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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2020,

Art Context TerritoryThe IN SITU ACT project is a tool for structuring artistic creation in public space across Europe. Art in public space is a developing discipline which mixes performance, visual and digital arts, creators and local people, artists and audience. It is an artform built around sharing, where involvement is part of the creative act; a contemporary, contextual artform for a broad ...
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Through INOVIA’s project, the mains actors of the higher and vocational education system in Brazil, Costa Rica and Bolivia, will develop adaptative capacities in the field of agrofood processing, in a context of technological, economic and social changes of the sector. The aim will consist with professionalizing the training system and promoting its integration in the productive sector, to enhance ...
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CIRCollaborative TOOLS

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2019,

In a context of strong development of the contemporary circus art sector at European and international level, the cultural structures have in common to experience major changes in terms of work organisation. Because of overall cuts in public funds for culture, we note a steady shift from the traditional hierarchical and pyramidal structuring of the salaried teams towards the development of proj ...
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Manufacturing competitiveness depends largely on its productivity, flexibility and agility to react to market demands. Robots are a key element to achieve such competitiveness, especially if they are able to collaborate with humans in a shared workspace in the shop-floor, creating a co-working partnership. The paradigm for robot usage has changed from an idea in which robots work with complete aut ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The Spur is a project for the creation of a European cooperation network made up of seven cultural organisations that operate on a local and international scale as cultural operators, focusing above all on the field of the visual arts. It has two key objectives: A- To develop innovative projects for building the professional capacities and transnational mobility of creators, in particular visual a ...
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NE©XT Accelerator

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

NE©XT Accelerator: Creates transnational entry routes into international careers for generations of talented emerging artists, enabling them to make a living from creative production; Makes cultural/creative incubators more entrepreneurial, innovative and transnational; Boosts transnational mobility and entrepreneurial learning opportunities for arts graduates, art educators and incubator leaders; ...
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Supporting Communities, Encouraging Potential, NI 2016

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...communities, including children and young people. Involvement in the Family work will include supporting the staff with individual and group work with children and with parent(s).- The Crescent Arts Centre, where the volunteer will facilitate involvement in the arts and introduce creative activities to local communities through the outreach and centre based programme of events and activities- 3 v ...
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Youth Circus in Ireland 2016

Start date: Aug 8, 2016, End date: Nov 7, 2017,

YOUTH CIRCUS IN IRELAND 2016 project will take place at the headquarters of the Galway Community Circus in St Joseph's Community Centre, Shantalla – Galway, Ireland. The EVS placement will last 11 months from 8th September 2016 to 7th August 2017. Galway Community Circus is looking for three volunteers from Belgium, France and Romania. Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles, Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde an ...
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Cirque pour l'Europe/ Circus For Europe

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Located in the southern suburbs of Paris (Bagneux - Hauts de Seine), in the heart of disadvantaged neighborhoods Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde (PPCM) is a center for circus arts and cultures of emerging cultures with educational and social purposes: support for young emerging artists, weekly classes, workshops, summer camps in partnership with social structures, interventions in schools, leisure c ...
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European Social Circus Training

Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Oct 2, 2017,

Social circus is an innovative tool for the education and social inclusion of children, young people and adults with fewer opportunities. Started more than 25 years ago in Europe as a pilot experience, social circus spread and proved its value all over the world. In Europe, approximately 2,500 circus schools offer educational circus activities for people with fewer opportunities, and the partner s ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

« Observer pour mieux construire Europe 2016-1» is a European Voluntary Service project. It has been created by the Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles in collaboration with two sending organisations.In this context, we would like to host in Brussels two volunteers for a 12 months period. The matter of our project is « I am responsible for building the world around me ». As stated previously, every vol ...
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 FINISHED The project consortium consists of 33 structures allowing to: -reach the entire profession practicing at the different levels of education, represented by schools and vocational training centres: secondary/vocational/HE -reflect the artistic excellence and aesthetic diversity, record resulting educational developments through educational tools -mobilize partners with complementary role ...
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Taking off. Youth Work Connection.

