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Value Intellectual Property for SMEs (VIP4SME)

Start date: Dec 15, 2015, End date: Dec 14, 2019,

The main goal of the VIP4SME project is to sustainably enhance Intellectual Property (IP) support services to SMEs in order to allow them to understand the value of the intellectual capital they create and own, and to define strategies and management practices allowing them to better turn this capital into commercial values and competitiveness. This challenge will be jointly addressed by 31 Nation ...
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The scope of the project is to develop and test methods for designing and implementing innovative and sustainable Strategic Plans for Waste Prevention and Management in various urban contexts that will enhance urban environmental resilience and guarantee progress towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns together with improvements waste recovery and recovered materials use. Ur ...
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Peer Learning Innovation Services (PLIS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Peer Learning Innovation Services – PLIS aims at enabling innovation support institutions in regions across Europe to quickly and effectively develop initiatives that will engage, encourage and aid SMEs to use Service Innovation as a mean to maintaining or increasing competitiveness, profitability and jobs. A technology driven approach has prevailed for addressing innovation assessment. Given it ...
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M.IN.D - Marketing, Internationalization & Development

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The "MIND - Marketing, Internationalization & Development" project aims to: • carry out a process of transnational cooperation to analyse, design, test, validate and disseminate a European framework for the qualification of the Vocational profile of International Marketing Manager to: a) support SMEs to define internationalisation processes to define strategies to choose the foreign country/market ...
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Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Vet-Learners with "Red Book"

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project idea was born from the urgent needs of vocational education&training after long debates.The project team made literature reviews,surveys and analyzes on the project topic.Vocational education&traininng is strikingly important for the future economy and labor force.In Karaman,Turkey,the business market needs more qualified welders,mechanics, technicians and electricians.Within the scope ...
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Iniciativas de Mobilidade Transnacional para Impulsionar a Região

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The general objective of this project , in line with the ET2020 strategy is pursued through a mobility experience that consists of a 4-week / 8-week internship abroad for students of and 3 months for graduates . The program provides for the young participants , placements in enterprises , deepening linguistic , cultural and territorial and sectoral comparison between the various professional tec ...
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The "ruins" of the past to power Europeans' future

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The title of this project is "The "ruins" of the past to power Europeans' future" and it is aimed to experiment a way to contribute to reduce youth unemployment rates and NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) numbers. Hence, a partnership of schools, local authorities and other organisations has been set and the participants agreed on basing the project on Cultural Heritage investigat ...
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enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU (I-KAM2EU)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The proposal aims at providing the two new Enterprise Europe Network services:1) Enhancing SME’s Innovation Management Capacity (EIMC) for innovating SMEs, and2) Key Account Management (KAM) for SME Instrument beneficiaries in the three Italian regions covered by the EEN consortium “SME2EU”: Tuscany, Marche and Umbria.These new services will be provided in an additional but integrated way to the u ...
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MAKEOVER project aims at improving the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises in Triveneto macro-region (Veneto, Trentino South Tirol, Friuli Venezia Giulia), in North Eastern Italy, in order to help in achieving the targets fixed by the Europe 2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. MAKEOVER project fully addresses the challenges of part 7 – Innovation in small and m ...
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Innovation Support Services for SMEs in North West Italy (ALPS.INN3)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The project, whose geographical coverage will be North-West Italy (3 regions : Piemonte Liguria and Valle d’Aosta) aims at implementing a specific framework service for supporting SMEs in the innovation management capacity . The service, delivered through provision of 96 individual companies’ service packages, will be directed to SMEs with international growth potential via product, process servic ...
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INnovation CApacities of Mediterranean Enterprises (INCAME-2)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The project aims to enhance SMEs’ competitiveness and innovation processes management and to improve the regional innovation environment, increasing the efficiency and the effectiveness of investments in research, development and innovation. The project partners will operate in the regions under the EEN BRIDGeconomies consortium: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia and Sicilia. ...
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MObility for Vocational and Educational Training

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project MOVET! (MObility for Vocational and Educational Training) involves the Province of Reggio Emilia, 13 technical and professional high schools of the province, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Chamber of commerce of Reggio Emilia, the main local trade associations, as well as 10 EU hosting partners and, with them, several European SMEs interested in a transnational dimension of the busines ...
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Saídas Europeias Juvenis pela Transformação Territorial

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

This project is aimed at training 54 young people in the Professional School of Torredeita , aiming to address these new needs of regional businesses , contributing to the development of new professional and personal skills of human resources , and increasing business competitiveness . The sectors in which the project focuses are multisectorias and we intend to involve youth in the following areas ...
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VITAL - vocational training for agricultural learners and staff

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

Project VITAL objectives are: - to provide a “learning by doing” vocational training experience to the target group in UE companies representing a sector best practices in terms of innovation and working methods. - to foster an exchange of knowledge in the agriculture sector - to give the chance to the target group to live a professionalizing experience abroad useful to be spent in the Italian an ...
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One of the central ideas underlying European Lifelong Learning policies is that international mobility should become a natural part of education and training schemes. This helps learners to achieve higher qualification levels which are crucial for a successful first step into the labour market or for career improvements. The EU Member States are fully committed to helping young people take advanta ...
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Young Learners Mobility – YoulMob

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

South Tuscany believes in tranational mobility as a necessary and winning lever to PROMOTE THE FULL EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP, as well as to enhance and achieve its own goals of COMPETITIVENESS AND INNOVATION of the economic and local production as part of an INCLUSIVE GROWTH, because knowledge is the real wealth of people. The territory of South Tuscany needs young Europeans open to discussion, who c ...
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Providing Active Skills for Tourism

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

In the context of the global economic crisis and of the employment crisis, the tourism sector is one of the few areas showing a countertrend. The most recent data (European Commission) indicate that the tourism industry in Europe shows an increase of 5% in the first half of 2013, confirming Italy in second place among the most visited countries. In our country, the sector provides employment to 11 ...
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Training, Human Resource, European Education

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The THREE Project is set in a geographical context - called the Bassa Padovana area, in the Venetian region-, characterized by an economy continuously suffering from the shortage of job occupation due to the financial and economic crisis. What is more, really radical historical and cultural conditionings and the permanence of gender and ethnic stereotypes make difficult to change behaviours and or ...
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The objective of the proposal is to provide a new Enterprise Europe Network service to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Lombardy and in Emilia-Romagna.EEN partners in the two regions will deliver Key Account Mangement services to the beneficiaries of the SME Instrument of Horizon 2020 and will support particularly promising SMEs to improve their capacity to manage innovation ...
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In the 3 regions covered by ALPS EEN Consortium (Piemonte, Liguria and Valle d’Aosta), the project will provide a new service enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs to two specific groups of SMEs:- Beneficiaries of the SME Instrument- SMEs with significant innovation activities and a high potential for internationalisation.The main goal of the project is to support SMEs innovation ma ...
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Agriculture in the European Union faces some serious challenges in the coming decades:competition for water resources, rising costs, competition for international markets, changes in climate and uncertainties in the effectiveness of current European policies as adaptation strategies. Greenhouse production appears as an alternative to face some of the upcoming challenges. In 2009, the surface dedic ...
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The strategic overall objective of this project is to produce the highly innovative product in the Solar Thermal market segment, the All Glass Mid Temperature Direct Flow Thermal Solar Vacuum Tube (SOLEGLASS in the future text). That will be achieved by combining the latest cutting edge technology developments in Solar Thermal and Glass industries and the comprehensive and focused research activit ...
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The port and industrial and environmental risk management (SAFEPORT)

Start date: Apr 13, 2011, End date: Apr 12, 2014,

The project promotes the development of strategies and / or joint plans for the prevention and reduction of environmental and industrial hazards in the port areas of Ravenna, Chioggia, Venice and Monfalcone, Nogaro, Trieste and Koper, facilitating the harmonization of systems and methodologies for environmental protection between the ports of the Adriatic. ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

Can you imagine that everyone (including every business) could write on the walls of a street? That is what DIGITAL GRAFFITI will be a proxy for. It will enable content originators to write on the walls and leave messages for others. Many will be able to write on the same walls. Users that want to read messages will do so with a filter so that only the “GRAFFITI” they are interested in are shown t ...
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PROCEED focuses on the communication and dissemination of environmental research results and practices originating in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) towards industry, policy makers and public and private research centres (including Academia),with the aim to enhance the uptake of research results and foster the participation of CEEC in EU-funded research projects through S&T cooperat ...
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The central theme of the project Tourisme Environnement Ports recreational boating and its development, in particular through the networking of the marinas and the adoption of innovative tools to enhance the attractiveness of the tourist port and dry port and increase the environmental sustainability of ports.The project involves all partner regions of Italy-France Maritime Crossborder Programme b ...
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Simple Procedures Online for Crossborder Services (SPOCS)

Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

Description A European project to ease the administrative burden of businessesSimple Procedures Online for Cross-border Services (SPOCS) is a pilot project launched by the European Commission which aims to remove the administrative barriers European businesses face in offering their services abroad. SPOCS is expected to further enhance th ...
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The pace of technological change is accelerating. Radical discontinuities seem to happen more frequently. This means that the useful lifespan of knowledge and capability is becoming shorter and that the obsolescence of knowledge/capability is increasingly the norm in innovation. For incremental innovation, specialisation is a winning strategy, but radical innovation requires an interdisciplinary a ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

Parte ambientale del PIT PORTS RIVIERA. Si fissa come obiettivi specifici il bilancio, la valorizzazione e lo sviluppo della qualità ambientale dei porti turistici nella zona litorale transfrontaliera. Il progetto si basa su uno studio comparativo di numerose esperienze transfrontaliere e all’estero sulla gestione ambientale, il che si concretizza con la definizione di una norma europea comune, d’ ...
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Frequency Agile Microwave Bonding System (FAMOBS)

Start date: Nov 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

The cost of packaging in microelectronics is around 30% of total production costs, but this is rising at an alarming rate due to the increasing consumer demand for smaller and smarter portable electronic devices. In micro-systems, the costs of packaging can be up to 80% of total production costs. Technological advances to reduce packaging costs are therefore of pivotal importance to maintain the c ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2012,

The exploitation of the territories also passes through the enhancement of specificity and local culture. Many events are organized on the territory, but have limits on expansion, due to their inability to make themselves visible or accessible to a wider audience broad or overlap between them. Create a collaborative network among operators, from a chain that has been able to create events of g ...
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It aims at strengthening the competitiveness of the productive system of the Insubria, promoting a process of cooperation and integration between businesses in the north and south of border, through the activation of a collaboration between business and universities in the region border as part of the energy savings, both in production processes, which techniques in the construction of buildin ...
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"EPISODE’s goal is to maximize the regional benefits of Structural Biology Research Infrastructures in NMR and associated technologies for the economic development of the pharma/biotech industries in Tuscany, Berlin-Brandenburg and beyond. As traditional Structural Biology research moves towards new horizons, a major goal has become a systemic view of Life, implying a change of focus from single ...
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Innovation Community Como-Ticino per l'innovazione d'impresa

Start date: Feb 28, 2009, End date: Feb 27, 2011,

The project aims to promote the development and competitiveness of the cross-border territory Province of Como and the Canton Ticino, leveraging both technological innovation business as a primary tool for achieving the above objectives in developed countries and high labor costs, which are now Italy and Switzerland. In particular, the project aims to create a single, organic and sustainable c ...
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The lack of models for technology transfer at nanotechnology developments is of increasing concern for the sector. This CSA will fulfil this gap providing guidelines for technology transfer and rules for IPR and license agreements in nanotechnology developments. To achieve these objectives, a consortium is formed by: 1) Key European research centres in different areas of nano and converging techno ...
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Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Le projet PAMEL@ a pour ambition daffirmer lIdentité Economique de lArc Méditerranéen Latin et de rendre lisibles les enjeux du développement économique de son territoire, en sappuyant sur les possibilités de communication apportées par les Technologies de lInformation. Il doit permettre de déployer la réflexion et lanalyse sur la réalité économique de lArc méditerranéen latin en sintéressant en p ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Ce projet est axé sur le riz cultivé dans les terres deau italiennes, françaises, espagnoles et grecques en tant que produit dexcellence absolue, au niveau mondial, et de typicité exclusive sur le plan agronomique européen. Un riz qui caractérise une civilisation que le projet souhaite de faire découvrir et valoriser à travers une approche touristique durable. Il existe, en effet, la possibilité c ...
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Biodegradable Materials for Sustainable agriculture and tourism (BIOMASS)

Start date: Oct 15, 2004, End date: Oct 14, 2007,

Background As with many areas of the Mediterranean, agriculture and tourism are important for the economy of the Liguria Region. Both industries, however, have an impact on the environment in terms of waste. The agriculture sector produces quantities of plastic waste, while the amount of waste generated by tourism and disposed in landfills has risen signi ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Jul 8, 2006,

Il progetto mira a realizzare attivià di supporto ed assistenza allo sviluppo istituzionale, per accrescere le competenze e il know how del partenariato e delle comunià locali, in un ottica di cooperazione transfrontaliera allo sviluppo. Achievements: Il consolidamento ...
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S.I.M.T : Integrated System of Territorial Marketing (S.I.M.T)

Start date: Oct 29, 2002, End date: Oct 29, 2004,

« S.I.M.T » sintéresse à la protection du territoire et à la valoristion de son identité culturelle afin de garantir un tourisme durable et de qualité. Le projet entend mettre en oeuvre, par le biais dun système de marketing, un instrument de support aux politiques des régions de lespace Medocc vouées au développement dun tourisme durable. Pour cela, le projet met en relation lactivité dobservatio ...
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