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22 European Projects Found

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Le projet Innolabs ++ concerne, comme Innolabs +, le thème du développement et de la promotion des modèles innovants de gouvernance territoriales et de la compétitivité, qui seront mis à disposition des sujets des zones du projet, leur permettant de créer une véritable valeur ajoutée dans lorganisation de leurs opérations de développement local.L'objectif général est de réaliser des infrastructure ...
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Innolabs + concerne le thème du développement et de la promotion des modèles innovants de gouvernance territoriales et de la compétitivité dans le domaine socio-économique, notamment en ce qui concerne le tissu entrepreneurial, selon les principes énoncés par les stratégies de Lisbonne, Göteborg et Europe 2020.L'objectif général du projet est de réaliser des infrastructures et des instruments perm ...
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IPPOTYRR 2 persegue lobiettivo di ridurre lesclusione sociale favorendo la messa in rete di strutture e servizi atti ad accrescere la qualità della vita, in particolare attraverso delle azioni volte ad incrementare le attività di ippoterapia, o riabilitazione equestre. Sulla scia dei risultati del precedente progetto IPPOTYRR, questo nuovo progetto ha il fine di favorire lintegrazione delle risors ...
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Start date: May 18, 2011, End date: May 18, 2014,

The project wants to elaborate a network of cultural heritage as part of an integrated management of shared resources in the "maritime" space. Specifically, the project will result in structuring a great itinerary and in the ability to integrate the actions the Tyrrhenian area by relying on a network consisting of the four regions and by a series of "laboratories of tangible and intangible heritag ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

The strategic project "3i plus" promotes the accessibility of local areas affected by the traffic service for inter-modal transport of all persons (citizens / general users), the real-time management of information and mobility services. The information infrastructure in the project will encompass the entire area covered by the OP Italy-France "Maritime" 2007-2013. There will also be project-speci ...
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The project FOR_ACCESS takes the issue of maintenance and enhancement of cultural heritage represented by the defensive fortifications.From Liguria to the west, in fact, the whole of Tuscany and Corsica and Sardinia, hundreds of fortified settlements of varying nature, size and age, testify to the centuries-old history of the area, and the troubled events that led to building a such a complex defe ...
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Creazione di reti transfrontaliere in ambito equestre (IPPOtyrr)

Start date: Apr 6, 2009, End date: Apr 6, 2012,

The project aims to exchange best practices and common methodologies for the creation of networks around the following themes: social integration, promoting sports tourism, regional marketing across borders, creation of innovative professionals. Reference areas are the Corsica and the provinces of Nuoro, Sassari and Livorno. Overall project objective is to promote institutional cohesion and the ex ...
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The design theme is identified in the development of innovative models of local governance for the implementation of policies necessary to territorial cohesion and competitiveness of socio-economic area according to the principles laid down by the Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategies. The project activities will affect the entire cross-border area through the involvement of Collectivité Territoriale d ...
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Arcipelago Mediterraneo (ARCIPELAGO MEDITERRANEO)

Start date: May 14, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

The project involves the 3 main islands of the OP (Sardinia, Corsica, Elba), their capitals, their ports and urban structures associated with them (port quarters and fortifications), as well as cultural and environmental resources of the hinterland. Ports of an Island (along with the airports) are the only ports access to the Island. By equipping the ports of reception centers and tourist centers ...
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The project 3i addresses the problem of accessibility simply trying to promote regional integrated mobility (inter) of the areas concerned with regard to intermodal transport (private mobility and public transport) of persons (citizens / general user). Systems and services produced in the future with 3i will be made available on the territory of cooperation. The project aims to create the basis fo ...
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The theme of the project ITERR-COST - The Romanesque Routes and network in Corsica, Sardinia, Tuscany, on the promotion, enhancement and management of the assets of the Romanesque Upper Tyrrhenian Sea. The Romanesque is one of the roots of European civilization. Between the eleventh and the thirteenth century, presents itself as a cultural and technical language is characterized by unitary element ...
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Problems addressed• The INTERREG programme encourages cross-border cooperation on all European Land borders, but also on « some maritime borders ». While maritime cross-border relationships are comparable to terrestrial ones, important specificities exist. Their relatively unknown particularities exist at the level of the cooperation area (the maritime area) as well as at the level of governance ...
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Start date: Apr 30, 2005, End date: Jul 30, 2006,