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

This project aims to support the cooperation within EuroMed countries, performing a study visit in Morocco, chosen as the right scenario for it, given its stability among arab countries. How are they facing the challenges in youth work in EuroMed countries? The answer will come out not only from Moroccan associations, public agents and experts in the youth field, but also from other countries from ...
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Full Aero-thermal Combustor-Turbine interactiOn Research (FACTOR)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

To achieve lower Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) and CO2/NOx emissions, modern turbomachineries operate at high velocities and high temperature conditions. The lack of confidence in the prediction of combustor-turbine interactions leads to apply extra safety margins on components design. Therefore, the understanding of combustor-turbine flow field interactions is mandatory to preserve High Pressur ...
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Cirque pour l’Europe / Circus for Europe

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Located in the southern suburbs of Paris (Bagneux - Hauts de Seine), in the heart of disadvantaged neighborhoods Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde (PPCM) is a center for circus arts and cultures of emerging cultures with educational and social purposes: support for young emerging artists, weekly classes, workshops, summer camps in partnership with social structures, interventions in schools, leisure c ...
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Circus Trans Formation in Action

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Social circus is an innovative tool for the education and social inclusion of children, young people and adults with fewer opportunities. Started more than 25 years ago in Europe as a pilot experience, social circus spread and proved its value all over the world. In Europe, approximately 2,500 circus schools offer educational circus activities for people with fewer opportunities, and the partner s ...
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Research on youth and social circus pedagogy

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Youth and social circus organisations do not regard circus solely as an art form, but also as a medium for the education of people and the social integration of people with fewer opportunities, with special needs or marginalised (prisoners, old people, immigrants, minority groups,...). It is a universal tool presenting many pedagogical assets. The development of this rapidly growing sector as led ...
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Restez branchés et lâchez prise!

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Focused on training "electricity- electricity-automation" and "mechanics-automation" of the Industry sector, four schools and one CFA of the secondary vocational education, in a consortium with the CCG, will participate in this project and send more or less 90 students, supervised by training professionals, for a three-week course in different countries in Europe. Young beneficiaries are enrolled ...
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Bridges for Youth: Between asphalt and stargazing

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 1, 2015,

BRIDGES FOR YOUTH: Between asphalt and stargazing The name of this project reflects the wish to build bridges between international youngsters by means of circus pedagogy. The related theme "between asphalt and stargazing", chosen by the youngsters themselves, portrays the current situation of young people in the (European) community: They are situated on the hard ground (asphalt) of reality (whic ...
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Circus For Europe - Cirque pour l'Europe

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Located in the south subburban of Paris (Bagneux-Hauts de Seine), in the hart of a disadvantaged area, le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde (PPCM) is center of arts of circus and emerging cultures with pedagogical ans social aims : conmpagning young emerging artists, weekly lessons, workshops, outside camps in partnership with social structures, working with schools, kindergardens and leisure centers, y ...
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Start date: Jul 3, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

The ZEPA 2 project aims to capitalise on the actions carried out in the domain of street arts during the project's first stage by developing professional skills of students, young people and emerging artists and building stronger local partnerships.
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Das Projekt Von Kohle, Stahl, Schweiß und Feuer reiht sich in die bereits in der von der industriellen Krise geprägten Grossregion bestehende Praxis ein, ehemalige Industriestätten in Orte des gemeinsamen kulturellen Erbes umzuwandeln. Das aktuelle Tagesgeschehen (etwa in Florange oder Lüttich) stellen die Möglichkeit oder vielmehr die Notwendigkeit dar, diese Art von Projekten, die bisher lokal b ...
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The EMPhAtiC objective is to develop, evaluate and demonstrate the capability of enhanced multicarrier techniques to make better use of the existing radio frequency bands in providing broadband data services in coexistence with narrowband legacy services. The project will address the Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) application, especially the evolution of the Public Protection & Disaster Relief (P ...
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Circus for Change - a tool for education, health and social development

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

„Circus for Change – a tool for education, health and social development“ is a meeting of professionals that took place from thr 11th to 13th of November 2014 at child- and youth circus CABUWAZI in Berlin, Germany. This three-day seminar gathered professionals in the field of pedagogical work in circus arts in order to have professional exchange, to establish and stimulate long-term and sustainab ...
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KiiCS – Knowledge Incubation in Innovation and Creation for Science – stems from the belief that territoriality nourishes creativity and that local strengths and assets in relation to innovation and creativity should be mobilized to strengthen interactions potential across sectors and disciplines. The aim is to break silos between disciplines and business sectors. KiiCS is a project to experiment ...
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...supercomputing community worldwide has set itself. The Collaborative Research into Exascale Systemware, Tools and Applications project (CRESTA) brings together four of Europe's leading supercomputing centres, with one of the world's major equipment vendors, two of Europe's leading programming tools providers and six application and problem owners to explore how the exaflop challenge can be met. CR ...
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Advanced research and knowledge-based innovation are keys to develop sustainable and globally competitive high-tech industry in high-cost Europe. Early access to front-line research results demands recruitment of, and collaboration between, world-class researchers. Reduction of legal and practical barriers to transnational mobility is then imperative. Interdisciplinary, intersectorial and ge ...
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The PASS project is part of the follow-on from the Channel Circus Arts Alliance project: a project dedicated to the circus arts, approved in the context of the programme which ran from April 2009 to December 2010. This project will enhance accessibility to cultural diversity, whilst sharing values of self-respect and respect of others, to take into account ecology and solidarity in the cultural de ...
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Le but général du projet TRANSCREATIVA est de faire des Industries Culturelles et Créatives (ICC) de l'espace SUDOE une bonne pratique européenne capable de concilier développement économique (transfert de technologie) et cohésion sociale (jeunes au chômage).Les ICC sont ces industries qui combinent la création, la production et la commercialisation de contenus créatifs intangibles pouvant prendre ...
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Caravan Seminar: Circus Trans Formation

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

From the 1st to the 3d July, the Circus School of Brussels (Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles) will host the second CARAVAN seminar CircusTransFormation. This seminar will gather all the youth workers willing to learn pedagogical and methodogical tools so to work in the field of Social Circus for young people with less opportunities. By working in schools and poor suburbs with persons from fragile soc ...
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"The proposed IDIHOM project is motivated by the increasing demand of the European aerospace industries to advance their CFD-aided design procedure and analysis by using accurate and fast numerical methods, so-called high-order methods. They will be assessed and improved in a top-down approach by utilising industrially relevant complex test cases, so-called application challenges in the general ar ...
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...llaborative organization and management of existing and new academy and industry oriented events , d) the evaluation of the impact of dissemination of the project outputs among universities, research centres and industries in the aeronautic/turbomachinery sector. The starting point is the existing network of each partner. The main outcomes of the project are: 1) identification and consolidation of ...
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European Zone of Artistic Projects (ZEPA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

Objectif général : Comme son nom lindique ZEPA (Zone européenne de projets artistiques) vise à favoriser la création et la diffusion de projets dans le domaine des arts de la rue auprès des populations au sein d'une large zone transfrontalière. L'objectif du projet ZEPA est de favoriser l'accès à la culture pour tous et de privilégier les rencontres et échanges entre les artistes et les publics. L ...
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This proposal INTIMIRE concerns the production of fire retardant and flame resistant polyester and polypropylene fibres, films and upholstery end products based on the intumescent flame retardancy concept. These products must give an answer to the evolution in requirements defined in upcoming European norms for upholstered furniture and railway transportation. They also must offer improved durabil ...
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To professionalise the cultural sector, the partners offer trainings in the use of digital technologies for dance, theatre, contemporary music and visual arts professions. The training offer is supplemented by cross-border training courses on sustainable development and biotechnologies. The resulting artistic creations are presented to professionals and the general public.In addition, the partners ...
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Lab-on-chips (LOCs) are microsystems capable of manipulating small (micro to nanoliters) amounts of fluids in microfluidic channels with dimensions of tens to hundreds of micrometers: they have a huge application potential in many diverse fields, ranging from basic science (genomics and proteomics), to chemical synthesis and drug development, point-of-care medical analysis and environmental monito ...
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PHYDYAS proposes an advanced physical layer, using filter bank-based multicarrier (FBMC) transmission, for the new concepts in radiocommunications: dynamic access spectrum management (DASM) and cognitive radio. It shows that the performance and operational flexibility of systems are enhanced by exploiting the spectral efficiency of filter banks and the independence of sub-channels. Combining wit ...
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Enabling Grids for E-sciencE III (EGEE-III)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2010,

A globally distributed computing Grid now plays an essential role for large-scale, data intensive science in many fields of research. The concept has been proven viable through the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE project (EGEE and EGEE-II, 2004-2008) and its related projects. EGEE-II is consolidating the operations and middleware of this Grid for use by a wide range of scientific communities, such as ...
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... be documented through new specially-commissioned travel diaries. Celebrate the actual water sources.• Preserve documents and artworks, old and new, online, at a European “Centre des Sources”.
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" Contre-culture " née dans les quartiers périphériques et multiethniques, les arts urbains (danses urbaines, rap, slam, graff, cirque de rue…), sont devenus en 15 ans une forme d'expression majeure des jeunes à l'échelle planétaire. Quant aux arts du cirque, le développement extraordinaire et également planétaire du Cirque Social a démontré la pertinence de cet outil dans le travail en direction ...
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