and increased web-based and innovative communication between higher education (HE) and the dietetic profession. But to effectively contribute to policies and practices averting the European health crisis (WHO, 2007) and poor nutri ...
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To strengthen SMEs in the environmental technology sector more critical mass in knowledge and technology needs to be created, involving both RTD (research) and enterprises. Joint actions should include increased cooperation in export promotion. The work to deepen the cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the field of environmental technology is mainly done through the Fl ...
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The overall project objective is to develop modern, flexible and internationally recognised programme of education policy studies (at Master and PhD level), relevant with respect to the national needs and market demands underlined and compliant to the Bologna Process action lines which foresees1. developing study programmes on the basis of programme level learning outcomes, with learning outcomes ...
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Credit where credit's due : The project has developed a vocational qualification transfer system that allows for cross-border recognition of acquired skills and competences. The system improves the mobility of students in vocational training and leads to improvements in vocational education and training throughout Europe. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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SETAC emerges out of the need to undertake specific action for the improvement ofscience education. It regards science education as among the fundamental tools fordeveloping active citizens in the knowledge society. Science and technology areimportant school curriculum subjects but are also directly linked to our everyday lives,requesting very often engagement and informed decisions by all citizen ...
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The “Use of Simulation: An Educational Strategy to Develop Clinically Competent Nurses- US:ESDCCN” project aims at facilitating the transfer of a scenario-based simulation training experience in nursing education, providing a safe experiential learning environment. This project includes 7 partners from 3 different countries including Turkey, England and Italy. The project is divided into 7 work pa ...
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The reason for the project was to respond to the need of health and social care teachers’ research based further education on intimate partner violence (IPV) in Europe. In most European countries only basic training material on IPV is available and there is a lack of training on teaching and tutoring methods specialized in IPV. Intimate partner violence is a very recent subject in basic education ...
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The Partnership has the aim to build up a sustainable network of European Regions to enhance mobility in vocational education and training. Synchronically the partners plan to compile standards for mobility projects for the target groups IVT and VETPRO and to instruct vocational institutions they are in charge of, to upgrade the quality of mobility projects using these standards. The partnership w ...
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