The GEDERI project aims to improve island management through the sharing of experience and information on topics that are common to the different regions and which currently represent weak points. It aims to put an end to the isolation of island regions by creating a network of expertise and a body of knowledge, methods and tools related to island issues. This will be implemented by organising sem ...
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« REPORTS » sintéresse au développement du transport maritime dans lespace Medocc. Le projet entend promouvoir la croissance et la qualification du transport maritime au sein des régions de la Méditerranée Occidentale, ainsi que le développement territorial intégré de la zone, avec une attention particulière aux caractéristiques spécifiques de linsularité. Il sagit de favoriser le développement du ...
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« PORT NET MED PLUS » vise à mettre en place un réseau entre les régions et les ports de la Méditerranée Occidentale. Il doit conduire à la mise en place dune initiative de coopération et de coordination des ports et des régions de lespace Medocc, au renforcement de la centralisation des régions et des ports par rapport à lorganisation territoriale européenne, à la réalisation de campagnes de prom ...
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ISOLATINO: Territorial marketing in the Mediterranean islands (ISOLATINO)

Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Oct 14, 2004,

« Isolatino » sintéresse à la problématique insulaire en Méditerranée. Le projet se propose dexpérimenter des stratégies de marketing territorial dans les îles, régions ayant traditionnellement des problèmes et étant difficilement capables de devenir des pôles dattraction dinvestissements. Le but principal est de disposer dun moyen de valorisation des territoires qui puisse être appliqué aussi bie ...
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HOMER focuses on the theme of Open Data, a world-wide policy aiming at making available and exploitable Public Sector Information (PSI). Governments are increasingly recognising the benefits of making their data open and reusable. The first is transparency: simply opening PSI, citizens can be better informed and participate in the decision making process. The second is linked to the economic value ...
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Il Festival delle frontiere trae le sue origini da un festival che ha già visto la realizzazione di diverse edizioni in Italia, nato dalla esigenza di diverse province italiane di conoscersi e di mantenere viva la cultura immateriale che è riconosciuta come bene indissolubile delle diverse comunità umane.Le Province italiane, aderenti al „Comitato Festival delle Province“ costituiscono una rete di ...
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Il progetto si propone di far conoscere i reciproci territori agli eletti, ai tecnici ed ai collaboratori amministrativi di ciascuno dei territori eleggibili riguardo agli aspetti - istituzionali ed amministrativi,- economici e sociali- culturali ed ambientaliLa obiettivo è quello di fornire agli interessati una visione globale delle realtà dei territori al fine di permettere loro, nel quadro deg ...
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Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un piano di promozione congiunta attraverso interventi che garantiscano la conoscenza e la promozione delle risorse dei tre territori, al fine di assicurare una conoscenza degli aspetti distintivi delle tre aree geografiche, con un livello creativo e propositivo tale da suscitare o incentivare elementi di interesse reciproco tra le popolazioni dei tre territ ...
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Il progetto del sistema prevede la possibilità , attraverso l'uso di supporti informatici da interazione porto/porto e porto/cliente, di reperire informazioni relative ai singoli porti della area interessata. I sistemi saranno integrati fra la gestione del porto e gli altri servizi offerti ai clienti (cantiere, meteo, ecc.). In questo modo sarà realizzato un sistema di rete che consentirà al cli ...
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Il progetto prevede il recupero e la promozione delle tradizioni mediterranee dei luoghi accomunati geograficamente dal Mare Nostrum, attraverso la scoperta del territorio, delle sue comuni radici, la rivalutazione dei Giochi Antichi quale memoria della saggezza popolare e quale affermazione della identità socio culturale attraverso lo sport. Il risultato di tale progetto consiste nella acquisizi ...
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