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Projet INTENTS - Partenariat Stratégique pour la définition de la profession de professeur en arts du cirque et la reconnaissance de ses compétences
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For the last 40 years, the contemporary circus arts education sector has been evolving towards a professionalization of actors. However, there is still no common definition of the circus arts teaching profession or recognition of its educational paths (initial training, validation of experience/skills acquired during a continuous training) or educational tools despite a growing need. INTENTS aims to address these gaps and needs identified by teachers, directors and policy makers active in the recognition of the profession, training and validation of skills by: -defining a core European profile for the circus arts teaching profession at secondary/vocational/HE levels -developing a thematic continuing training session format based on the 3 pilot sessions -developing innovative educational tools for continuing and initial training -obtaining recognition of the profession definition at national/EU levels -creating methodologies for validating skills acquired during the continuous training -establishing a partnership with intersectoral dynamics between VET & HE, recommendations for national qualification frameworks, and EU tools (ECVET,Europass) These objectives will be achieved by developing methodologies, consultations, training sessions, writing tools, transnational meetings and dissemination events such as: -publication of a core European profile for the circus arts teaching profession (SAVOIRS01) in EN-FR -organization of 3 thematic training pilot sessions focused on educational/artistic/linguistic/informatics skills -evaluation methods through observation and interviews in order to identify learning outcomes and non-formal and informal skills acquired during continuous training -creation of a strategy for future recognition of learning outcomes at sectoral/national/EU in accordance with the national EQF and existing EU tools (EQF-ECVET-EQAVET, Europass, CEDEFOP recommendations). -set up of a continuous training program model incorporating the structuration of programs in learning outcomes/identification/validation of skills, and a methodology of continuous training engineering that can be adapted/multiplied by other sector’s segments (leisure, social) or areas of artistic training -development and dissemination of 3 educational tools in Open Educational Resources in 4 languages EN/FR/ES/DE Strengthening cooperation of several actors: -direct employers of teachers via schools/federations/networks -researchers specialized in defining professions and engineering training -decision-makers with a strong private sector involvement in the definition of its business, its professionalization and the validation of skills -other sectors of living art education (dance/music/theater) providing a definition of core skills for any art teacher. INTENTS will enrich the work on future models of training programs of initial/continuous training. The project consortium consists of 33 structures allowing to: -reach the entire profession practicing at the different levels of education, represented by schools and vocational training centres: secondary/vocational/HE -reflect the artistic excellence and aesthetic diversity, record resulting educational developments through educational tools -mobilize partners with complementary roles -allow for the observation of the entire profession and for training engineering initiated by the sector, but accompanied by research centres and observatories of professions and jobs -policy/local recognition and a systemic impact through the involvement of a national federation of schools, a EU network or national/local policy makers The project will impact on the: -definition of teachers competences and its application in initial training and HR strategies -recognition and valorisation of an entire profession at EU level -higher quality of circus arts vocational training through continuous training, and consultation with employees/employers in particular by addressing skills mismatch between professionals and the market -employability of teachers and relevance to the job market -development and quality of artistic pedagogy in other fields (music/dance/theatre), creativity and quality of the entire circus arts sector -sector's contribution to the definition & evolution of the profession and long-term collaborations with decision-makers at national/EU level
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33 Partners Participants