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Development Of Sustainable Tourism focusing on WELLness (DOSTWELL)
Start date: Feb 28, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Tourism is a major growth factor of the European economy. Tourism generates new jobs and income and acts as a catalyst for growth and development of less developed regions. Among the various types of tourism, wellness tourism, which focuses on ways to achieve relaxation and adopt healthy live-styles is presently an important marketing factor that has become the hallmark for new tourism developments in many regions across Europe. The network operation "DOSTWELL - Development Of Sustainable Tourism focusing on Wellness" aims to explore growth opportunities in the participating regions based on new and innovative wellness tourism concepts. More specifically, the project aims at exchanging information and transferring knowledge related to wellness concepts and products based on water, whether it is related to thermal spas, the seaside or lakes. Another goal is the development of common definitions and standards to support benchmarking. The operation enhances the capacities of regional administrations, stakeholders and wellness operators to support tourism and economic development. It results in joint quality standards and guidelines for the development of wellness tourism and lays the groundwork for improved policies and their delivery. It also helps participating regions to capitalize on wellness as a resource for creating new jobs, new income and sustainable growth. Activities include the joint development of common definitions and standards for benchmarking and classifying infrastructure and services. Partners conduct studies, interviews and workshops to analyse the existing situation and to identify trends in the partner regions. A range of trainings, conferences and study tours facilitate networking and reach out to target audiences.. Partners also elaborate a manual for quality management and a best practice guide to document and disseminate results.
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  • 28%   400 776,06
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC East
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants